Anybody had run ins with biker gangs??

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my uncle is the President of Wheels of Soul (outlaw 1%er) in the south Jersey gloucster chapter and I've been to their functions a few times... as long as you aren't disrespecting or posing to be something you arent then you wont have a problem.... and most guys out here with extended swing arms are not part of gangs. just guys who like to put a lot of money into their bikes to make em look "tricked out"...
I am completely oblivious to any gangs around here (Pittsburgh)

HAHAHAHA!! I agree. I can't say I've ever ran into any "gangs" in Da' Burgh... Most riders are pretty nice but you'll get the occasional Harley rider that doesn't wave to a Buell...Kind of ironic, huh???:D
This string is funny!

Anyone ever seen "Biker Boyz" with Laurence-Fishburne? The main character did all that to "Get on the set". If I started a mc it would be for Buell owners and the way its set up on the site its through you HD dealer anyway. Plus how are you to know which clubs to go bowing down to in your area? Everyone takes things to different levels of seriousness.

I think Buell and Harley riders are like cousins more than brothers. Both American made machines.

I played ball in college and when I play pick up I never play that serious while other people play a game of two on two at the park like its a NBA game seven. Not dashing dreams here but if your MC is the most important thing in your life you might want to revealuate a bit. I love riding its great and its a lot of fun with fellow bikers or buell riders but its a weeekend thing for me.
Yea, if you find yourself in the same situations that's portrayed in TV shows and movies... It's no longer about the enjoyment of riding. A check in one's priorities might be in order! (no offense hardcore biker gang guys, please don't hurt me!! **Peeks head around corner to see if coast is clear**)
We've got a few Hells Angels and Lost Dutchmen in AZ.
I haven't had any problems with them.

Definitely don't want to wear a vest with the Arizona bottom rocker though. That's just asking for trouble.
I think Buell and Harley riders are like cousins more than brothers. Both American made machines.

I think of Buell as the red headed step child, just forced into the family by marriage. Poor Buell has to live with those angry, ugly Harleys.
Have you guys heard of black biker gangs. I know that during black biker week in myrtle beach alot of shops just shut down because they cause so much trouble walking out on tabs and breaking ****. Plus I heard they dont tip. :D:D:D:D
Not long ago I saw a young kid had an argument with a guy wearing a patch, the kid riding a 636 Kawasaki told to forget it and the big fellow proceeded to insult the kid. This young fellow just happen to be a black belt Brazilian Jui Jit Su and give this biker the axx wiping of his life(no one got involve) when the kid was done got in his ricer and calmly left. I couldn't stop laughin from watching this big guy being bit down by a 140 pounds young guy.
^^^ wow! was it anything like in the movies? Did he look anything like Jet Lee laying the smack down?
the black gang up here is "lbs. for lbs." they're the other dangerous gang i was talking about. when i went riding with them one guy tried to tell me that their gang and the alaska state troopers have a truce; as long as the gang doesn't speed within city limits the cops dont care. then we went on a 40 mile ride in which a unmarked car followed us halfway back to anchorage.
i was riding with a three other mates (2 harleys and a cbr929)on my buell on a 3 lane roadway when a heap of patched riders swarmed us. We all just held our lines and kept looking around the traffic as normal not showing any care that these guys were trying to make us feel intimidated.This went on for a couple of km's then they all turned off and i even got a nod from one that was near me.dont know if it was for keepin on or because of the bike.Dont care either.
I was at a local bar with some friends when a group called the Gaurdians came in lookin for trouble. Long story short after awhile one of them sucker punched one of my friends and an all out brawl started. As we beat there ***** out the front door my friend who got sucker punched hit the dude up the side of his face with a brick and they took off. Funniest thing it was summer perfect weather and four of them got in a Trailblazer and the others got in a Civic.
I heard if you white in hawaii the locals will kick your ass just for walking into one of there bars.

What if I have a friend who knows a guy who isnt white? Am I cool then?:D
wow sam. thats freakin funny

What else if funny it that I was talkin to the "leader" about bikes and their club and he said I couldnt join cause my Lightning is a "crotch rocket". He claimed to ride a Honda Goldwing and rode away beaten in a Civic. I guess my American made bike isnt good enough for his sissy club. I'd probably look silly in a leather vest anyways.
i have a couple buddies that r into those faggy vest i make fun of them alot. my one buddy used 2 have a gsxr then bought a harley, i told him watch in like 3 months you 2 are gonna go with the whole harley look vest n all, hes like no man i wouldnt do that. lol guess wat he wears now (homo)
Back in ny my friends entire family was savagely murdered by a biker gang because he had a dog named harley. After the news aired the story the gang proceeded to hunt down all of the golden retrievers in the city. My friend moved onto a boat in the middle of the ocean and no one has ever heard from him. He must not get cellphone reception...or his solar panels broke and his battery died. All i know is that every person that looks like they might be in a gang, IS in a gand and they WILL kill you.