Wheelie Help

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Im not able to do power wheelies, Im not sure if its because im 225 lbs and leaning to much on the bars or if something is wrong with my bike. I seriously can dump the at 7-8k in 1st at 40mph and the front end comes up less than a foot. Im going to try and transfer my wight further back.

Trust me if It would do power wheelies I would not be posting id be out riding.

Maybe my suspension? I walked at 2012 cobra so i figured the power is there and Im not doing it right.
You're asinine? Or just an ass. Maybe you haven't rode an 1125r. They are powerful. I weigh about 155lb. I crank the throttle. The back tire spins out. That's just how it is. Sorry if you do not agree.
me 255ish,listen to the engine,practice feeling where the power is(the footstroke) you gotta have the engine wound up some.keep practicing it will come,look for a little bump on the street,and use the bicycle method I described above,On the dirtbike,I always looked for a little bump,and when I hit it with the front tire,I did the bicycle method,
You're asinine? Or just an ass. Maybe you haven't rode an 1125r.
Oh no im for sure an ass, ask most of these jerks here theyll agree.

I see it this way, 1125 has a 180 rear tire, short wheel base plenty of torque. I dint care how much you weigh, you could be off the thing rev to 10k drop the clutch, its gonna ******* loop. So if youre breaking traction under acceleration in a straight line, you must be doing something wrong and should sell your 1125 to somebody who can actually handle it, oh wait thats what you did!!!
I'm 170-180 in full gear, rode my buddy's 1125, cracked it about half throttle and almost flipped it rolling about 35... the power is there.
I understand his statement about the back tire spinning out, it is true. But only for one go is it true, you warm that tire up and the bike will come up. Even if you are fat and short just warm it up, crack the throttle, pull back and hold on.
Yeah crash is an ass lol but he is right. If your 1125 is breaking traction then something is wrong. That bike should take the front up every time before it breaks the rubber loose. Didn't think of this before but I'd assume you are on pavement? As in a road?? Because I could see that on some blacktop surfaces as they are often significantly slicker than your average road.

It really Has nothing to do with how much you weigh. As far as rider weight goes its all about body positioning.

And no you do not have to wind the bike up very high. Understand that every bike is different but my 1125's Sweet spot kicks in right around 4.5k. Cruise around in second gear around 4k, accelerate slightly, drop the throttle, forks compress, lean back slightly and blip the throttle. Viola. The front comes up on its own.
And no you do not have to wind the bike up very high. Understand that every bike is different but my 1125's Sweet spot kicks in right around 4.5k. Cruise around in second gear around 4k, accelerate slightly, drop the throttle, forks compress, lean back slightly and blip the throttle. Viola. The front comes up on its own.

Your issue is your throttling.

Youre gonna destroy your clutch you keep at that non-sense. STOP IT!!!

As a rider i suggest you stop trying to wheelie. But cause you asked, the answer is feel out your power band a little first off, youll know where the power starts anything beyond that you can do a wheelie from besides the last 1000 rpm. At the time you want to actually perform the wheelie you must accelerate forward into your power band let off throttle just enough to load the engine up (engine braking) then snap the throttle then roll the throttle open, this is a half second manuever. what your doing wrong is snapping the throttle holding it at partial throttle instead of opennig it up and carrying the wheel up. you must must accelerate through the wheelie to your balance point (a whole other side of this wheelie thing) screw the bouncing crap, that only comes into play higher gears higher speeds.
accelerate to where you feel it begin to pull, then let off until it brakes itself down .5-1k, then as you sit back and crack it open full throttle.
Timing is key but im pretty sure that im lacking power. I figure if i can get the wheel up off the ground, why is it coming back down before it let off the throttle.

If in fact dont have a power issue then the bike should come up with much less effort, since others can do power wheelies. I have tried all through the powerband and nothing. 1st gear ups should not be so hard it feels like im trying to bring up a 250.

my bike has just under 2k on it.
Wear some gear, bro.

I wear jeans and Icon back/ chest protector, helmet and gloves. If im out riding in traffic and Highways ill throw on the jacket but not for fail wheelie practice.
Yes, because attempting wheelies is the safest thing you can do on a bike. No chance whatsoever of wiping out there!

Put on your gear.

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