Smoked by a GSX-R 750

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Yeah, I read that article, being that it was written in 2004, and all of the bikes have been refined since then, except for the XB12, its still the same. (And wouldn't you know, it came in 4th place, against smaller bikes (600-992cc)!) Now that the GSXR is much improved I can't see the Buell gaining on its heels anytime soon. I guess we will see what the 1125R has in store. This post was originaly intended to just convey an experience I had with my Buell against another bike, a better engineered bike! Tell me again what bike came in first in the article on cornering? Oh yeah, it was the GSX-R600! And I was smoked by a GSX-R750, wourld of difference in three years of development.
AZ you just like starting trouble :D....nice thing about a buell you dont have to keep up with power sport bike craze...its in a leage of its own..,,you can feel all the motor has to offer in a short amount of time in all the gears and still be doing less then 100 mph..nice set up for the sport minded in the street....1/4 mile times are good also.....the metrics are freaks cant compete against them street or track......its all about how a buell or any bike tweeks your mind and thats the bottom line
azsnow, you might consider reading the rest of the article... the gsxr only won in one corner the buell won overall, over and over it is always the fastest in the corners and the jap bike mags downplay the results because they are a bunch of sissy babies that don’t know what to do with that 45* lump of a motor leading the sportbike riders to think that the trilogy of tech idea isn’t big, but if you can read the results, clearly put the buell as the king of corners!
king if going to ride in circles....every corner, twisties you will be farther and farther behind..hell for that matter a 250 track bike would out corner everything...Still dont get your point fastest in corners..what where the lap times...thats the bottom time in burger king get one of those crowns and tape it to your when the 600s blow buy you,,they will know your the king
the buell had the fastest average lap time, and I think there might be a gsxr forum someplace that you wouldn’t get any arguments on which is better but on this site the buell beats all!
maybebuell said:
next time in burger king get one of those crowns and tape it to your when the 600s blow buy you,,they will know your the king
problem is, after he passes by (on the straight), he will stop to have a second look at my cool bike :D

i won't look at his since i see his on every street corner :p
i can see your point :) and i do understand on the street there are situations were the buell can put a scare on a 600..
at the end of the day you have streetbikes & racebikes...

a world of difference which can not be compared.
especially a aircooled 2cyl with a watercooled 4cyl.

the xbs is a pure streetbike
the xbr is a more sporty (mostly looks) streetbike
both are made for street use.

others mentioned, like the gsxr is a racebike
made for the circuit and belongs there.

we can stay and keep on debating this matter, but will always end up with this conclusion.
if you really want to compare bikes, you should also chose a race buell, the xbrr & the new 1125r
When one of those bikes are available for the same price as a GSXR, we will compare them. The GSXR is not strictly for the track, I am not talking about a race version of the bike, I am talking about a bike that was purchased from the dealer for $11,000 out the door.
Your right,for the money you get way more performance out of the Suzuki.But maybe you should look at it with a different perspective.How does the Buell look alongside,say a Ducati sport 1000,or any of the other air cooled v-twins?
buells look dam good next to the ducati on the street...can they compete with the ducati on the track...wouldent matter to me if they can or cant...buell seems like a better street ride....that dry clutch is a turn off sounds like over priced crap
....that dry clutch is a turn off sounds like over priced crap

Its funny you mention that. Was at the last bike night in Royal Oak Mi, and parked next to a Duc. Let me tell you, it sounds like crap and nearly drowns out the exhaust!!! You hear the "pings and clanks" over the exhaust!!!!! Absolute poo poo and my one turn off to ever owning a Ducati.
I have a 98 duc monster I just bought to restore for my brothers birthday (hes turning 18) its nothing compared to my buell but the dry clutch does add charicter to the older ducs, I kinda like it about the bike
azsnow said:
When one of those bikes are available for the same price as a GSXR, we will compare them. The GSXR is not strictly for the track, I am not talking about a race version of the bike, I am talking about a bike that was purchased from the dealer for $11,000 out the door.
even when coming from the dealer, the bike is still made for the track and then they adjusted some things to make it street legal, since they need an X amount of production bikes before they can enter the bike for race use.
the 1125r should be round that price range...
can i get some help on how to quote button am i missing something...wouldnot be the first time a sound like that id be in neutral every light
maybebuell said:
can i get some help on how to quote button am i missing something
qoute button is between the 'image' & 'code' button

that is just under the smilies and above the message box.
ok, so the gixxer is a better track bike. all i know is i got an IMMENSE feeling of gratification when today a gixxer decided to cut me off on the highway and we went at it in the upcoming twisties. his image in my mirrors just kept getting smaller, and smaller and smaller...