Anybody had run ins with biker gangs??

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yea these guys

But with 4x4 on and pedal to the floor, it will evidently run over Harley's. Ran over 2.5 Harley's, hit one of the guys near the front fender too. The other two dodged.

that's a pretty awesome story
There is a reason why the HOG patch is a two piece patch and the location is in the top rocker. For me as long as they aren't trying to "impress" their buddies treated with respect and they are alright. Did see a few BMWs with the HA logo and SS lightning bolts at the Redwoods Run in Cali a few years ago. I thought they all rode Harleys up to that point.
that's a pretty awesome story that's a pretty awesome story

It is by far the most interesting, wild, and fearful thing that has ever happened to me.

I was pretty young (still am), so my dad was still paying for the insurance on my vehicle. I would have like to been there for that talk with the insurance agent.
Here in Redding we've got HA, Vagos, 14,5(a stunt mc), and The sons of Godmc. Never had a problem with the first 3 but the SOG... they'll pray over you like nobodies business lol. I "belong" to a riding group called NorCal Sick Shifters. Just a bunch of guys that like to ride the twisties and have fun.
When I was in college, I tended bar at a spot frequented by some guys from the Pagans MC. I never had a problem with the guys who were "Patched" but one of the "probies" would give me **** about my old Interceptor ('87 VFR750F) from time to time. It only got heated once and the bar owners daughter (my girlfriend at the time)mentioned that he (the "probie") rode a Yamaha while they were in High School.... He never brought it up again.
I'm gonna start the Heaven's Demons. Who's in? I ride everyday and have never ran into anyone who was hardcore biker. I ran into some crazy liter bike crew and rode with them for a bit cause a friend worked with one of them. I couldnt keep up cause I wasnt that skilled and I've only got a 9. There is a bar near me that I think is a biker gangs hangout but I have never been there but they always throw the thumbs up when I ride by. I dont think I would have a problem in there cause they have the armed forces flags out from and I was in the Marine Corps. They are about as hardcore as I've seen.
Lucky in the Aloha State we all just get along.Never heard of any problem...

Where you at? I'm in Kona.

A group of like 40ish harleys get together here from time to time. And proceed to ride through downtown a few times and just around time. We have an old airport here that's ben converted to a beach/park. I was out riding on my Blast (before I sold it) and they were all over there just standing around. Well I decided to be a dick to them cuz' of all the noise they make goin' by our place 3 times while revving the piss out of their harleys. Well I went like 80 down the airstrip then back the other way goin' bout the same speed but this time bout' 10 ft away from them. haha some of them actually scrambled the other way. Didn't chase me or anything
i was a patch holder 40 years ago.
rode a stroked ironhead and a panhead.
upped to a 1972 superglide.
got tired of riding with a bulls eye/target on my back. police escort damn near everywhere.
some clubs more into organized crime than riding.
the bad ass immage is, well, image. people are people.'
every group has good guys and asshholes.
even the police force.
still ride. have 3 harleys. a 03 superglide, same ol stroked ironhead and a 03 buell.
dont show off and be badass with them and your good to go.
i guess i was to nice to be a member. no felonies.
waved at other riders.
left cause it was time.
I went to a bar last week and there were a dozen or more blue iron guys ive never heard of them but they sure looked cute in there matching leather vest.[down]
The funny thing is they all came in minivans ,civics pretty lame rides.Hell one even brought his baby into the bar. they all seemed like they were gonna go home and jack off to son of anarchy. I dont know maybe i just dont get it.Why does anybody want to ride in a crowd? is it the fumes from the other bikes ,waiting for your buddy cause they didnt make a light or maybe cause you look tough when you ride in a group of chromed out turds [confused] i just dont get it.
I dont have any riding friends. So I am always riding alone. I'm going to get a One-Man Wolfpack vest made and start sporting it.
I personally feel safer riding in a group. The last thing I need is to go over a cliff and not have someone there to help me back up. Some of the rises we do have straight drop offs that go down for what seems like ever and yes its happened to a couple of guys.
I hear ya I ride with 2 ,3 maybe 4 but I don't like a big group and I own a Buell because there different I wouldn't want to wear matching leather vests it's just queer. Riding with friends is great and safer
I gots a story.

I managed a strip joint in SF in the early 90s. During "Fleet Week" SF was crawling with drunken military boys looking for a good time or a fight. We had a center stage and on one side was the Navy and the other side was the Marines. Until that night I didn't know how well squids and jarheads got along on leave... and I had one security guy! They were talking so much **** to each other at one point a dancer sat down on the stage because no one was paying any attention to her.

Right when I think the place is going to explode into a brawl... 15-20 rough looking bikers come piling in?!?!? Oh good god!!! You can imagine what I was thinking. There are going to be some broken noses tonight! One of the bikers made a crack to me "tense in here huh?". I agreed and laughed and he tells me that I didn't need to worry about his friends but the "kids" might be trouble. At that point I felt like I had some back up!!!

Then the most amazing thing happened. 2 MPs walk in unnoticed by the crowd and the place is still going pretty crazy. They ask me if anyone has caused any problems and I said "not yet!?!?" They smiled and stepped into the light where they were visible... the entire place goes quiet, everyone sits up straight, with their arms at their sides!!! I am in disbelief.. the only thing I can hear other than the music are the bikers going.. "OOoooooooh... Busted... OOoooh... Better be good kids or daddys gonna whoop yer ass!" Or something similar. No problems at all after that.

No idea what MC or who they were but awesome guys.

Thanks random bikers.

Long winded but worth the share I think.
I hear ya I ride with 2 ,3 maybe 4 but I don't like a big group


We went to Sacramento and did the SB Freaks sac to the bay ride. That was interesting lol. Freeways shut down, police escort, 5000+ riders all riding at one time... Awesome cause though.

2 MPs walk in unnoticed by the crowd
Surprised they even noticed 2 MPs lol. Maybe if the two out ranked all the others but if not, they would've been a fly on the wall for all the others cared.

Cool story. [up]
Who ever they were they were they had the respect of everyone in the joint and helped me breathe easy. It was 20 years ago.. One of them might of been sporting some stripes.