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I can comment on this with some experience. On an 1125 its real easy to f up the throttle with the airbox gasket. First 7 months I whined about mine not standing up. It was only getting 34% instead of 100% because the airbox gasket bound it up.
Since I discovered that lil problem and fixed it now forks have become an issue as you can NOT keep the front down period! My cr will stand up with no clutch at will 1st to 3rd. Thanks for the help Mr. Adams
Check the tps. See if the tps is 100. If not there's your problem. Reset tps. Order new fork seals, upgrade insurance to full coverage.
Any 1125 running correctly will loop easily 1st or second. Mine would come up but after 5grand it had nothing. Sounds similar. If not he's just a pus, if he clutches it hard after getting 100% he'll only do it once! ;)
I hate reading these threads !!!! Anyone that want to learn how to do wheelies,please buy a dirt bike or atv and go beat the heck out of them in a open field . I know I shouldn't have to say this but please WEAR GEAR
So I looked under the air filter cover and the gasket seal is fine. However i dont know if my tps is 100%

Can I check that at home?

When I twist the throttle to wide open the butterflies only open around 70%. I dont know if thats an electronic choke or even a vacuum issue. I can move them to wide open but I dont know if they open full to 100% when the bike is at operating temp and running.
I think I diagnosed that one pretty good. Enter diagnostic mode, check tps. Its not 100 or butterfly's would open. Its bound on the linkage. Once you have it handled, do a tps reset and then be very very careful your first time exploring your new & insanely fast buell!
There is still a huge flaw in your throttle technique, almost certain thats your problem. All through your video you snap the throttle to a set location and expect it to just zip up to balance point. You must snap the throttle and continue to roll it more open.... Until you fall back and rash yourself real nice.
Buy some gear, take it to a track. Learn to keep the front down. That will teach you how to bring it up without a doubt.
Sadly no tracks in NW Arkansas. Lost of twisties though.

How do I get to diagnostic mode? Is that an 09 cluster feature? I have an 08'
I got the linkage un-bound so they open up 100% now. It was the blow-by hose rubbing the linkage. How do I reset the Throttle Position Sensor?
How do I get to diagnostic mode? Is that an 09 cluster feature? I have an 08'
Push both the mode and toggle buttons at the same time. With them held down, turn the key on. Diagnostic mode.
Im at 2% closed and only 87% WFO.

I tried some directions from badweb but stays the same. I would like to get to 100% if anyone knows how. I have an electrical diagnostic book Ill dive into tonight.


On a good note, fixing the linkage has really made a huge difference. Now I have to focus on keeping the front end down. Its like a different bike. [up] Thanks for all of the good advice.
Glad you got it figured out, I could only scratch my head when you said you couldn't get the front up.....[up]

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