Little update on Erika. We're finally getting some upper 50 degree weather here so I actually got a chance to ride this thing. First ride was around the parking lot @ work last friday. When I found that the front brake pads had absorbed enough fork oil to make the front brake completely worthless. So, got that all fixed up on Tuesday (thanks John for the pads and the speedy shipping).
Yesterday was about 57* and sunny so I left work a little early. Rode around beding in the brakes and breaking in the new belt for a little while(10 miles) then filled her up with fresh fuel and headed out of town. Only did about 40 miles. Ran great for the most part. Some hanging idle and occasional stumbles @ idle so i think intake seals are in my near future. Also got a CEL on when I got back in to town, but still running well. I should be able to at least pull the code this weekend. It also seems like the fan runs a lot more than it did on my Ulysses, but my guess is because of not having a RSS, may be part of the CEL issue too, not sure yet. So all in all, a good first ride... Nothing fell off, It still has all of its oil where its supposed to be, and I didnt have to walk home!