this will piss some people off but what the ****, I can say what I want as we are entitled to our opinions..
Oh and vote for Ron Paul!
The one thing in four pages of ******** actually worth quoting and worth repeating
hmm, seems like Ron Paul supporters have drank the same kool aid as Baa-RockSt@r Obummers hope & change peeps did in '08
just because during a campaign a fellow sez some things that sound great you have to follow the money folks, see that most of RP contributions come from defence contractors and the like, you know the same folks that make all the nifty things to wage war on innocent people in far away lands all in the name of democracy and freedom...
but what the hey, at least someones making the cheddar right, who cares if innocent people are getting slaughtered in drone attacks in various countries around the world (the same drones that do fly over your and my country right now, how long til they are armed to protect us from those pesky terra-ists?)...
meanwhile the US military is in the news every other week due to some dumb ass atrocities committed by stressed out, war drunk young men who are in countries where they are not wanted nor do they belong!
It is evident that the worlds biggest terrorist organization called the United States of America does what little ol Israel tells them and supports the slaughter of innocent Palestinine children all because the Zionists that run Israel believe that since they are gods choosen people they can do what they want...
(even the puppet Ron Paul is in favour of moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jeruselum, not that that would piss anyone off, but its ok...its Israel)
the same nation that has Nukes yet does not have to be part of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty that each and every other nation with Nukes has to belong too, or that on September 18/09 the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency called on Israel to open its nuclear facilities to IAEA inspection and adhere to the non-proliferation treaty as part of a resolution on "Israeli nuclear capabilities".
The chief Israeli delegate stated that "Israel will not co-operate in any matter with this resolution."
how come they can make thier own rules???
not to mention the State of Israel gets some much freaking financial support from the US gov when it's more then evident to anyone with an iota of intelligence that the US can not even take care of its own citizens...
but it's ok since Jews run HollyWeird and all the media that feeds the dumbed down sheep their 'news' (it's called programming for a reason folks) and of course most of the US gov has Jews in all positions of goverment..
before anyone gets all 'anti-semitic on me', I am anti Zionist, not anti Jewish people, big, big difference if one takes the time to learn the difference, (try the doc Occupation 101 for starters)
do people really not get that no matter who sits in the White House that they will do the bidding of their corporate overlords..
here is a link that shows how tight Washington and big business are, it's like they work for the goverment or the big business that support the goverment..'s a revolving door for most of these elite fat cats!
rant over
have a nice ******' day