What's up guys and gals, I've got a problem with my 2010 CR. It is draining my batteries (I'm on my second one) like crazy. I got stranded a couple days ago at a light. While idling, I watched my voltage drop down to 6V then flashing SYSTEM VOLTAGE before completely dying. Tried re-seating the battery leads and it sparked, so I know there was juice in it. After taking some stuff apart I noticed a little relay on the right side of the bike with 2 10 gauge wires and 2 16 gauge wires coming out of it. I looked at the condition and noticed some burn marks on one of the wires and the plastic near the mouth was melted a little bit. I'm guessing that relay is for the ignition but I don't know.i charged the battery and tried it again today. In ACC mode the voltage stayed strong at about 12V but as soon as I turned the key to on it must have started dumping voltage because by the time I hit the ignition it cranked a couple times then just died. Multimeter read 6V. I've never actually done work on my bike besides oil changes and plugs, so I REALLY want to do this without taking it into the shop. Anybody have an idea of what would cause this? [confused]