Neighbor sh*t list....

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Personally I do my best to not be a squid and piss people off- I think that if you do, you only serve to feed the public bias against motorcyclists, which creates a more dangerous riding environment when people don't respect us.

I have an X1 with the Force brand full system (about the loudest bike I have ever heard), a Uly with drummer SS and am XB9S with the race pipe. I have never had a neighbor complain about any of fact they like all of the bikes and their sound, and I contribute this to a few things:
1) MINIMAL warm up time. I fire it up, let it idle about 5 seconds and ride away.
2) I short shift through the neighborhood, keeping revs low.
3) I often coast into the neighborhood and into the driveway, especially if I come home late at night.
4) I NEVER speed through the neighborhood, in fact I usually ride about 18-20 mph.

Some will think that this is silly behavior and they will do what they want. That's fine, but just realize that you are where the squid term comes from and you are NOT doing yourself or riders in general any favors.
Some will think that this is silly behavior and they will do what they want. That's fine, but just realize that you are where the squid term comes from and you are NOT doing yourself or riders in general any favors.

I agree with you. However, if i had bad neighbors, or was in a bad HOA situation I would probably act like an ******* on purpose.
No way, no how, no chance I would ever live in an area with a HOA. [mad] There is NO way I would put up with some nosey SOB telling me what I can, can't and MUST do on MY property! I try to be respectful of the people around me (what few there are) but if I don't feel like keeping my grass at exactly 2.3125" or decide that I need some garage time (complete with air tools or open headered engines) then I will do as I please. I don't know how you guys deal with that crap.
120 poound rottey that has the a underground fnse the can't contain hin when he see's her little pussy cat struting around. He goes nuts and just runs right threw the electric fense to try and eat her cat, she called the dog wardden but there's nothing they can really do

Man you've gotta do a little bit better than that with a rottweiler. 2 of my 3 dogs are part pit and my parents dog, who I fostered for a while before they adopted him is a rottie, and those dogs have enough of a bad reputation that they don't need irresponsible owners letting them run loose. The warden can't do anything yet, until he bites the cat or a person, at which point he'll get put down, there'll be a circus on the news about how dangerous all rottweilers are, and unfortunately as usual the news will be too lazy to report that the actual problem is that you had an inadequate fence, and didn't bother to keep your dog on a leash when it's outside your house. 'There's no leash law' really doesn't justify letting a 120 dog out of your yard to chase cats, regardless of what breed it is. I work hard to make sure people know that all of my dogs are great dogs and aren't anything like the stereotypes they get stuck with, so I get a little insulted when I see people not caring about the damage they do to some dogs reputations. If I was your neighbor you better believe I'd pick up a baseball bat way before I picked up a phone to call the cops if I saw your dog running towards one of my animals.

Back on topic.... my hawk exhaust is way too loud for my neighborhood. I push it over next to the neighborhood pool so it's not aimed at anyone's house, put all my gear on, hit the starter and coast away with the bike pretty much at idle. When I come back I turn onto my street, get just enough speed, put it in neutral and hit the kill switch so I can just coast back to my house. Wish there were some moderately quiet exhausts for this bike that still sounded good. I switch back and forth between stock and the hawk and it just goes from too quiet to too loud, no happy medium. I've only once gotten a glare from my neighbor, but I try to make sure I'm not causing too much noise.
I lol'ed at "good morning sunshine"! :-D
And the whole HOA situation would definitely make me rethink buying a home like that. I feel like if i own it it's my business what i do to it, on it, in it ;-)

That being said i wanna see your guys' opinions on my neighbor story: we rent in the same two-fam house for 10+ years now. Never had any issues. Last year my brother rented the garage from the lady two houses away. We put our bikes in there. It's a shared driveway and the other house parks three cars back there, plus the lady lets another person park his car next to her garage. Around Christmas NYC got a crazy snowstorm. At this point i hadn't touched my bike for two months already and didn't touch it til late february. So i go down to the garage to get my snowboard and one of the neighbor's sons comes down and goes "so you use this driveway too?" i told him we had two bikes in there. I knew he wanted me to help shovel but if it was my own driveway and i didn't need it i wouldn't shovel it either. So i walked away. I heard them talk ish under their breath next day and they threw all the snow against our garage door. When i was still abe to get in they found more snow somewhere (and their dog's ****) to throw against our door... I'm trying to stay out of their way and not going to start playing their games.
But Im curious, if you own the house what are the ramifications if you don't follow their little rule book? They cant evict you can they...its your house.

some can put a lein on your property and evict you if things arnt up to HOA rules and/or corected in a certin amount of time.

it is true... first they give you a warning, and if whatever you did isnt fixed in a specified period of time, they fine you. with our HOA they have a tiered fine system (starting at $25)which goes up about $10 for each notice until the final notice (which is the 5th notice) if the issue still has not been remedied they can place a lein on the home.

There are definitely drawbacks to them, but sometimes they can keep the resale value of your home above a neighborhood that does not have one. The only thing I have an issue with is that anything you do to your back yard (that can be visible from the street) has to be approved by an Architectual Control Committee, and any kind of improvement, whether seen from the street or not, has to be documented by them. I dont play by all of the rules, as they have to tresspass to see some of the work I have done to my back yard.
I don't have neighbors I live next to interstate 86 in NY. My D&D don't compare to a Jakebrake coming down the 3 mile downhill section in front of my house. I have been told at gas stations that my HONDA dosen't sound right.[mad]
Well I live in a neighbor hood with so so HOA. I dont get f*cked with too much though. The neighbors behind me just moved in a few weeks ago. Yes they are one of the ones who come in and buy a forclosure for $100k less than what I owe on my house so that I cant even think of refinancing for a better rate. So there is a little anomosity there already. Then they have one of them little yippy ass dogs that they put out side at 6:30am and it barks all day long until 9:30pm when they finally decide to let the damn thing in. I work nights sometime and of course my bedroom faces their house. That little dog has been called quite a few names. LOL
As far as the HOA goes, they got the picture a little while back. they had a little party at the club house across the street a while back on a Friday night. (I had to work the next morning mind you.) They were outside yelling and hollering and playing some dumb ass music real loud. I went over there and asked them to take it down a notch because some of us were trying to sleep at 1:30am. They didnt even give me the time of day or tone it down any. So the next morning I made it a point to ride the bike to work at 5:00am while they all were laying in bed with thier headaches and ****. Most of the neighbor hood was at the party so most of the neighbor hood got woke up that next morning. LOL I made sure to leave 30 minutes early so I could jst ride around for a little while and make sure they were all up. Well that evening a couple of the neighbors came to the house to complain about my bike. I proceeded to inform them that my bike is perfectly legal in every way and that their noise the night before violated the county noise ordinance. The next morning I rode the bike again leaving 30 minutes early again just to force the issue. This time it really pissed them off. When I got home that day there was a cop in my driveway to inspect my bike. Guess what? nothing he could do. So the next day I was off and decided to take the el camino around the block a few times. It makes my bike sound like a sewing maching. It has 4" 1 chambered flowmasters on it and will set off car alarms with in about 500' and will pound the ground so hard that it knocks pictures off the wall (I know form expreience of having to buy new glass for some of them). It is almost abnoxiously load. They really loved that, but I havenet heard a word from a single neighbor since. I even leave a little early some mornings on the bike just to test them.
As far as the neighbors behind me, well they got to listen to air sanders and air hammers and any other loud tool I could use last night. I was up all night working on my lincoln. No it didnt bother the family because my shop in the basement is lined with sound proof paneling to keep the noise out of the house, but when I open the garage door it directs the sound right at their bedroom. LOL I kept seeing lights come on and them peeking out the windows. Finally I went out and stood by the fence when they were peeking. The dude came out and asked if I planned on quiting anytime soon. I said "nope not really. You dont shut your ******* dog up while some people are trying to relax and sleep, so I dont have to stop working just because you are trying to sleep." He appoligized and went back inside. I kept on working all night long until they left for work this morning. I havent heard that dog all day today. Imagine that.

Living with HOA is not all that bad, you just have to buck up every once in a while and find the loop holes in the rules and exploit them to get your point across. It works really good. I keep the front of my house clean. I cut my grass when I have time, but I dont worry aobut height or weeds. The back yard is mine. I have a privacy fence to block the view and what I do back there is my business. THey can kiss my ass when it comes to back there. Almost all HOA rules are for presentation. As long as you keep your house presentable and let them know that they cant push you around, you really dont have many problems.
Had a trooper write me ticket for pipes cuz he was up the night before from kids ridding by his house screamin their pipes. I said...well I kno a trooper with a Harley with straight pipes an my XB isnt louder...riddle me this. Troopers bad day = me spendin some cash :D
I asked my neighbor if my bike exhaust bothered him and he said "frankly you scare the **** outta me and I wouldn't dream of ever saying anything to you about it in fear that you might beat the **** outta me and then stomp on my face". I laughed and said "don't let my big dick scare you I'm really a nice guy". He laughed and told me that all the neighbors are scared of you. So I'm like WTF I have never been anything but nice and helpfull to you all. So he told me that "Your probabally the nicest guy that I have ever met and I know that I can always count on you to help out but you just look intemidating"
Not yet. Neighbor across the street has a couple of harleys, as the sheriff down the street. Another neighbor has a jeep with a vet engine in it thats really loud.

Haven't had a complaint yet (except from my wife) for my bike. Have a mixture of law enforcement (state and county) living all around me - they like the bike.
My neighbor hated me before the Buell and I think she hates me more now...I have a lifted 79 ford with open headers...picked up the xb12 with the jardine and now she is famous for giving the middle finger to me no matter what I am driving. :D
Well I live in a neighbor hood with so so HOA. I dont get f*cked with too much though. The neighbors behind me just moved in a few weeks ago. Yes they are one of the ones who come in and buy a forclosure for $100k less than what I owe on my house so that I cant even think of refinancing for a better rate. So there is a little anomosity there already. Then they have one of them little yippy ass dogs that they put out side at 6:30am and it barks all day long until 9:30pm when they finally decide to let the damn thing in. I work nights sometime and of course my bedroom faces their house. That little dog has been called quite a few names. LOL


Dont feel bitter man... I am almost exactly like your neighbor. I just bought my house about a month ago...far less than what it originally sold for. you cant blame someone for buying a house for a deal. I know it sucks and no one could have predicted the state of the economy, but its life.

I too have a yappy lil dog and a loud big dog that are outside a lot. I work from 7-4, 5 days a week and am attending school full time on top of that. I try to quiet my dogs' barking when I can because it annoys me too, but I can't always be there. I am trying to work on a way to allow my dogs to roam freely between the house and the back yard so that they arent always outside, but to do that I have to build a fence to keep them contained in the yard (which is open on the side) but the HOA is prohibiting me from doing that until they can approve it. I now have to leave my dogs in a section of my yard that is fenced off, but has no access to the inside of the house, so guess what?? they are outside and yappy all damn day. :D

I would leave them inside, but I really dont want them ******* up my new carpet because they couldnt hold their piss long enough to go outside when someone gets home.

Hopefully the HOA approves me soon. they have up to 30 days... long story short... give them some credit (maybe...depends on circumstances)they may have their hands tied just as much as you do.
On one side they have a little Fraiser dog. The fuckers think it's "cute" to have him chase the frisbee at 2AM Barking it's ******* head off. On the other side they have a Rotti as big as my van and 4 or 5 little barking furballs. Their 15 year old daughter has the next thing to rave parties in her bedroom. Her bedroom window is about thirty feet from mine. I ******* HATE my neighbours! I can't wait till I get my bike out and they get a load of my new Hawk! Wayne [mad]
You have my sympathy, I would not tolerate a barking dog for more than two times of bringing it to the attention of the owner and he would dissapear. [mad]

no prolems with my neighbors and my bike but when i was younger a d-bag that lived next to a trail that we used to walk through subdivisions (not trespassing as it was "common" ground) anyways he kept throwing all of his dog **** on the trail and would yell at us and ****. so we saved up a massive amount of cat **** and heaved it all over his fence and then dumped bleach in his front yard to kill the grass. ;) **** that guy
Only compliments on the bike so far. The kiddies like to come running out to the fence whenever I bring the bike out and take off.
The guy on the left of me and myself almost came to blows one time because my family returned from Thankgiving Dinner and he was blocking us out of our driveway. A few honks and he comes out all grouchy complaining that my car back then (78 Impala) was too big and didn't leave any room to park. He's some kind of mall cop or something. His wife used to show up with black eyes every once in a while, so I didn't like him from the beginning.
It escalates into a shouting match and he starts inching closer. So i said "Good lets go, I ain't your wife, B*tch, I'll hit ya back..." I hear this collective gasp and look up and realize that the shouting match drew everyone else out of their house. He stopped dead... got in his car and screeched away from the curb. It's weird but his two sons, who never said a word to me before that, were always nice and shook hands after that.
He's since offered his condolences when my uncle passed and we're on a more civil level now. His wife didn't never showed up with a black eye after that. Moment of clarity for him, maybe...I don't know.
I don't know how some people can rip through their own neighborhoods like that... Haven't had any complaints with my Buell and GB yet, but I try to keep it under control. My parents house is right at the entrance to the neighborhood so I don't really have to ride through the neighborhood ever. I usually am never out on the bike after 10:00pm either. We're by far the loudest house in the neighborhood too. Between the Cobra with straight pipes, the numerous motorcycles, and my 150+ db Explorer we surely have the potential to be annoying but we never are.

Likewise, one person in my neighborhood did annoy my enough to do some childish things. They walked their dog without a leash in the neighborhood (which i don't care about) and my dogs were outside and are restricted via electric fence. This guys dog sees my dogs and so it runs up over to my dogs on my lawn (again, i don't care about that). when my dogs start sniffing his dog the guy acts like its a damn abomination even though his dog is doing the same thing. He runs over, picks his dog up, and then hits my dog on the nose. I was in the driveway so i run over there and was already halfway there when he decided to hit my dogs snout. I asked him just what the hell he thought he was doing. He continued to tell me how "savage" my dog was and blah blah blah. Its just a flat hair retriever.... it wasn't attacking the guy, or the dog, or anything. He's just a dumby who likes love and isn't trained to protect anything. Anyways i let this middle aged man who was CLEARLY more intelligent than I (18 years old) tell me how my dog should be trained better and how I'm lucky he isn't calling the cops. So that night i bestowed it upon myself to let him know what 153.7 decibels in your driveway sounds like.

That's how i like my revenge. Passive-aggressive. No one gets hurt, no damage to any property, in ten minutes you forget what happened and can go back to living your life :)
I dont hate for that reason and more power to you. It just sucks for me because It making my situation worse. So yes to no ones fault there is anomosity there regardless. I would love to sell my house and take advantage of this market, but Obama said I cant because I work my ass off and pay all my bills on time.
As far as the dog goes. I have a bassett that used to bark everytime it rained and yes I keep them outside when we are at work. I didnt want to piss my neighbors off too bad when I moved in so I went and baught a shock collar for her. That has been the best thing ever. She doesnt even think about barking except when someone comes in my yard that she doesnt know. And yes she gets shocked, but she keeps barking until they are gone or Me or my wife come out there. As far as your situation with the fence, they make the electric fences that work great as well. The best part is there is no need for approval from the HOA and you dont have to keep the weeds down around it.
I just wish people would think about others and how thier actions (or lack of) may affect someone else. Believe me I didnt want to put the shock collar on my dog. Hell she was 8yrs old before I did. I hated it and felt so sorry for her, but now she doesnt even care and I dont have to worry about anyone hurting my dog because she barks all damn day and pisses someone off.
Before someone jumps the gun and buys a house that they are unable to accomidate dogs, they should think this **** out. It is just like going to the car dealership and finding a hell of a deal on a 2 seater for your everyday car and you buy it only to get home and realize that there is no where to put the kids car seats.

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