almost mugged and bike stolen

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Could you...
1) Sue the police department for not keeping you safe in the area that they "Have a duty to protect"

2) Sue the police if they never solve your case and return your property?

3) not have the right to legal actions at all?

Just for fun, and remember, different country, different laws:

1. Yes, big payout (Jane Doe, Toronto).

2. Too vague a scenario. You can sue/apply to have property returned if just asking did not work. You cannot sue for failure. You can sue for negligence. It is hard to get guns and drugs back from the police but the charges can be dismissed for constitutional breaches.

3. Too vague a scenario. The right to legal action, in most settings, is there. People just got to claim that right. Several levels of police here are being challenged on that very thing right now (RCMP, Toronto Police).
I say this... If you want to carry, go for it! But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE think of all your surroundings before you start shooting at anything!!

Bad guy goes to mug you in the car with your kids in the back... Shoot that POS, but make sure if by chance you miss, you know that round is going to just hit dirt. Not into another car, a house, a store, etc..

Here in Texas (and I think most of the other states) when you get your handgun license they don't really go over surroundings real well.
I think we should all be forced to take another class with real training. And go to the range, know your guns. If you have land, practice drawing it and firing it.

Make sure you have good night sites, aimed laser or a bright tactile light to aid in the dark.

I work directly with a large police department, those guys are trained very well but they'll even tell you, "when seconds count, I'm still minutes away"

Someone brings harm to my family, I know what I'll do.

And too add to what was said about the bike gear.. I carry while I ride, but sure would have a hard time if I needed my gun. Gotta get off the bike, unzip my jacket arm so I can get my glove off, then draw the gun. If probably run away at that point if I could and hope I don't get shot in the back.
And too add to what was said about the bike gear.. I carry while I ride, but sure would have a hard time if I needed my gun. Gotta get off the bike, unzip my jacket arm so I can get my glove off, then draw the gun. If probably run away at that point if I could and hope I don't get shot in the back.
thats why you open carry on your bike with a retention holster like me ;) no worries about having to fiddle with jackets.
Not to thread jack, but since this is now a different subject now, I will share what works for me.

For a concealed carry gun, i carry a sub-compact XD (big XD fan but anything will work). 2 types of holsters: The 1st is the cross breed - very awkward looking, but absolutely the most comfortable and reliable option out there and very concealed. The 2nd I use more often for some reason is called the clipdraw ( This is for secure carry without a holster. Because clipdraw doesn't make a version specific for the XD I have to use the universal one. I figured it wouldn't work and I would end up having to turn around and go pick my gun up off the road shortly after
Installing it, but I've had it on for about a year and a half now and that adhesive is awesome. I carry my gun everywhere, I shoot that gun biweekly (many rounds) and nothing i do to that gun disrupts that clip.

Sorry for the thread jack....




You can definately feel that its there but, it is not uncomfortable. In my truck, on my couch, in the recliner, or even out to dinner, it is never a problem for me. I have even forgot I had it on a time or too.,ProductName
This is what i got in horse hide, with the normal belt clips. Retention is great, its loose when not in the belt, but while worn its firm and positive in and out. About the only thing i can knock it on is; it is squeeky till broken in. you can treat it with saddle soap to reduce the squeek, but i just delt with it. I was unconcerned with anybody knowing I was carring.
The springfield is a compact... but its still a big gun, and this holster handles it...
I always carry mace for dogs but it would have in handy watchting them fumble bacck towards there came in handy watching them try snd find thier way back to there jeep.
Ah, mace, unless you mean the spiked ball on a stick, it's generally a waste of time.

It's not something to be relied on.

Spent years teaching self-defence and always discourage people from depending on mace/pepper/etc.

Here's why.

It takes about 12 seconds to incapacitate which doesn't happen often. A lot of punches can be thrown in 12 seconds. Set up a stopwatch and start counting.

Outdoors, the wind better be on your side or you get the effects as well. If they're in range to spray, they're too close anyway.

Indoors, yep, you're going to get it too.

Access: same as with a gun, you're going to need it in your hand about the same time you realize you will need it. No baddy is going to wait for you to get it out of a rolled up jacket, your purse, under your bike's seat, or in the glove compartment over there.

The original poster did all the right things: he's alive; he's not defending a manslaughter charge; got the i.d.; and there's been an arrest. There's some valuable lessons there in everything he did.
Read the articles, still stuck on the same question as before: a gun would have helped, how?

Not questioning rights, questioning practicality.

I agree with your sentiments: I don't want to die a victim either. However, very few baddies are going to give their victim any opportunity to respond.

There's all sorts of stories like the ones posted above that would work out if there was a Hollywood ending. In real life, very few stories work out that well.

I would not put any negative slant on the OP "running".
Neither would I; about the op. Like I have said a few times, I would have done the same, as well as i believe everyone here would too.

I do however still maintain a gun is a tool, as is safety belts in a car, and a helmit on a bike. None of these things will guarentee safety, but to not use them is dumb, but I bet I can make an argument not to.

You see the difference with guns is; they cary with them a stigma... People think that surrounding all guns is uncontrollable mayhem, just waiting to be released.

I dont understand this mindset.

If you dont see how being armed would have saved some of those lives than there is probly nothing I could tell you that will. Which tells me alot about you. If you choose to keep to your convictions thats fine, more power to ya, but I feel we have reached the conclusion of our discussion. Good talk thow, many safe miles to ya[up]
here was a bank in (Texas I believe) that had been robbed several times within a short time period. The bank manager/owner posted a sign that stated something along the lines of guns are welcome inside. Since the release of his gun welcoming he has not been robbed again. See sometimes just the possibility that a POS with bad intentions unknowing who or how many people maybe carrying is enough to prevent something bad from happening. Now, that same bank robber isn't going to go get a real job now, he is simply going to find another bank to rob, one that uses the law of no firearms permitted to help protect him.

My philosophy is: if more people supported gun rights and carried responsibly the low lives would have more risks to consider and crime just might drop a little.
It would behoove us all if this thread could die now.
a gun friendly discussion is not welcome in the general chat area??? Hmmm interesting; maybe your just not open to pro gun discussions???

I guess i just dont understand. I completely agree with ASH, an armed public is a well mannered public.
a gun friendly discussion is not welcome in the general chat area??? Hmmm interesting; maybe your just not open to pro gun discussions???

Ok maybe I should not have used bold letters but I DID add a smiley face. And the comment was in good humor I thought. Not many folks I know who use the word behoove. :)

I'll rather not divulge my opinions further on the topic in which this thread has taken.

[up] 10-4 copy. Over and out
Ahhh no harm no foul... Humor is hard to convey on a forum, I will be on the lookout for those pesky eMOTOcons:p next time