From Qc/Can
It's my first message here
I bought an 08 xb12ss recently and I have misfires and hiccups randomly but mainly after twist throttle hard and let it go to 2500/3500rpm for cruising
the bike has almost 40,000km/25800mi, have an OEM gutted exhaust and a race Ecm. It sound really loud
What I did to date:
-breather reroute with catch can
- ground (battery/tie bar-headset-coil bracket, and ecu frame-to-battery frame bridge)
-reset tps few time
-clean iat and iac
Non Cel light but have 15 and 26 code
15=clutch? The plastic female connector is missing !! Will install connector in off season
26=Iat?? How test it?
Spark plugs have 1500km/930mi
I think it running lean/hot
and today was the worst time .... shut down 2 time right after startup and want to stall at stops and missing and hiccup hard
Where should I look now?
Thanks for your help
From Qc/Can
It's my first message here
I bought an 08 xb12ss recently and I have misfires and hiccups randomly but mainly after twist throttle hard and let it go to 2500/3500rpm for cruising
the bike has almost 40,000km/25800mi, have an OEM gutted exhaust and a race Ecm. It sound really loud

What I did to date:
-breather reroute with catch can
- ground (battery/tie bar-headset-coil bracket, and ecu frame-to-battery frame bridge)
-reset tps few time
-clean iat and iac
Non Cel light but have 15 and 26 code
15=clutch? The plastic female connector is missing !! Will install connector in off season
26=Iat?? How test it?
Spark plugs have 1500km/930mi
I think it running lean/hot
and today was the worst time .... shut down 2 time right after startup and want to stall at stops and missing and hiccup hard
Where should I look now?
Thanks for your help
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