This weather is miserable. I had a horrible time with ECMspy last fall, and I think I finally got it all sorted last night and now I've just gotta sit and stare at my bike for at least a month and a half more until I can see how the bike runs. Next winter I'm sticking to mods that I can see.
I'd also love a bike for riding in the snow. I'll have a motard by next winter, so I'll be much more willing to pull it out on a random day if the temperature goes up a few degrees, but I'd also love to have something really small with knobbie tires so even if the roads are covered in snow I could take it for a quick run around town. If it feels like it's gonna slip I could just leave my feet on the ground, and as long as it's light enough to drag it out of the snow if it gets stuck, I'd be set.