Xb12ss missing

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Sep 15, 2024
From Qc/Can

It's my first message here

I bought an 08 xb12ss recently and I have misfires and hiccups randomly but mainly after twist throttle hard and let it go to 2500/3500rpm for cruising

the bike has almost 40,000km/25800mi, have an OEM gutted exhaust and a race Ecm. It sound really loud 😁

What I did to date:
-breather reroute with catch can
- ground (battery/tie bar-headset-coil bracket, and ecu frame-to-battery frame bridge)
-reset tps few time
-clean iat and iac
Non Cel light but have 15 and 26 code

15=clutch? The plastic female connector is missing !! Will install connector in off season

26=Iat?? How test it?

Spark plugs have 1500km/930mi

I think it running lean/hot
and today was the worst time .... shut down 2 time right after startup and want to stall at stops and missing and hiccup hard

Where should I look now?

Thanks for your help
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No change today for the bike since the last ride I made with!! It stall about 1 minute after cold startup. It run fine first, then start running like crap then die!

I chek to test the IAT as I seen on this video

At about 22°C I read 34kOhm, seem ok
At 30°C I read 25kOhm... near what video said
I heated the air with an heat gun and cooking thermometer probe to obtain 100°C and I read 2.8kOhm ??not sure so I command a new one .

This is a picture of my new spark plugs after 930 miles
I think I read them "lean/hot" but I'm not sure
Check coil resistance , on primary, multimeter show no resistance , should be 0.5/0.7 and secondary 12.7k😬 should be 5.5k/7.5k according to manual
Is it my coil the problem or its because my multimeter is too cheap? As I read here coil rarely fail but.....possible !
Multumeter is a Klein mm325 +-35$us

Then I recheck for codes , and it throw #33 this time. When I disconnect the fuel pump I found that the male ground probe was broke on the connector! I remove the pump from the frame and found this! Close look of the inside connection at the base plate pump housing

These wires was on their way to broke so I remove them with the black seal and pass them thru the housing, splice them outside and seal the passage with JB tankweld ( hope this will hold and dont leak)
Put the pump back with some fuel and test it! Pump run fine , prime , but have the same issue , the bike stall as soon as temp rise

What should I look now?
Buellthoot is on its way on mail so when I get ot I will clear codes a have better view of what's going on!

Thank for help, will be appreciate

And I appologize if my english is soso😄
Your fuel pump and its wiring harness connections are the source of all your problems and FC #33. It is absolute garbage and should be completely and properly rebuilt or replaced. If rebuilding use a top quality OEM rebuild kit that contains every single correct part and not some Ebay Chinese junk kit.


You think my pump is shut? The problem in the kit you post is that its just to change pump inside tank stuff as the pump itself, strainer, filter, pressure regulator...... but do I have option for the housing with the wiring?? I dont know if my work on ''wire pass thru housing '' will hold over time and dont leak
Anyone else had this problem before and fix it??

If no option is available , I must buy new complete pump or use shut pump with good housing and change all the internal with your kit?

This winter I will change the broken pump connector with new one (I reroute grounds outside connector for temporary fix) but what the real option for the housing itself??

Thanks for reply Barrett
I appreciate!!
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In all likelihood when you removed the pump from the frame rail it was the 1st time it was ever removed.
You never mentioned model year or provenance. It appears you're from Quebec province. Wild temperature swings and corrosion are the norm up there which adversely affects pump life and performance.

Completely strip the pump down to just the housing...harness...pump location bracket and rebuild from scratch.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^LOCATE ONE AND REPLACE. ORIGINAL LIST WAS $61.85
The bike is a 2008 Xb12S with almost 40,000 km as said in the first post, and I'm also sure it was the first time the pump saw the daylight . The previous owner bought it from a guy who lives near me in Quebec/Can so yes we have a lot of temperature variations, especially today's winter with -22°f to sometimes 40°f in the same week up to 95!°f in summer.

I'm happy to see that the pump wiring harness with seal is again avalaible
Thanks again for the part number
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Took the bike yesterday to test it and finally rode it for 85km.
This was the best and smoothest ride ever since I've got hands on it a month ago. I was able to ride it at 2k rpm in 5th withour hiccups or misfires... really smooth!
I hope my temporary pump wiring fix will hold and not leaking until end of season (2 months max here)

Thanks to Barrett for the main fuel pump harness part number, I will command one and probably command a pump kit too for this winther 🤘

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