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Snag this from the FedEx guy before I left for work :D

I am going to Atleast get the frame on tonight and maybe get the swing arm and forks on as well.
And another thing......

You drop 200+ on that tail light and you going to run a sub-par lens that wont do it justice. Twoguns and myself have been trying to push the Ecliptech lens and no one is biting. [confused]

If you want more defined lines you need a lens with a better diffusion pattern.


and the difference it makes

Twoguns smoke lens
Looks great but my bike is black so the tinted lens is just what I need. I like the look of no light but I know I need it. The XB Light was needed so the light could actually be seen through the tint.
He makes a dark tint, light tint and clear lens. Same as clear alternatives, just a better diffusion pattern.
The Ecliptech is my next mod for my taillight I have an integrated led that i made myself and the stock lens has alot of spots that make the light not visible because of the refractions. [up]
I do like the better diffusion. I think an actual grenade cut in half with a lens and led,s inside would be really cool to. Just delete the entire taillight all together and make a custom bracket. ;)

Just a thought. The taillight is almost the same size as a grenade sideways.
Dude, already... the paint and the header wrap look good together.

I went to Ecliptechs website and had to get diverted to another site to buy the tail light but could only find one style (full board kinda wanted the halo) for $115 I believe, Looked decent [confused]
Cant buy just the lens so I am sticking with my setup.

If I could buy just the lens I might get one to put on Sara's bike for when I do her LED light next. But both of our bikes need integrated light so the Ecliptech setup wouldn't work.