I have ridden them both, The GSX-R 750 is a better all around bike in my opinion, even in 100% stock form, it beats out MY modded XB9R in all aspects, handeling, acceleration, top speed, (even though I don't even come close on the GSXR, only went 110, on accident, and have hit the rev limiter on the Buell while merging on the freeway)and comfort, with the same rider...ME. I had to extend the pegs and buy the "touring" seat for my Buell so I could stand to ride for more than 30 miles, as I stand 6'1" I love my Buell, but I am not going to make excuses for it either, its slower, heavier, and parts are more rare than for the GSX-R 750 plain and simple, but most of all, I have to drive 30 miles to a dealership that may or may not have a part I need, the suzi doesn't have that problem, I think its only two blocks to the nearest cycle gear. Love your bike, and ride it, just don't make excuses for it.