I say this... If you want to carry, go for it! But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE think of all your surroundings before you start shooting at anything!!
Bad guy goes to mug you in the car with your kids in the back... Shoot that POS, but make sure if by chance you miss, you know that round is going to just hit dirt. Not into another car, a house, a store, etc..
Here in Texas (and I think most of the other states) when you get your handgun license they don't really go over surroundings real well.
I think we should all be forced to take another class with real training. And go to the range, know your guns. If you have land, practice drawing it and firing it.
Make sure you have good night sites, aimed laser or a bright tactile light to aid in the dark.
I work directly with a large police department, those guys are trained very well but they'll even tell you, "when seconds count, I'm still minutes away"
Someone brings harm to my family, I know what I'll do.
And too add to what was said about the bike gear.. I carry while I ride, but sure would have a hard time if I needed my gun. Gotta get off the bike, unzip my jacket arm so I can get my glove off, then draw the gun. If probably run away at that point if I could and hope I don't get shot in the back.