From bfletcher:
I have to respectfully disagree with you tork. BWB is a horrible place to be. I don't believe this forum is anything like it.
bfletcher- Notice I said this is getting
closer to Badweb. You're right, Badweb maintains their genepool by purging dissenting or knucklehead posters, but usually only after the mob piles on with insults and "my dick is bigger" ********. The only difference here is the lack of banning. Instead, the flame fanning just goes on and on.
What I keep seeing is folks justifying their childish behavior by using the old "but he did it first" line, which is exactly the prevailing attitude on other boards that allows that tired crap to perpetuate, and is exactly why many have signed up here and become regular visitors.
Others make it sound as if voicing an expectation to act a little more civilized and constructive is somehow "pussifying" the board. If you feel that way, there are lots of other motorcycle boards that are rampant with testosterone-oozing squids that will welcome you.
In general, I think everyone here has something to contribute, technically, humorously, or otherwise, and don't like the idea of folks leaving. It kind of feels like the board is headed off on a tangent and just needs a little course correction.