Well-known member
I think youre right S0dhi ... im coming off weed wacker ******** and going true motorcycle.. besides I don't want to use up all my leafblower oil..
Bedaring: that is just that adjustment period .. I had the same thing with 2oz but by the 3rd tank it was gone... the hard starting and stumble was only like 3 or 4 times each per tank anyway. Keep bumping it up and the effect will get more pronounced .. the bike will adjust to it... I think based on what they car guys said, the oil is breaking up carbon and cleaning the fuel tank.. youre sucking down stuff that has been trapped in there for a while.. that's what they say.
Bedaring: that is just that adjustment period .. I had the same thing with 2oz but by the 3rd tank it was gone... the hard starting and stumble was only like 3 or 4 times each per tank anyway. Keep bumping it up and the effect will get more pronounced .. the bike will adjust to it... I think based on what they car guys said, the oil is breaking up carbon and cleaning the fuel tank.. youre sucking down stuff that has been trapped in there for a while.. that's what they say.