Good evening Ray,
I finally got back to my wiring mess.

Instrument Cluster Harness:
1. pin 2 has 12v w key on
2 pin 13 0 OHM to negative battery terminal
Lighting:. Turn signals (fuses are good)
1. Someone has deleted the front signals by tying the R brown & L Violet wire (see pics) to the return current in the lighting circuit. It was poorly done. I repaired it (assuming it was done correctly. I believe it was if my thinking is correct. Do you suggest I take the violet and brown split connection apart at this point? Since I am not getting power to the RH turn signal switches? I do not get 12v in any of the Violet/Brown turn signal wires.
I tugged on these and they fell apart- I was hoping that was the issue why no power was present, but not the case.

I disconnected the cluster from the back of the housing, tested continuity from the front turn harness to the rear harness- across the wires (Violet and BRN) 0 OHM reading which is correct. no breaks. With the key on, turn signals activated, no power to the rear harness (again the front is deleted).
2. 12v goes to the horn switch. The horn functions correctly.

3. I tested the turn signal relay and it seems to be functioning correctly although it engages when the key is turned on- I am assuming that is correct.
4. VR - I have come to realize that the voltage regulator is functioning correctly. I am getting the correct DC current able to charge the battery. The Stator is testing correctly also.
What it looks like is there is no power getting to the turn signal circuit. Will the turn signals function if the gauges harness is (disconnected or in my case possibly broken)? That might be where the break in the circuit is but I don't know enough to make that call.
I replaced a headlight ballast and the headlights (hi/low) function correctly. I took the Right Hand Switch housing off of the handle bars and could only find power to the horn circuit in the switch housing with the key on. No other 12v seems to be present in that housing. I activated both sides of the blinkers with no voltage present. SO- back to my question about if the signals will work without the cluster connected.
I am off work for 3 weeks. I am full time on this project now. I hope I have explained things clearly enough to make sense of where I am at with diagnostics. Tomorrow I am hoping to figure out why there seems to be no power to the turn signal circuit.
I thank you in advance and sincerely appreciate any further insights you may have. I will be taking the cluster apart to inspect for internal damage. More to come on that.