I was down in Tennessee on I-75 near Knoxville driving in my Explorer on my way to see some family in Atlanta. There was a group of maybe 20 or so Harley's that came roaring past me. I didn't think anything of it. About 10 miles later they all slowed down and I ended up passing them because they were traveling slower than I. Evidently that was a bad idea... They surrounded my Explorer with their bikes. It was pretty intimidating to be honest. My buddy and I were trying to keep an eye on them all. We knew the only way they could really hurt us was by shooting us. One of them ended up pulling out a hammer and threw it directly at the driver side window (i.e. my head). First off, what a crazy ass thing to do. All his "buddies" are about 3 feet from my car at about 75mph. Anyways, hammer doesn't break through the glass of course because its automotive safety glass. I decide it would be a good time to pull over. There's an exit really close so i get off at it. they follow me, alllll still boxed in. When I got to the stop light, they all put their kickstands down and proceeded to get off. One guy in front started reaching in his saddle bag for something; I couldn't see it. I never gave him the chance. My explorer isn't big. It isn't lifted and the tires are only 31''. But with 4x4 on and pedal to the floor, it will evidently run over Harley's. Ran over 2.5 Harley's, hit one of the guys near the front fender too. The other two dodged.
Most of the gang stayed behind, but five of them still decided to follow me. that's the most memorable part of the whole thing for me, thinking it's over but then seeing those damn 5 Harley's in my rear view. They caught up, but by that time I realized I had to play aggressive. As one of them tried to come up on the driver side again, I swerved into the lane (almost hitting him). Little run in's like that continued for 5 miles at least. Finally they decided that motorcycle vs. SUV wasn't a good fight. Of course, by that time, my Explorer looked like ****, and i hadn't a DAMN clue where i was.
Friend was on the phone with 911 as soon as the hammer was thrown. Highway Patrol showed up not too long after they left and took good care of me. Evidently the occifer knew the gang and said it was an ongoing problem for the past month or two.