2-stroke oil experiment.

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I think youre right S0dhi ... im coming off weed wacker ******** and going true motorcycle.. besides I don't want to use up all my leafblower oil..

Bedaring: that is just that adjustment period .. I had the same thing with 2oz but by the 3rd tank it was gone... the hard starting and stumble was only like 3 or 4 times each per tank anyway. Keep bumping it up and the effect will get more pronounced .. the bike will adjust to it... I think based on what they car guys said, the oil is breaking up carbon and cleaning the fuel tank.. youre sucking down stuff that has been trapped in there for a while.. that's what they say.
I might just give it a shot again. I know my blast is darn picky on fuel. It doesnt like 93/91 octane but runs great on 87 octane. I know octane rating really just means knock rating.
my blast is the same way it runs like garbage on the good juice but runs great on the 87 octane. it's all about compression. My lightning is completely the opposite it likes the 93 and nothing less.
Ok so my fuel light came on and I headed over to my local Cycle Gear to pick up some TCW3 and they didn't have any... lo and behold there was a nice bottle of Redline 2T "Racing Two Stroke Oil" sitting there.. read the bottle and got the standard "this **** is good at anything" so I picked it up, filled my tank and dropped 1oz in there.. feels good. I will run it a while and bump it up to 2oz and see what happens. I know now not to expect an instant reaction from this stuff so I will hold off on an opinion for now... this is what I picked up : http://www.redlineoil.com/product.aspx?pid=19&pcid=16

the oil itself looks totally different from the weed eater ****.. this stuff is bright red and thin.. looks just like MMO. Lets see what it does.
Gloomshadow said:
the oil itself looks totally different from the weed eater ****.. this stuff is bright red and thin.. looks just like MMO. Lets see what it does.

Sounds like the Amsoil Dominator, which is also red and thinner than the Marine HP.
OK.. Im back from my first real test of the Redline racing oil... yeah, its the ****!

I cant tell any difference on the bottom end vs weed eater oil but that top end aint nothing to laugh at.

I took it out State Road 46 right outside Sanford Florida.. its about 95F right now. I jinked right to get on the road at maybe 30mph and no one was around so I gave her all she got until I hit 100mph and then I backed off. It was a nice , hard, smooth hit.. hard to describe .. that 3000RPM to 6000RM feels like the revs are rolling at you on ice skates.. a lot better than the weed eater and the weed eater oil wasn't bad but this takes the cake. I would imagine Amsoil Dominator would be about the same like s0dhi said.
I've been using the Amsoil Dominator in the Buell, and it is as you describe it.

The bike moves through 3000-6000rpm with some urgency. In fifth, it rolls from 60 to 100-110mph much more eagerly than when running only fuel.
yeah.. and my gut tells me that its enough to show up on 1/4 times too... I know it FEELS smoother but my gut tells that its faster also.. you know how your mind can play tricks on you but Im thinking its real and that it would show up on times. It COULD also show up on dyno too... Id like to know..

edit: well I guess if it shows up on time then it shows up on dyno also.. at least as far as my thinking goes

I don't believe its "making" more power though, more like "freeing up" power that was normally lost when youre not using it.. drag reduction and better ring seal .. gotta be. Maybe some type of flame front effect?
I wish I could have done a more scientific test because that is what we are all craving, but I got lazy and did both things at once. There is a HD shop with a dyno nearby, and a 1/4 mile track. I'll try to get it tested eventually.

'09 CR 20K miles. K&N, Race ECM, and a Barkers. I added 1oz of 2-stroke oil then filled it up to get it mixed. I have never heard my fuel pump before and I don't now. The seat of the pants dyno thing is really pointless without a concrete 'before' test and 'after' test. Sorry I couldn't provide one. It does however seem… smoother? Relative I know, and I tried real hard not to have a preconceived notion, but I unwillingly think about it when I ride. Like an "A-HA" moment.

I changed my oil to H-D SAE60 because South Floriduh won't drop below 80* ever, for the next 6 months:D
Right away I noticed the top end got quieter, and maybe quieter from the exhaust too? It's alway been real loud up there, even after the last valve adjust. Now the valve train is much, much quieter (still loud enough to scare babies, It IS a Buell!). That make sense with the higher viscosity. I'm sure it has higher oil pressure too. When the temps drop below 75*, I'll change it to 20w-60.

Another big change is the coolant temp drop! My CR would be very consistent at 94*-98* above ambient as read by the IAT (typically running at 189*-201* coolant temp). Now it is 85*-89* for the last week! (180*-192*) (I never recorded idling at stoplights). That's a HUUUUGE change! The change was immediate and my inner thigh gets a needed break! The coolant fan actually cycles now vs. running constantly.

Thanks Gloomshadow for starting this. It got me off my butt to make a change that I'm happy with. Even if the 2-stroke oil doesn't do anything, It can't possibly harm anything unless it's way, way overused. I'll keep doing it.
glad to help out my friend. Bump that 2-cycle up to 1:300.. in other words DOUBLE IT.. then you are running what IM running in my XB. 1oz didn't do anything to my 1203.. it didn't even notice it.
Gloomsadow, are you running the 1/300 for both buell's our just for the 12? and keeping the 1/600 for the 9?
1:300 ,both of them 9 and 12 but I changed to Redline racing 2T.. I posted the link above.... better results and probably cleaner than weed wacker oil. Amsoil Dominator is probably the same..
what did you actually use? and how much? what is your engine oil also? some guys get results and some don't.

Cooter probably cant feel a big difference because he is on a 1125, that's overhead cam, that's smooth already.
According to everything I have been reading it makes sense as a fuel additive. I noticed it by accident before I knew that a lot of guys were already doing it.
The thing is, why not? Adding the oil 'might' help, but I haven't seen any evidence to say it's gonna hurt. Sounds like a win to me!

I run Stanadyne fuel additive in my diesel truck and no one thinks I'm "really, really, really, bored"? Hint: it's for lubricity too!
My truck was built just before the change in diesel fuel in '05 to Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (The sulfur is the lubricator, much like the 'lead' was in old leaded gas), so the engine was never designed to run on the new fuel.
I can tell immediately if I forgot to put in additive (at 600ppm). More smoke, louder idle, less power, worse mileage. Once I add it, everything is back to normal. There is plenty of evidence to support that claim.

Sound familiar? Buell engines were designed before ethanol was added to gas, and we KNOW that ethanol has MUCH less lubricity than the already stripped down gas we get. Buell never had a chance to re-design the engine or fuel system to make stuff compatible like the OE car mfg's do every year. Heck, it's fuel pump from a 1984 Mustang!:D

Makes sense to me.

Even without dyno 'proof' of a power increase, I'm going to keep adding it simply for my own piece of mind.

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