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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Hello Peoples.
Firstly, I'm new to this site and I'm new to Buells. Purchased a Buell XB12S and still new to the machine. Curious to see what the rest of you who have upgraded to different pipes could tell me and what you think between Jardine, Micron & Drummer slip-ons?
I have checked out the comparison check done on the American Sport Bike site and although its pretty in-depth i would like to hear from you who have done the changes.
I'm not really mechanically orientated, in my job i start the machines and point them in the right direction, so this will be a learning experience for me as well.
Also, is it just straight forward to slip on a new pipe or do you have to make mods to the engine as well?
Look forward to hearing advice.
Thanks in advance.
I just sent some pics in of my Jardine on my 06' Buell XB 12ss. The admin should be posting them soon under the topic "exhausting decision". It looks awesome and sounds great. ( my neighbors are complaining already:D ) I didn't do anything else except added a servo emulator, which replaces the servo that you have to cut off when you go to an aftermarket exhaust. Some people are telling me to get a race ecm with the proper fuel maps for my setup, but from what I've been told the stock ecm will re-program itself for the new pipe. And it has. It ran like crap for the first few miles, but is running like a champ now[up]. Everyone has their own opinion on what mods are the best so check around on the forums. This is by far the best site I've found for info on Buells, the people here are great, and very knowledgeable, and will answer any question that you ask.

And welcome to the forums!!
Hey dozer. I've decided to go with the Jardine XB12s. I should have it in a week or so. Was the switch easy to do on your ss? Does it come with the servo emulator? When I called Jardine they we're vague about how many miles before repacking. Did they tell you anything more specific?
Had to get the servo emulator separate, around $50.00 if I remember right. They were vague with me as well as to how often it needs repacking, I've heard anywhere between 3k and 5k miles. I guess it depends on your riding style.
As far as installing it well....first thing I did was look at the instructions they sent, smiled, then threw them away [smirk]. It was telling me to remove the belt tension pulley and oil lines and a bunch of other BS. The hardest part was removing the factory pipe. You will need some socket extensions, and a small metric bit, I cant remember the size:( ( talk about vague but you will see what I mean lol ) The funniest thing I thought was the fact that they wanted you to disconnect the oil line, the only reason I saw for it was to take off the 2 rear screw clamps on the back of the pipe. Just unscrew them all the way till they come apart and slide them around the line, DOH!!! This is taking too long....mail me if you run into problems:D and should have some pics up soon.
Thanks for the replys.
Firstly, what is repacking and why would it have to be done??
What is the servo emulator and what does it do, as you can see i'm learning this as a newbie, i'm used to just sitting on the bikes and riding and not worrying about this stuff.
Thanks for the additional help.
Ok, in your factory exhaust there is a butterfly valve that opens and closes via an electronic servo control. When you use an aftermarket exhaust the valve and controls are no longer used. An emulator fools the ecm into thinking its still connected, basically to keep your engine light from coming on.

As far as repacking i've heard different things, and am not sure what exactly will happen if you dont repack it. Some people say your exhaust will just get louder. Others say that the fiberglass packing can come loose over time and sort of break off and clog inside your pipe. Possibly creating a back pressure issue. The pipe should be ok for at least 3k-5k miles i've been told. So for now i'm riding and listening for it to get louder which it has a bit. If one day i'm riding and it sounds loads quieter, well....i'll be checking the pipe for a blockage I guess:p
I heard that if the can is not repacked when it should be, the shell strength is compromised because of the heat and rivits will start to come loose. I dont know how valid that is. I'm a newbie as well when it comes to tinkering with these bikes. My yosh pipe on my R6 just slipped on and I forgot about it. I never heard anything about repacking. Anyway...all the people on this site are great for all kinds of questions. I'm curious what states everyone lives in though. The only reason is I never see anyone with Buells in MD. Thats part of the reason I chose to get one in the first place. When I rode my R6...three people I rode with had one.
From www.americansportbike.com think it was about $48.00 I saw it once on the site but couldn't find it again, I know they have it you may have to call and ask.
This is the best site I have found. They did a shootout on every exhaust. Download the file and it has data sheets with sounds clips for every exhaust

im going with the drummer ,i should have it in and on at on by monday , ill let you know how i like it!
How long was the turn around from when you sent it in and to getting it back.
Was the pipe easy to get off or not?
well turn around for me is going to be a little over a week because when i sent it kevin was in the middle of moving his shop. as far as the removal , it was fairly simple , kevin has instructions on his sight kdfab.com .
For those using the Drummer pipes, apart from cost and look is there a preference out there between the stock modification or buying the SS/CF version???
The stock mod that Kevin does is just for more noise. If you want performance you will need to get the Drummer SS.
Heres a question....... What actually goes in to making an exhaust? Reason i ask is i just remembered an exhaust i saw on a car years ago called a cherry bomb ( sounded Great). Basically looked like a slip-on pipe just like what you have for bikes. Now i looked at their website and they still make them... called GLASSPACK

WHAT IF it was possible with slight mod to fit the 2 in 1 pipe at the bottom, slip one of these on. Would the ECM accept it just like a regular slip-on or would it screw up the engine.
Just tried to hit that link i posted and it wouldn't work...sorry about that. Just type cherrybomb.com, click on products then glasspack.
Probably would work. On sporttwin.com a guy made his own pipe out of 2 ten inch glasspacks. It took some fab work on his end but I guess it works. He posted videos on youtube of it.
SO how has that drummer worked out for you? I'm looking to going the same direction. If you have put it on yet; apart from installing it, what else did you have to do or add to the bike to make sure it all worked out? Just wanted to get as much information before i jump in..cheers mate
just got the dummer in today , installation was a snap !!! when i started it up the hair on my arm stood up it sounded awsome !! i did not have to make any other changes just put the exhaust on and go . i ran it for about 10 minutes it is running fine . kevin told me to run it at around 3000 to 3500 rpms for the first couple of runs to give the ecm time to adjust. im gonna run it for about 20 to 30 minutes tomorrow and let u know how it goes!!