1000 Mile Service

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I just bought the bike with 1500 miles on it and it's an 06. I don't have a warranty or I would deffinately be having the pirates do it.
I only had a 1 year warranty, and I didn't hit 1,000 miles until after my warranty expired...due to my NCO support channels, I mean WTF, why can't I ride my bike onto post when it's 19 degrees outside? I'm bundled up like a freakin eskimo, what's it to them? Besides, my V-Twin keeps my important bits warm anyways....lol
Oh, I ended up doing the service myself...:p
To k reed 14

Check out http://law.justia.com/us/cfr/title16/16- for information on the 1975 MAGNUSON-MOSS WARRANTY ACT. See para c. below. HD or Chevy or BMW cannot say their warrany it void if they do not do the work.

(a) Section 102(c) prohibits tying arrangements that condition coverage under a written warranty on the consumer's use of an article or service identified by brand, trade, or corporate name unless that article or service is provided without charge to the consumer.

(b) Under a limited warranty that provides only for replacement of defective parts and no portion of labor charges, section 102(c) prohibits a condition that the consumer use only service (labor) identified by the warrantor to install the replacement parts. A warrantor or his designated representative may not provide parts under the warranty in a manner which impedes or precludes the choice by the consumer of the person or business to perform necessary labor to install such parts.

(c) No warrantor may condition the continued validity of a warranty on the use of only authorized repair service and/or authorized replacement parts for non-warranty service and maintenance. For example, provisions such as, “This warranty is void if service is performed by anyone other than an authorized ‘ABC’ dealer and all replacement parts must be genuine ‘ABC’ parts,” and the like, are prohibited where the service or parts are not covered by the warranty. These provisions violate the Act in two ways. First, they violate the section 102 (c) ban against tying arrangements. Second, such provisions are deceptive under section 110 of the Act, because a warrantor cannot, as a matter of law, avoid liability under a written warranty where a defect is unrelated to the use by a consumer of “unauthorized” articles or service. This does not preclude a warrantor from expressly excluding liability for defects or damage caused by such “unauthorized” articles or service; nor does it preclude the warrantor from denying liability where the warrantor can demonstrate that the defect or damage was so caused.
Changing your own oil or doing your own maintenance does NOT void your warranty. Keep track of the receipts, dates and mileage in a log or in the manual. They have to prove you were negligent in order to deny warranty coverages.


Dammit, didn't see the above ^^^^
I went ahead and paid the $330 for the 1000 mile service at my local dealership. I thought it was an important one for them to do. I didn't want to take any chances on warranty troubles later.

My local dealership is Simi Valley HD, in Simi Valley CA. They have a few mechanics who love Buells and ride Buells. The lead mechanic sold his CR because it got him too many tickets, with how quickly and easily it got up to speed. They always treat me with a good attitude. It sounds like this is not the typical experience with Buell owners and HD service departments.
mine cost 59.00 and the dealer cant void your warranty if you do the 1000 mile service your self
I got a quote at $390 at HD another independent shop in town quoted me $250 I just bought the service manual and did the 1000 miles service myself.
I had to pay roughly the same price with the same "it would void the warranty". It does mention something in the owners manual about this. After that, changing your own oil is acceptable.
I had my 1000 mile done at an outside shop and change out my own fluids on both my bikes and have never had an issue with warranty repairs. The subject hasn't even came up, YET !
I`ve always been told by the dealer that you can do your own service without voiding warranty.They said just keep your receipts for the oil.

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