So I had a run in with my neighbor the other day about the loudness of my XB12R. I personally love the sound and can definetly respect loud pipes on any vehicle. Anyway... heres the story... I made a quick trip down the road and was only gone for about 15 minutes. Upon my return I'm sitting in my driveway still on the bike with the engine running. Next thing I know my neighbor is yelling at me from my driveway about slowing down and my loud exhaust. I told her if she wants to talk to me like a human being then I will talk with her but if she wants to have attitude then she can get the f*ck off my property. Needless to say she wouldnt leave, local PD officers were called. They showed a few minutes later, of course since I work for the sheriffs office they recognized me and then promptly told her to stay off my property. I also explained to them that my exhaust is stock and nothing I can do about it. As far as my speed, I dont think I was speeding. I think she had a little liquid encouragement if you get my meaning.
So I'm just wondering who else on here has had run ins with their neighbors? Where they bike related or no? Lets hear your stories...
So I'm just wondering who else on here has had run ins with their neighbors? Where they bike related or no? Lets hear your stories...