2012 harley or buell xb..?

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Hd guys love fall back on this one...

people slam on HD's due to they can't afford one but would love to own one

Next time I'm out shopping for groceries ill be sure to purchase the most expensive food in the store, just so I can be proud of my $500 reciept.

We all love the ERB 1190 because it is a great motorcycle. How many people on this forum do you see slamming it because they can't afford it?
Don't buy a cruiser. Take your $1000, find a used Japanese standard, and learn to ride (assuming your're new at it, of course). IMO, starting out on a cruiser will cause you to build a bunch of bad habits into your riding technique, due to bad feet position, bar position, and the performance capablity of the bike itself. Then if/when you get a Buell (or other newer, sportier-style bike), you'll have to un-learn. At $1K, you're going to be buying mechanical shortcomings no matter what you get, so at least with something semi-current (Honda 599, 919, Nighthawk, Kawi 750, Yam FZ6), parts are pretty common, and the performance will be enough to keep your interest. Plus, you'll probably be able to sell it easier than a cruiser and still get almost all of your money back.

Back in the dark ages, my first street bike was a Honda 175. Rode it everywhere, and continued the wrenching learning curve that started with dirtbikes. But I'm off track. Go with substance and develop your own style. Don't waste money trying to buy style.
How many guys pay cash for their HD's and how many finance them? I'd wager it's just like guys who own $100,000 plus cars. What, 10 to 20% pay cash?
How many guys pay cash for their HD's and how many finance them?

I'm not sure where you're going with this, but I've had a few harleys in my day, and I financed them. That doesn't make me any more or less of a Harley rider. It just shows that I did what it took to make me happy.

This is definitely not the forum for me to go on my Harley preaching, for 1) this is a sport bike forum and 2) Harley nooked the Buell project. But regardless of what someone chooses to buy, it's on them. People buy what people enjoy. And if that means spending more money for a bike that hasn't changed in the last forever, cool. More power to you.

I personally love Harleys, just as much as I love my broken Buell.

To each his own.

Respect for all two wheeled internal combustion vehicles.
I'm not sure where you're going with this, but I've had a few harleys in my day, and I financed them. That doesn't make me any more or less of a Harley rider. It just shows that I did what it took to make me happy.
I should have elaborated, it was in reference to the comment about those who knock them can't afford them.
You know Alfatango1, when I decided to get on here since I was getting a Buell I never thought there would be other riders that would be the way they are over someone liking a Harley. I bought my Buell since I always wanted an HD sport bike and they finally have one or at least powered by one. I know by dad if he was alive would be proud that I finally got an HD, after hearing him give me such a time over my Kawasaki's, Honda's and Yamaha's plus throw in a few Suzuki's to boot it was tough with him. He rode a 1967 Electra Glide when I was growing up and was as proud of it as I am of mine, especially the new Ultra Limited I got back in April. I don't mean disrespect to anyone on here, I joined to learn the things that Buell's do different and to properly take care of it and make it the best it can be. Same reason I am on a Vrod forum and also a V-twin forum. If they can't afford one comment offended you or anyone, was not mean't to be. I came on here to make friends, and learn, that is all, plus maybe share what I enjoy more than anything other than my amazing wife and that is two wheels and two "BIG" pistons and being in the wind.
I'm not the least bit offended, I bought my Dyna Low before I bought my XB, and owned it while I had my 916 Duc. I am just offended by the comment saying "Those who knock HD can't afford one" That's elitist bull ****, my Ducati was more than most any HD at the time and I paid cash for it. I love all bikes, and most of my friends are cruiser riders. Look at my pics, I'm the only one on a sportbike, all HD's, one Big Dog, and my sportbikes. Not all people talk crap but there are plenty who do. I don't ride in a sportbike club because I think most of them are morons, I'm 46 and just love to ride no matter what, but if you've never encountered smack talk about sportbikes, or Buell's from HD riders you're lucky. My ex brother in law was dating a girl who's brother was a tech at an Arizona HD dealer and when he found out I bought my 03 XB9R he said I was a wannabe. "Can't own a true Harley so I bought a Buell".