2012 harley or buell xb..?

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I love my HD's, have a 2011 Ultra Limited that will click off miles and handle unreal for what it is. Took it thru the Dragon back this past spring and it done great and then jumped on in and knocked out 625 miles in one ride back from New Orleans. Not many bikes you can do that with and be able to walk, especially at 53 years old, me not the bike! LMAO. I also have a 08 Night Rod Special that will haul ass for sure, had a couple of Vmax's and if not for the sitting position for a decent launch it will run with a Vmax. I am looking forward to this Buell I am getting this weekend as my to work and back bike and when the wife does not feel like riding I will take it. I would not have a 1125 due to the non HD engine, that is why I wanted an XB. Compairing a Buell to any of the Harley's is not really a fair, be like me compairng my DX to the Ultra. Joe, if you like the looks of a Sportster, I would say go for it. Ride it for a few years and if you ca keep it and get you something like a Buell or you may even decide one day to get an HD tourer like a Roadie or Ultra. I can say though, if I had to give up the bikes and keep one it would be the new framed Ultra, it can carve a curve or crank out a long distance ride in comfort. Until you ridden one, you will not believe them. 103 cubic inches of sweet!

Time to take the official HD brand blinders off.

There are a TON of bikes that will do long days in comfort and handle the curves. I've personally done what you described on an 04 Buell XB12R and on an old as dirt Suzuki GSXR750 (neither one of which would be considered a "long distance bike" by most ). I've ridden to the dragon while pulling off multiple, back to back, 500+mi days on both of them. There are those of us that don't want an 800lb full dresser to eat up the miles on. I like a bike that performs well period, not one that performs well "for what it is". Maybe age will change that view slightly (I'm 32 now) but I still tend to believe I would lean more towards a Sport tourer (Yamaha FJ1300 maybe) or possibly a Victory or a Wing for my senior years because they are the better performers with more HP on tap.

I'm really glad you like your HD (seriously, I am) and since Ive never ridden an Ultra I won't badmouth it. I would gladly take one for a spin if the opportunity arose (I'll ride anything just for the fun of it). All I will say is it isn't my kind of ride; I like to have a lot of HP on tap and HD's tend to be woefully short on that as delivered. I don't feel like I should have to spend 1000's to get the kind of HP that everyone else offers right off the showroom floor. I don't mind wrenching on my ride (enjoy it actually) but I'm not about to pay a premium for a bike that practically requires it to make me happy.

What I do know though is that the Sportster, while a great looking bike, is downright pitiful in terms of suspension, handling and power. I had one and it was one of the worst bikes I've ever ridden. The KZ400 I learned on years ago, beating around my parents yard and tearing up the back roads, was every bit the match of that 883. The short test ride I was allowed on that Sportster wasn't enough to really show the magnitude of its flaws. I was happy to be rid of it.

Anyway, to say that your Harley is "one of a very few bikes" that'll pull off what you described, or that you wouldn't buy an 1125 "because it doesn't have a Harley motor" is extremely narrow minded. There are a LOT of truly amazing engines and bikes out there that aren't made by Harley. In fact, the best engines in the world in terms of power and reliability aren't HD made, that's for sure.

I truly hope you enjoy your ride but try to open your mind to the idea that HD isn't the only bike out there. Lots of other companies make great bikes.
Captain Chaos,

I agree there are many bikes out that are great, many will out perfom what I own for sure and I have owned many, I have had many Rd350's and RZ, 2 V-max's, a GS1000E Suzuki a ZRX 1100 that was super and a Yamaha Venture Royal way back in 1983 and it was way ahead of it's time. Once even owned a real Triumph, a 1975 Trident so i know bikes and have so, my entire life. I don't take you response as a slam at all, but me narrowed minded, not really. I just want an American Bike, that is all. The bike's listed are just some of the street bikes I have owned, rode many many others over the years. Will a new Gold Wing possibly do things better than my Ultra? Maybe so but I don't care for a sewing machine type of ride anymore either, I like knowing there is two big pistons with a long American tradition getting me there and back. Their dealer network is first rate, try finding a dealer other than HD open on a Sunday if you ever needed something on a trip, I doubt you would but lots of HD's are open with service there if needed. Hope I never do but when I am 1800 miles from home it sure is nice to know. As for great other bikes, I love the look of a Busa, almost bought one about 10 years back but the ultra high insurance killed that deal, especially at my age then. By the way, I ride on my weekends off with a guy that has a 800 Vulcan, a 1200 Vmax and even a guy with a Honda 600 v-twin so I don't care what you own and I "do" wave at all bikes, not like some do. I can say that some guys slam some HD riders for not waving back but over my years of being on various rides, the most stuck up bunch are the guys on Beemers, just what I have seen over the past 39 years on a bike (got my street license at 14 in TN). hey ride safe man, enjoy what you got as I do and when a guys asked me about a certain bike he would like to own, I tell them if you like it, That is all that matters. Mike
I agree with everyone.
Be patient and get a Buell. I waited over 6 months and got my buddy's, and it's well worth the wait.
As for Harley, i personally am against Harley. I have had about 15 mikes or so, and none of them were Harley's. They are expensive for nothing IMHO. Get a Honda or Yamaha, they are much more reliable and a much more comfortable to ride. I have had a few yamahas, and absolutely never broke down on me, never an oil leak. So, if you want some good advice, either wait for a Buell, or get an import.
Besides, a 883 Sportster is widely known as a girls bike. It is too small, and you will be starving for power in a few months. Then you will want to trade it for something bigger, and you will get no money for it, since it is widely known as a girls bike!
I hate to add another "what they said" post, but the OPs have it right regarding the 883, availability of Buells, and the price ranges you're looking at. Two other things: 1) If you buy now, you'll be buying from a position of strength, while in the spring, the sellers are more in charge and prices are higher. 2) I don't know where you're located, but you're unlikely to ride all that much over the winter so you either have time to wait for what you want OR to repair/spruce up/modify whatever Buell you find. Good luck with the search.
Captain Chaos,

I agree there are many bikes out that are great, many will out perfom what I own for sure and I have owned many, I have had many Rd350's and RZ, 2 V-max's, a GS1000E Suzuki a ZRX 1100 that was super and a Yamaha Venture Royal way back in 1983 and it was way ahead of it's time. Once even owned a real Triumph, a 1975 Trident so i know bikes and have so, my entire life. I don't take you response as a slam at all, but me narrowed minded, not really. I just want an American Bike, that is all. The bike's listed are just some of the street bikes I have owned, rode many many others over the years. Will a new Gold Wing possibly do things better than my Ultra? Maybe so but I don't care for a sewing machine type of ride anymore either, I like knowing there is two big pistons with a long American tradition getting me there and back. Their dealer network is first rate, try finding a dealer other than HD open on a Sunday if you ever needed something on a trip, I doubt you would but lots of HD's are open with service there if needed. Hope I never do but when I am 1800 miles from home it sure is nice to know. As for great other bikes, I love the look of a Busa, almost bought one about 10 years back but the ultra high insurance killed that deal, especially at my age then. By the way, I ride on my weekends off with a guy that has a 800 Vulcan, a 1200 Vmax and even a guy with a Honda 600 v-twin so I don't care what you own and I "do" wave at all bikes, not like some do. I can say that some guys slam some HD riders for not waving back but over my years of being on various rides, the most stuck up bunch are the guys on Beemers, just what I have seen over the past 39 years on a bike (got my street license at 14 in TN). hey ride safe man, enjoy what you got as I do and when a guys asked me about a certain bike he would like to own, I tell them if you like it, That is all that matters. Mike

My apologies.
I have read and dealt with so much Harley elitism B.S. on different forums (ESPECIALLY the HD forums I frequented when I had the Sportster) that when I see, what I perceive to be, "Harley or nothin'" crap in a post it instantly sets me off. It seems maybe I read more into your post than was actually there. Sorry.:( If your Harley does it for you than I wish many a happy miles to you. [up]

BTW, I hear off and on about how expensive insurance for a Busa is but I just don't see it personally. I can understand it for a 16-18yr old but not for a grown man. My insurance is just over $200/year for full coverage. It's actually cheaper than my Buell was. Maybe I'm just lucky. :D
I have read and dealt with so much Harley elitism B.S. on different forums (ESPECIALLY the HD forums I frequented when I had the Sportster) that when I see, what I perceive to be, "Harley or nothin'" crap in a post it instantly sets me off.
I hear you. I recall a time when I went to a bike wash and bbq at the local HD shop on my 916 before I bought my XB and this "chick" riding "bitch" sarcastically says "oh, what a nice little Italian bike".. Yes, she was looking down her nose at me when she just held on to her fat ass husbands waist all day long on a bagger. That **** pisses me off to no end.
Thanks for all the advice guys I'm glad you all talked me out of even thinking of buying the 883
I'm not against Harley but the 883 is kind of a gutless girl bike as I've done more reaserch about it, I just love the sportster look.
Although for now I think I might hold out on getting a buell unless ofcourse I find a good deal in my area. I think I'm going to get a 90's Yamaha or Honda cruiser bike.
Something I can mess with and cut the pipes and open up the air box and not worry too much if I only spend 1300 on it. I'm still a kid. I don't know too much about bikes but I would like to learn and I'd like to learn on something cheap then learning and possibly screwing up a $4000 buell.
joe...keep your eyes on this site...we find stuff all the time and post them up for others. there is a xb12 lightning the next town over from me for 3k....where is it that you are at?
I don't want a blast.. But thanks haha a one cylinder 500? Nope if I'm going buell I'm going all the way :)
FWIW, a guy I work with mentioned buying a wrecked XB and putting the motor in his Sportster. (883 Hugger)

I don't know if he has already started the process but I do know he bought the wrecked Buell. He likes the looks of the Sportster but wants the performace the XB has to offer... If/when he completes the project, I will let you know how it turns out....
dont know how he will get the performance of the xb with just a motor. performance is handling as well. :p
Wow that will be an awesome project if he's got the money and time to complete it!
Please do let me know how that project plays out I'm very intrigued by that a buell engine on that little sportster.
I have a Harley Lowrider and an XB12Scg. The Harley is like my pickup, tough and comfortable for long hauls. The XB is like the old Triumph TR250 convertible I had in Europe, great fun, a little loud, and an attention-getter (damn those dual Stromberg carbs). Glad I don't have to choose between my two bikes. Although, I sure miss that Triumph.
if you're looking to be frowned upon, viewed with utter disdain, and given multiple "get the **** out of our parking lot" looks...do what i did last week. ride a yamaha vino 125 scooter in sneakers, shorts and tanktop to your local H-D dealership to pick up your Buell parts order (Lancaster H-D). the elitism and snobbery was in full bloom. and you know the best part of doing that and being a man of impeccable timing? it gave me the opportunity to personally witness some old broad fall off a brand new Sportster in the showroom and take out a shirt rack along with a large table of assorted Willie G coffee mugs and key chains.
I have been going to many HD dealerships for years and have never seen an oriental bike or other frowned upon while at that dealership, maybe it's just a southern thing that we like all bikes, period. Just last month Greenville HD had a festival and guys came in on tricked out Busa's and parked right with all the Hd's and heck, they had more people checking them out than the Hd's in the bike show. Sometimes people slam on HD's due to they can't afford one but would love to own one, just how it looks at times from what I have seen. I bet those that slam them, when they get to their 40's and 50's will be on one, that is if we all ain't riding batteries by then! LMAO.

p.s. no one should slam something unless you have experience owning what your slamming, just my way of thinking? I can slam a Subaru, they treated us like crap when we had problems!
I just want an American Bike, that is all.

I respect those words from HDGarage [up]
I wish we had V-Twin Sport bike or even cruiser made in Ukraine. I would also support domestic manufacturer and be proud of it.

I am not the biggest fan of HD though some of them sound and look not bad. I hate HD for killing Buell production. Though Buell has an HD heart and that is one of the important features I like Buell XB (and S1/X1) for.
I really care about the Engine sound and the look of the Bike. Buell has the best combination. I like HD Push Rod Low/Middle Range RPM V-Twins deep throaty sound. I do not particularly like the way Modern V-twin sound with their High Idle speed and 8000 RPM + range sound. And, of course, I hate inline 4 squeal.

Speaking about HD Sportster or Buell Choice... I wouold definitely choose Buell XB ;) It looks the best and sounds the best. That is why I am here on this great Buell.XB forum.
Best of luck with your search and deal, Joemargrave.
You know what they say. Viagra works in 90% of men . The other 10% have to buy a harley
I'm not going to be able to afford a buell unless I save every penny for like 3 months and I can't do that
I think I'm just going to save like $1000 and buy a decent looking cruiser bike like a Honda shadow vt700
You guys know anything about them?