WHO'S FROM TEXAS!!!!!!??????????

Buellxb Forum

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Feel free to message me if you live in SA or Austin,I visit Austin a lot. I went to Austin this weekend and the neighbor of the place I stayed at had a Buell. Stayed on lake Travis near Hudson bend
Found Bueller in E. Dallas on Garland rd. Sunday any one here?

I thought my bike got stolon!! Was getting gas for my bomb Sunday, around 12:30 and low and behold as I look up I see my bike drive by.

Being a less common bike and the same model 07-09 Black n' red firebolt I thought mine had just been stolon from my backyard.
As I rushed home to see, I ran into said guy leaving my neighbourhood. Wasn't my bike thankfully. But did freak me out for a min. This guy had stock muffler or a 9 and had a black primary cover. I didn't get a look at the dude but he was in a shirt and shoes....At least he had a helmet.
Rogue4 and GNRSM8 there are three or four of us in Georgetown who ride with the Hellbuellies. The main group meets weekly just south of downtown Austin but us northern guys are thinking of doing our own meets at Hardtails in G-town, two more riders would definitely make it worthwile. Let me know if you're interested and I'll get contact info. Same for anyone else that wants to hang out north or south.

Sounds nice ovals, im off on the weekends and having a weekend to spare would be good. Where is hardtails and is it like a hooters or ??
Spotted a red XB9R outside Walmart at 75 and Spring Creek in Plano around 7:45pm. Had some damage on the right side.
Stationed in Wichita falls now, from Ft Worth and headin up north of Mckinney to pick up an 04 xb12s on saturday!![up][up][up]
Stationed in Wichita falls now, from Ft Worth and headin up north of Mckinney to pick up an 04 xb12s on saturday!!

livin in ft worth, was in the 322nd. i miss it but im sure it keeps u busy. do they still have the hotter'n hell 100? in the falls? i'd be next to'em on the buell. lol

04 xb12 is cool bike. 1st year for some upgrades from 03. still might need upgrades depending on previous owner. ECMspy is a must for 03-07 models. good luck with the bike.
Stationed in Wichita falls now, from Ft Worth and headin up north of Mckinney to pick up an 04 xb12s on saturday!!

North of McKinney to pick up a 12s? Is it a forum member? I'm just north of McKinney in Sherman?
Its in Mellisa, it was posted on the forum a couple days ago. but i found it on craigslist last week. Offered the guy a couple rangers tickets to hold it for me until i could get into town.

@07bolt yeah they still have that race every year. it makes getting on and off base impossible lol
i'm sure there HAS to be people from Houston - didn't see any on the last 2 pages......
looks like we're gonna have @ 4 Buellers going on a short little run tomorrow !!!!!

if you're from Houston and want to attend, we'll be meeting at the Chevron gas station on 99 and Crabb River Road.

if you're coming south on 59, exit 99/Crabb River Road. make a left and the Chevron is on the left at the first light.

kickstands up at 1PM.....

PM me for more details.....

1. myself
2. TXSandman
3. wd40oz
4. my buddy who does not post with the 1125R
5. reserved :D
6. reserved :D

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