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Hey BB, I don't have any tail pieces anymore but I do have sweet newly powdercoated engine side cases/primary and stuff. Anything you need? I'd be happy to clear out the "extra XB parts" box for ya:)

Thanks coot, but fortunately none of those peices got skinned up. I will keep you in mind if I'm ever in need of them though thank you!

I woke up today to a freezing 37 degrees, and the high today is only going to be only going to be 61. Luckily tomorrow the high is 70! Brrrrr!!!! :black_eyed:

Haha.... we got 7 inches of snow last night, it was 11*degrees @5am when I started clearing the snow that drifted in my driveway higher than the shoot on my snow blower. I may as well order a ski and track for this thing the way it's going!
Haha.... we got 7 inches of snow last night, it was 11*degrees @5am when I started clearing the snow that drifted in my driveway higher than the shoot on my snow blower. I may as well order a ski and track for this thing the way it's going!

What is snow? Is that the stuff the machines at the ski resorts make? :tongue-new:

I lived in Milwaukee for a VERY short while back in January, years ago. Before I moved, people told me it was cold, and my response was a cavalier "yeah, yeah... I've been skiing before, whatever"

O.M.F'n.G I have never been so cold in my whole life. I dont know how you guys can do it.
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Think that will fit on my heritage?
Update on Erika. (Get it?). I've got a pair of used seat rails on the way, so after a little primer and paint I'll have the tail figured out. Well, I guess I still need to get a taillight, but minor details.
I started doing some inspection of the bike and found the drive belt to be very loose, so I've been working with John (thanks John! ) on sorting that out. Unfortunately nothing obvious seems to be the culprit so far.
Also got the forks removed so I can take them to my friend from high school that is the service writer at loess hills HD and has been working in one form or another in the MC industry since we graduated. Can't pass up parts @ cost and 20% discount on labor.
Oh... I did manage to get 2 little things finished. I cleaned the wrap off the header and gave it a quick polish. And painted the d&d pipe.
Pics for proof ;) and a video of the belt isssue.
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Yes, it pretty spacious for a bike shop. That's because it's the body shop/dealership I work @. The GM was nice enough to let me keep the bike there and let me work on it in my spare time. Otherwise my bikes are in my old rickidy shed during riding season and in my walk basement in the winter. I've ran out of space in the basement so i was glad i could keep the bike @ work!
I'm going to date myself here but, in 1970, I bought a 650 Bonneville, that winter I took the whole bike apart and chopped it, I had parts all over the place, some in the garage some in the basement, and, some on the front porch, mom got a little pissed about that but my uncle who owned the house and lived up stairs was really cool about it. He used to be a Harley and Indian rider. Grandma GAVE his bikes away !, while he was in the hospital recovering from an accident on one of his bikes ! His reaction upon returning home from the hospital and finding his bikes gone was, "aww mom, did you have to give the Indian away too" one did not mess with Grandma !
As I get older I find work space is very important, mostly because I can't find stuff.
Things are moving along. Got all my tail pieces fit, primed, and painted. Hoping to have the tail all together by the end of the weekend... I guess I still need a taillight.
If anyone wants what's left of the old rails let me know. They might work for mock up or maybe repair them or something custom? Anyone who wants them can have them for shipping. Pics of progress and broken rails:

Broken rails: 20190201_095114.jpg20190201_095110.jpg
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