Wrecked my XB12 today

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So, you think a four year degree would've made the difference? I know plenty of people with degrees who are idiots.
Yeah, but Bush didn't attack the media for being critical of his decisions. Keep in mind, I didn't vote for Bush in either election, but I'm convinced at this point, that not only was he better than Obama but that Obama is Bush's Last Laugh.. [smirk]
Dude I am sorry about your wreck and the circumstances, but you seriously need to break the bong. A four year degree doesn't make a better cop. I have over 12 years of law enforcement experience, not just working the road, but corrections, close protection and combat, yet I don't have a bachelor's degree. Next the four degree won't be good enough and you'll be demanding master's degrees. You think a college education will make him more simpathetic to motorcycling?
A good education' might' help...or maybee not...
GHOST my friend, if that's your biggest gripe against Obama ,that's NOTHING compared to the shrub!
Anyways ,not to make this a political thread,let's just agree to disagree ,my friend.Maybee the next time I come down to socal to visit ,we can have a beer over it:)

That's your injured baby?
I can't quite make out the full extent of the damage but I've got a nice dent too on the right side of my frame,right where the frame pucks now go.its a little more character,if the frame is straight you should still be ok-someone mentioned to me that the metal is now fatigued & may tear over time from the vibration of the v-twin.
It's been over a year &a half of hard riding with no issues.
Good luck mate,let us know how it goes.I hope you show that ego with a badge how wrong be is! ;)
A good education' might' help...or maybee not...
GHOST my friend, if that's your biggest gripe against Obama ,that's NOTHING compared to the shrub!
Anyways ,not to make this a political thread,let's just agree to disagree ,my friend.Maybee the next time I come down to socal to visit ,we can have a beer over it:)

That's your injured baby?
I can't quite make out the full extent of the damage but I've got a nice dent too on the right side of my frame,right where the frame pucks now go.its a little more character,if the frame is straight you should still be ok-someone mentioned to me that the metal is now fatigued & may tear over time from the vibration of the v-twin.
It's been over a year &a half of hard riding with no issues.
Good luck mate,let us know how it goes.I hope you show that ego with a badge how wrong be is! ;)
Dang bro, hate to hear all that crap. What a sucky way to start out a new year. Hope you get you're bike back up and running and good luck in the pursuit of justice.
Damn man, dont you just love the reputation. Oh, you were on a bike, you must have been speeding, pshh. Some law enforcement are just on a power trip man. The beautiful thing is you have every right to prove him wrong, and nothings better than beating a cop in the judicial system. Sorry to hear, hope everything works out, and let us know what happens.
I did have the Buell Frame pucks and as you can see the one that took the impact did little to protect the frame, it actually obliterated and came off of the bike completely, it was laying in the street. The Frame completely collapsed right where the frame puck was. Not to say they aren't valuable, but I'm just not sure what difference it made. I probably will not be fixing the bike. More than likely I am going to give it to a bike dealer/custom wheel maker friend of mine. Obviously the frame will need to replaced and possibly the swing arm. He takes bikes apart like I change batteries in my remote control.. So he'll be the person to fix it and probably sell it and I'll pick something out of his lineup. I've had my eye on 2 customized Vance & Hines Nightsters he has at his shop and I'll probably switch to one of those. I've had 2 Buells and a VRod now, and I think at 40 years old I'm up for a little more of a Cruiser type bike. Especially since my wife was crying when she had to come pick me up yesterday.. I know after having the VRod that had I been on the VRod I wouldn't have gone over the handlebars and I probably would've been less aggressive in how I was riding which may have allowed me to stop completely and avoid the accident. I rode the Vrod much more conservatively because I knew it was less maneuverable. That's probably what I need to go back to. My son's are 3 and 7 years old and I don't want them to deal with serious injury or death.. plus I'd like to see them grow up.. So I'll probably be a boring Old Cruiser from now on.. Thanks for the Support Buellers.. I'll never forget my Buell's.. Have a great New Year. [up]
Update - Spoke with the attorney and the insurance today - basically, I only had comprehensive & liability so nothing is covered - the other guy isn't at fault so nothing is covered - the bike was only worth $5-6k (2006 Buell XB12SS Long with 6k miles) and I wasn't severely injured or killed nor did I hit the other vehicle so the attorney isn't going to spend $15k in investigation & litigation to retrieve $3-6k.. So basically, I'm ******. The other guy did the right thing and lied, he's off scott free, the cop is an ******* but what cop isn't, and I'm out $6k.. Basically the moral of the story is, get Collision insurance if you don't have it.. None of this would be an issue if I had collision insurance. Without it, I lost everything and if you don't have collision, make sure you hit the car and get really really hurt so it's worth while for the attorney to go after the other driver if he lies.. either that or step in front of a passing car after the fact.. Otherwise you'll get ****** just like I did.. [mad][mad]
ghost, I am saddened by your unfortunate series of events and the lose of your beloved XB :(
I sincerly hope your riding again sooner then later and that its on a Buell...

(Not being a fan of 'the man' or the 'system' as both IMHO are tools for those with another agenda that benefit the elite)

....all I can offer are a few words of wisdom, it is those events in our lives that effect us or hurt the most that do indeed teach us the most valuable lessons...

Ghost, I am glad that only metal was hurt in your encounter.
Unfortunately, the small percentage of ******** with badges make the job so much more dangerous for all the good cops. It is likewise unfortunate that good cops do nothing to get the ******** off the force for fear of being killed in the line of duty by the wall of silence.

Did you get any witnesses names?
Whenever I have witnessed an accident I give the victim one of my work business cards in case the perp tries to lie their way out of it.

You will ride again dude. Get another XB. Let the Nightster to someone else.
WOW, glad to hear that you are ok, sucks to hear about all of the **** you went through with the cops and that *******. you can always replace a bike but not the rider!
all i can say is..... be happy you are alive. i feel your pain, i was run off the road 1 1/2 years ago and totaled my springer. they left me for dead. i walked away with a few scratches and consider myself extremely lucky as i was doing 60 and was only wearing jeans, a t shirt, and a smile.
there will be other bikes, be happy you arent hurt.
Was the frame cracked all the way through? I have seen a lot of buells with a big dent in the same place for the same type of wreck and they replaced what they had to and was able to keep riding. I have also seen people use bondo and made it look like new. I was just on a dif buell site CHECK THIS OUT!!


The way i see is if you could piece it back together your not out anything.