WHO'S FROM TEXAS!!!!!!??????????

Buellxb Forum

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tomorrow - we ride !!!!!
Looking at the map, I'm going to meet y'all at the Chevron. Nothing like a nice spirited ride while everyone else is at work!!!:D
Looking at the map, I'm going to meet y'all at the Chevron. Nothing like a nice spirited ride while everyone else is at work!
i thought you were meeting me at the entrance to my subdivision at 12:30 ??
Wouldn't mind planning a trip to Hot Springs, AR when it cools down. Some of the best roads and relatively close to home. :)

Can you imagine 20+ Buells roaring through the Ozark Mountains? :D
I just moved down from the ozarks. Some of the best twisties in sw mo and north AR. Hard to find corners around Dallas.
Wd40, my bung hole would be on fire riding all the way up there lol !!!

That's what my F150 is for, taking care of the 'slab' in comfort and style...and to haul home any broken bits of bike or human :D
That's what my F150 is for, taking care of the 'slab' in comfort and style...and to haul home any broken bits of bike or human
NICE !!!!

i'll bring my truck too !!!!

Bunch of misfits and buelligans is what it looks like! :D

Good to see forum members getting out for a ride! [up]
JWXB12r....... That's a nice bike you have. I'm jealous of the bigbore kit. It sounded mean as **** once we jumped it off. Did you get a new battery?
Freak are you from Houston or jsut spend time there? I was thinking you were from Greenville?
Im all over the place.... Lol. I lived in Greenville and still pay rent..... But I'm getting a divorce. Now I'm living at my best Freinds house in Forney