XB12R cafe conversion

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Thanks for the link. I'll have to check that out more. I have a little Rizoma fluid can left over from another project. Probably gonna go with that. Still need to make a bracket for it. The shock reservoir will be mounted somewhere in the new tail section.

Neat idea with the can. Your build definitely inspired me here. I started tearing into my bike tonight. Now I'm second guessing if I got to excited and started to early. I still want to ride yet if there's still some nice days left of the season.

I think mounting the electronics under the air box offers a few advantages. For one, it would give Lightnings storage space under the seat. Also a tail could be swapped out with minimal effort. I'd like to work a solution where 4 bolts make it possible to swap.

You have a really good idea that got the creative juices flowing. Thanks again for sharing it.
Drummer SS and Buell race ecm showed up today. First fire up after the complete rewire. Sounds nice!

So much left to do.

Sorry its upsidedown. My phone is messed up....

After a good long look, I decided that I need to go with traditional clip-ons. I think they will look more the part, and be more comfortable. Although they will be lower, they will also be closer. If you are opposed to malesting a perfectly good Buell part.... look away.

To fit the clip-on bars below the top triple clamp I needed to create some room. But first I needed to remove the factory mounts for the bars. I removed the nubs for the factory bars, then machined down the bottom of the clamp. I removed 3mm from the bottom of the clamp. I took it right down to where the snap ring would set.

Then to gain a little more space for the clip on attachment I raised the triple clamp. I just used some machine spacers and raised the top clamp 4mm. Before this is all done I will make a sleeve to replace the washers. I'm still in the mock up mode. Now I have 25mm of clamping space to mount the bars.

Once everything is done it will all be final finished and bagged and tagged for the powder coater.
Ears and ignition chopped:

Temp machine spacers under tree:

Machined bottom of clamp and space for clip-on bars.

To finish it off I am going with Vortex bars, a Brembo 16-18 radial master cylinder and a sun clutch lever. Should have this wrapped up by next weekend.
Looking awesome so far, is that a tuber headlight? And where did you get those brackets at?
Awesome thanks, looking killer so far. Do you have any pictures of the bracket you made for the gauge cluster. I have been thinking about doing the same thing but was unsure of how to mount the gauge cluster back up
Thanks a ton, looks great. if you get bored and decide you want to make another of those gauge cluster mounts, I'll gladly buy one [up]
Got the vortex bars installed and the Brembo master cylinder. All went together with little drama. The front brake line is a little long. It would work, but I'll get a shorter one made up before this is done. Fluid reservoir in the mail.

Now it's starting to get a café look:

I have a sun line clutch lever on in the picture, but I'm going to use the factory unit. I ordered CRG levers for the brembo brake unit and the factory Buell clutch side. This way they will match.
Also made the seat loop. I drew out a shape that I think will work well and look good. Then bent two pieces of 1" DOM to fit my shape. Three bends on each piece then welded together in the middle.

I hope to get this mocked up soon and make a fiberglass seat and cowl before the winter shuts me down.

Looking great, Nicholas, if you happen to have a paper drawing of the template you used to make the gauge cluster mount like you do for the seat loop, would you mind posting it up?
Sorry man I scraped it. If I had it I'd mail you a copy. To make the template I cut a piece of construction paper to a ball park size. Then rubbed an outline of the top triple clamp onto it with pencil lead rods. To get the location of the mounting holes I rubbed little paint on the studs and pressed it on the paper.

The piece that wraps around was time consuming. I bent it around various sockets, tubing, ect until it matched up.

I might make another one. The first one was forthe factory bars. Now that I have clipons it is a little off. If I do I'll send you the old one. But this won't be for a while. Gotta get the tail section done.
Made some frame hubs. These will mount to the factory sub frame locations. I will weld notched tubing to them to support my tail.





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