What's on your keyring with your buell key?

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Just another key to my music studio, thats all. Too much stuff bangs around in the wind and knicks the forks
I got a cool keyring (for free) from TechSpec when I ordered the Gripster pads for my XB12s. It's a small piece of the material they use, neatly cut into a perfect size/shape for a keyring. Big enough to not lose the key, small enough to fit in your pocket, and soft material which isn't going to scratch up the bike.
Nothing! :p

I bought a Buell one but it hit the forks so it's now a decoration.
just a serini harley davidson rubber thing that was on it when i bought it. i dont like a lot of stuff on my key rings.
got my key hooked to ..... well nothing. I hate having extra stuff on my keys. Even my keys for my truck only has my truck, house, and mailbox keys.

Oh and a skydive pin from my jump last year, but that's my truck set. Bike has nothing.


And the Buell key chain that came with the bike

And up till last week the clear plastic shields that were given out two years or so ago at homecoming (it broke ...)
Plastic #1 shaped key chain that says calihans, it's a local guy that sells race fuel. Just something so I don't lose it and it's not heavy. I wouldn't mind having a rubber buell keychain tho
"Remove Before Flight" soft fabric tag so it doesn't mark anything up when its flying around while riding.
3 years ago when my son was 7 he made me a good luck key fob and I carry it on every ride.
House key and this cool tiny cylinder with a $20 bill in it for emergencies.
My grandmother gave it to me when I got my drivers license a long time ago, luckily I can say I still have the same $20 bill in it!

You gotta fold the bill up real small and have to take the key ring off to open it up.
See engraved my name in it.
She has something similar with a bill that's over 40 years old still in it.
My buell key is on a clip with the rest of my keys. when I comes of the hook to ride, there is nothing else on it, not even a ring. I hate scratches[mad]