Smoked by a GSX-R 750

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I'm gonna go with Azsnow on performance here,the Gixxer is just a better bike.Thats not a bad thing,you just have to look at it for what it is.My Buell handels well and is fast for an air cooled v-twin,when I make performance upgrades I take that into consideration.I'm never going to be as fast as a stock GSXR1000,but I am the fastest Buell on my block.And the Suzi-Q is only fast until next years model comes out.
das bolt said:
I'm gonna go with Azsnow on performance here,the Gixxer is just a better bike.Thats not a bad thing,you just have to look at it for what it is.My Buell handels well and is fast for an air cooled v-twin,when I make performance upgrades I take that into consideration.I'm never going to be as fast as a stock GSXR1000,but I am the fastest Buell on my block.And the Suzi-Q is only fast until next years model comes out.
performance isn't just top speed...
if your buell handles worse than a gsxr, there's something wrong with your setup.
If infact the Buell outperformes the Suzi in the corners, then shouldnt it be able to beat it on the track as well as the street? Why is it that the XB9 can only run in the 600cc classes, and the XB12 can only compete in the 900cc class? You don't see any v-twins in the litre class, because they cant keep up. If you have to fight the bike to lean it over, how do you justify that it handles better than one you don't. Notice I only compaired MY skill level on BOTH bikes, not a pro rider to the average joe. If the Buell handles so good, why was that one of the redesignes that they incorporated in the new bike? Oh, thats right, because it was too heavy. I bought the R because on the S I felt as if I were sitting about 8 feet in the air, plus it was a great deal. I bought my bike originaly to make it into a chopper, but thought about it and decided that I didn't want a broken back along with a sore ass! Like I said before, I love my Buell, but it is not as good as the GSX-R i said...

stop compairing aircooled vtwins with 4 cilinder watercooled rev machines!

i don't know what you have on your bike, but i do not have to fight to get my bike into a corner...
and also, due to the fact that the weight is centralized, i can go faster in the corner.

look at all new bikes and see what they are all doing with the pipes...they are all placing them under the bike.

and what redesign in what new bike are you talking about???
So it's all about the set up,huh? Fair enough not to compare engines,liquid cooled apples to v-twin oranges and all that.I never said my Buell handles worse than a GSXR,maybe it does maybe it don't.But what are we debating here?A bike is more than the sum of it's parts,even IF the Buell does corner better than the gixxer,how long can it stay ahead?The Suzuki has more h.p. and is lighter and it's handleing don't suck.Maybe on some roads you might have an advantage,but over all?I could probaly beat a Hayabusa in a race through rushhour Boston traffic on my mountain bike, but it doesn't make it a better bike even if the suspension is tuned.And if a bike takes effort to ride fast how is that a good thing?How long can you put that "effort" in before you get tired and make a mistake?
dmp001: Your comments on torque, power, and rpm ignores the fact that torque, unlike power, does not take into account for gearing. If both the Buell and the Gsxr had the same gearing then it would be relevant, but they don't. At pretty much any given speed in the optimum ear, the Gsxr will out-accelerate the Buell. What the Buell has is a powerband that's easy to ride. Beth *loves* the fact that on her bike she doesn't have to worry about what gear she's in constantly, she can blast out of the corner regardless.

For anybody who is interested in the best performance, do your homework and buy the bike which fits that bill quantitatively. For those who want to ride the bike they like, make your decision, regardless of whether it's a Buell or whatever. More power to those people, they'll enjoy themselves.
Why does it have to be a pissing contest anyway? The buells a v-twin, with pushrod technology, air cooled, comparing it to an inline 4 cylinder with dual overhead cams is pointless. One of the reasons the cops are getting upset is because of street racing. Have you tried to ride on the tail of the dragon in N. Carolina lately? It gives ALL bikers a bad name, and whats the point? 9 times out of 10 theres no prize involved, way too much risk, if you want to go 150 mph you should go to a track anyway. Look guys, its simple: If you are having fun, stay on the machine that causes you to smile. If your not having fun, make the change. Life is too short to work so hard just for bragging rights. Asnow, dude you have every right to be happy with the machine you ride. If you like the Gixxer better, maybe you should trade. But like Eric Buell says on his sales CD, "how often does the average rider go 150 mph?" And if you are happy with your buell, man, don't give it a second thought! You have nothing to prove and at the end of the day YOU are the one you are going to have to live with. And if its all about smoking your brother, go him one better and get a gixxer 1000. He'll never be able to touch you. (But puh-leeze! take it to the track!!:))
this is funny..the buells are lame they cant hold there own against any metric bike..not even can only compair buells to buell...dont all get up in arms when a buell gets it ass kicks...theres other reasons to own and ride a buell...they look cool as hell...and they look cool as hell and thats about it...and thats all the reason you need..there not faster quicker or more dependable but they cost a lot more...there in a leage of there own......and maybebuell came to his sences and bought a vmax..everyone goodluck ..ride safe....its better to look fast then pull the trigger against a metric and get your ass kicked
Exactly! I love Harley power, but they are not the best engineered machines on the road! That V-max is a bad bike, have fun with it! I wish they still would continue to produce them.
thanks az.........still produceing the vmax..lots of bang for the buck..i enjoyed my harley power also 113 with 127tq 118 hp...was never a riding the twisties going hard and straight light to light or highway...vmax brought a lot of fun back into riding again...handles pretty well also i was surprized....ride hard and safe AZ
From what I heard, 2007 is the last year of the V Max in its current form, have you heard or seen something different? Its not listed in the 2008 model line up either.
i get model vmax coming out soon.....people been waiting a could be right....2009 model in late 2007..
dump your talking power on the dyno both at 2 000 rpm or 4000 rpm that has nothing to do with power delivery in the street,,,both bikes going down the highway at 70 mph whatever your rpm is at...the 600 is probably 3 to 4000 rpm higher..wheel speed bottom line
those are the numbers to look at riding a bike now with same hp and 50 lbs less torque and its twice as fast...higher reving machines will kick ass thats just the way it is..having fun within the speed limits the buell is all you need...far as twisties and corners go....thats up to the rider with the biggest balls and skill level..skilled rider will out corner any rider here. no matter what buell or metric sport bike he rides
i love my buell. i also loved my KZ1000 ... my CBR600f2 ... hell i even loved a GS550 at one point (ha!) ... apples and oranges my friends.

i would ride the piss out of this Vmax

thanks for the read dmp!

Have fun on that Vmax!
dump good luck going around the twisties,,you wont take me on . i want no part of the could get hurt that way