Xb12SS - Engine yellow light

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Jun 25, 2020
Hi all,

10K maintenance service done 3 days ago, all ok, but... today suddenly the engine "V" yellow light came on while riding. And engine seems to have some kind of holes/missfires while accelerating. If I disengage clutch while riding the yellow light turn off after few seconds and I soon as I reengage clutch the yellow light turns on. What's the problem?

The only thing I know I have to replace is my battery which is weak. MIight this be the source of the issue?

Thanks for your support & info

Greetings Lolo
Hi all,

10K maintenance service done 3 days ago, all ok, but... today suddenly the engine "V" yellow light came on while riding. And engine seems to have some kind of holes/missfires while accelerating. If I disengage clutch while riding the yellow light turn off after few seconds and I soon as I reengage clutch the yellow light turns on. What's the problem?

The only thing I know I have to replace is my battery which is weak. MIight this be the source of the issue?

Thanks for your support & info

Greetings Lolo

The only thing I know I have to replace is my battery which is weak. MIight this be the source of the issue?


weak battery....faulty VR #77 connector plug behind plastic front pulley cover....corroded battery terminals...loose battery terminal cables....loose negative cable at frame....loose positive cable at starter solenoid post.....chafed VR wire where VR attaches to frame brackets......ONE OR ALL will cause the CEL to do precisely what yours is now doing.
in all likelihood you also just stored historical fault code #16. be prepared to clear it out if possible after you've resolved the problem.
First problem 50 miles after acquisition, this might be a record. Bike back to garage. Will replace the battery and hope it will not be worst than that.
Hi all,

10K maintenance service done 3 days ago, all ok, but... today suddenly the engine "V" yellow light came on while riding. And engine seems to have some kind of holes/missfires while accelerating. If I disengage clutch while riding the yellow light turn off after few seconds and I soon as I reengage clutch the yellow light turns on. What's the problem?

The only thing I know I have to replace is my battery which is weak. MIight this be the source of the issue?

Thanks for your support & info

Greetings Lolo

There's no doubt what Barret is telling you will be right but.....

You should probably look into getting a code dongle reader that will spell out exactly what the yellow light is trying to tell you.
First problem 50 miles after acquisition, this might be a record. Bike back to garage. Will replace the battery and hope it will not be worst than that.

Sir: never forget that buell XB's are pure hell on batteries. for a multitude of reasons it's "the nature of the beast".
do it right the first time for both piece of mind and satisfaction. as follows:
1-clean each battery cable end to perfection.
2-purchase the best AGM style battery you can find. here in America the best is either Deka or Yuasa...Deka preferred.
3-battery MUST have minimum of 200 CCA's of capacity/power. do NOT buy Chinese garbage!
4-check the negative cable end where it affixes to the frame rail. it must be clean and tight
5-check the positive cable end where it affixes to the starter motor. it must be clean and tight
6-see pic....see arrow. this resides behind the plastic front pulley cover. pull apart...check for visual problems...clean and repair if necessary. this plug is the life-blood of your battery/charging system.

You might want to check why the light is even on before you go buying things. Thats a recipe for unnecessary frustration and expense.


Yea, that's my preferred method. Just short the 1 and 2 pins on the diagnostic port with a metal clip or something and the bike will flash out what the problem is. I wish women were this easy to read.....
However a Buelltooth adapter is always a nice tool to have. Counting the flashes is a PITA.

Does one really need to count the flashes on that bike in the video to tell the bike is having fuel delivery issues. Holy carp!!!!
Good news, the battery has been replaced and all is back in order. As you have said, those beasts are finicky!

Thanks for your info & support

Greetings Lolo

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