Neighbor sh*t list....

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Feb 1, 2011
So I had a run in with my neighbor the other day about the loudness of my XB12R. I personally love the sound and can definetly respect loud pipes on any vehicle. Anyway... heres the story... I made a quick trip down the road and was only gone for about 15 minutes. Upon my return I'm sitting in my driveway still on the bike with the engine running. Next thing I know my neighbor is yelling at me from my driveway about slowing down and my loud exhaust. I told her if she wants to talk to me like a human being then I will talk with her but if she wants to have attitude then she can get the f*ck off my property. Needless to say she wouldnt leave, local PD officers were called. They showed a few minutes later, of course since I work for the sheriffs office they recognized me and then promptly told her to stay off my property. I also explained to them that my exhaust is stock and nothing I can do about it. As far as my speed, I dont think I was speeding. I think she had a little liquid encouragement if you get my meaning.

So I'm just wondering who else on here has had run ins with their neighbors? Where they bike related or no? Lets hear your stories...
I have had several run ins with my neighbor. Long story, short. The last one we had, I popped him in his ear and busted it open. Then he just laid there and bled. I haven't talked to him since. He is a major ********. Good luck with yours.
I think she had a little liquid encouragement

Dude , you live in Cleburne ! It was probably meth encouragement ! Just saying .[smirk]
If she thought that was loud i'll bring my Jardine equipped bike over ! It makes my ears ring on every ride !
My Ss has the stock exhaust and my TT has a Jardine , i'd love to put something with noise on the Ss but sometimes I ride out at 3am and sure as hell don't need the neighbors and/ or HOA jumping my ass . It's just amazing how quiet the stock exhaust is after coming off the Jardine bike. My neighbors have thanked me for riding the right bike at the right time.
Well i m allso on the neibors **** list but for my bike, tho in sure they hate it lol, but for my 120 poound rottey that has the a underground fnse the can't contain hin when he see's her little pussy cat struting around. He goes nuts and just runs right threw the electric fense to try and eat her cat, she called the dog wardden but there's nothing they can really do because he dident cause any fdamge to her property and here in my part of ny thers no leash laws.
Hasn't happened yet but I'm kinda surprised. Between my Hawk on the Buell and my Mustang with 2 chamber Flowmasters & no cats things can get pretty loud.:D (GTI is silent tho) I just try not to rev them when I leave in the morning. The Buell idles though wile I put my gear on...
well, I just moved in to a new house... literally this weekend, and the HOA rules are fairly strict, but I will play their little game. Our neighbors to one side of us are little old people, and they make it their business to know your business. It started out meeting them, they seemed real nice and friendly...then I had my dad come over and help me build a fence...immediately, they asked if we had permission from the HOA to do so, and made a complaint against us building it without permission. (mind you, we just bought the house, and I didnt exactly have the time to run through the 80 page book of restrictions from the HOA)

Our next run-in with the couple was a day later when we were moving some of our smaller things in and the guy came out and asked us if we could trim back some of the bushes in our front yard as they extended into his yard, and partially over the sidewalk. by this time I was a bit pissed, but we did it.

The last straw was yesterday while we had a guy from Direct TV over installing a dish on the house.The HOA rules state that "any dish installation cannot be visible from the street" which I didnt even think of when the guy started the install. well, who do you know it showed up. I was inside of my house with the front door open so the installer could come and go as he needed to when all of a sudden I hear "hello, helloooo". I came to the stairs thinking it was the installer, but my neighbor had taken it upon himself to just walk in my house and yell for me. He immediately mentioned that the place where my dish was being installed could not be installed there per the regulations of the HOA. so I said to him "Thank you for the information, I will have it fixed. Having said that, The next time you take it upon yourself to walk in my house with out my permission, whether the door is open or not, I will call the cops and press charges." I think he got the hint. Hey I was polite, but stern. If he wants to keep pushing things, I will get pissed, and he will learn not to F#ck with me.
I live out in the middle of nowhere, all my neighbors are pretty cool, and since I built a little motocross track on my property even the local teens leave us and our stuff alone for fear I'm gonna kick em off my track.. :)
agfish, i was just talking with a coworker about living in a HOA. And i pretty much decided that I could never handle the ******** so I will never put myself in that situation. But Im curious, if you own the house what are the ramifications if you don't follow their little rule book? They cant evict you can they...its your house.

MotoPhreke, thats cool about the track. Maybe its not fear, maybe they just respect you for letting them use the track. I know i always had a lot of respect for land owners that allowed us to use their land responsibly.
It's unfortunate that you all have crappy neighbors. Mine is awesome always has an extra beer or 6 to spare. If I come home late and wake him up he makes sure to pull his 3500 diesel next to my room and stomp on it ridiculously early in the morning. The first time I thought a train was coming throw my wall and the next thing I hear good morning sunshine.
I live out in the middle of nowhere
nuff said! [up]

back on the island we had pretty decent neighbours, except for the ******s to our right, they are Jehovah Witness' and did not like me because I speak my mind and would have none of thier ********, hells if our dogs barked once they called the pound and we incurred a few tickets because of that until even the pound was sick and tired of them...

I had visions of crazy glueing all their door locks and trapping them in thier house but figured karma is a bitch and I did not need the grief, [smirk]

another reason I am happy to
live out in the middle of nowhere
My last house, dude across the street had 3 dirt bikes, an old HD and a old BUILT street truck (open headers).
Had a divided highway on the other side.
Dude at the end of our dead end was a tree service guy, always running chain saws.
Let alone the # of diesels in the area.

New house, one across the st is for sale, another always has 2-3 kids bumpin the subs, and the "cool" guy restores old bikes, mostly kawis.
And the roomate's gsxr is way louder then by xb, but not my xl.

Location, location, location... ;-)
I live out in the middle of nowhere too, although have a shared driveway with some major meth heads lesbians!!!( not the hot ones) ;) They are always partying till the crack of dawn but I make sure to rev up my truck when I leave a 5:20 every morning, there not too bad though they always let me hunt on thier land and ride quads on there place but here lately some things have come up missing. My old man is a contractor and boat faber and he collects aluminum scrap in 55 gal barrels to which a few have come up missing. The last one he painted the bottom red and guess what..... found the barrel on their prop that they were using for a burn barrel (or cook barrel jk) but they played dum. Although, we would give them scrap steel but not anymore they screwed the pooch! Im sure they will OD in the near future though, so no big deal:D
But Im curious, if you own the house what are the ramifications if you don't follow their little rule book? They cant evict you can they...its your house.

some can put a lein on your property and evict you if things arnt up to HOA rules and/or corected in a certin amount of time.
I walked away from the closing table for a new custom built house my wife designed because of HOA rules. They tried to make it seem all hunky-dory until I told them I wasnt signing anything till I read the HOA rules and regs........At that moment I saw the fear in their eyes. I tried to get them to amend some of the rules to no avail and finally walked out. Some of the rules mentioned where things like what colors you could use in rooms that could be seem from the street, what types of plants that HAD to be planted during certian seasons, I could not use power tools with out a permit, I could not own a air compressor, and finally the limitations on modified vehicles owned by the property owners. I told them where to stick it and left them 2 nice black strips in front of the house all the while my lifted and loud truck showed them its ass on its way out.
The cops show up to my house at least twice a month. I have older neighbors. I've been evicted from one place already for noise complaints.
Yeah...Some HOA's can be a pain in the ass but they're not all bad. I have one in my neighborhood that's pretty lenient. I've never been what I could plant, paint, drive etc. I DID make sure I read through it before I made an offer on the house though and I would recommend that people do when entering into a situation like this.