Anyone like this idea? Self Contained Data Logging Unit

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sounds like someone has a mission ahead of him, and I would gladly help support the effort[up]
I tend to steer away from Arduino stuff. They are a great platform that is easy to use, but you can get better bang for your buck by building a custom system around a dedicated system on chip (in my humble opinion that is...).

Since people seem to like this idea, I'm going to definitely dedicate time to developing and testing this to a point where I can offer a great product for everyone in the Buell community.

Since I'm going to put this much effort in, hit me with your feature requests, there are already some good ones above. I can say that not all of it will make it in due to price/time/etc, but I'm sure you guys can think of some great ideas that I never would.

Also, this is no hollow promise, I am going to put the time and money into making this. Expect to see a version 1 available for purchase in the spring or early summer. I may need some beta testers, preferably with some computer engineering knowledge, in warmer areas to test over the winter. I'm stricken with the North East's winter wrath :( .
If my Buell is still around, count me in for doing some logging with it over the winter. I can certainly put it through its paces.
I'd be interested, and willing to pay a reasonable price for such an item. Hauling my laptop in a backpack with a cord wrapped all over the place is a pain in the ass.

Here's a feature that would be very convenient and useful:

Plug the device into the diagnostic connector, and leave it there. Whenever the key is on, it is recording, say up to an hour. At that point it would stop recording and hold whatever data it captured. Turn the key off, the data is saved. Once the key is turned back on again, the data is erased or overwritten.

This would be very useful, as we could simply leave the device plugged in at all times, and if a problem arose with the bike, we would have instant data to help diagnose the issue.

Or if the device is being used for tuning, just plugging it in and riding, without having to worry about hitting a "record" button would rock.

I look forward to what you come up with!

Definitely don't hook it to the key on switch. Hook it to the starter. I don't know about you guys but I would be pretty mad if I accidentally erased all the data. Great idea though CBi. I won't be able to do much riding over the winter buy here in TN it will all be clear by march. If your still needing some beta testers by then let me know. My brother is a comp engineer/comp science major so I'm sure that he wouldn't mind helping me out with the programming part.
I tend to steer away from Arduino stuff. They are a great platform that is easy to use, but you can get better bang for your buck by building a custom system around a dedicated system on chip (in my humble opinion that is...).

Are you talking about this?

I've been looking at that for a while, debating whether it is worth the effort.
I'm up for beta testing, don't know about any programming help I would be, heck, I haven't even used TunerPro yet, but I do have everything for it[up]
Plug the device into the diagnostic connector, and leave it there. Whenever the key is on, it is recording, say up to an hour. At that point it would stop recording and hold whatever data it captured. Turn the key off, the data is saved. Once the key is turned back on again, the data is erased or overwritten.

Thats such a damn good idea! I'll incorporate an always logging type option in. I finally am finishing my Masters work at school tomorrow, after that I'm going to start researching components, I have a month free before I start my job! If I can get my hands on a wireless link cheap enough I was thinking plugging a usb device into a laptop that downloads the data wirelessly, but we shall see. I'll keep everyone posted on my progress. Additionally, I'm going to put all designs, schematics, and code open to the public if you want to build your own or modify the design (think GPL v2).
What a smokin great idea this is. I wonder if the guy is still alive. I need a mini way of logging and this sounded like it was the solution.

First time I came across this thread. Its probably dead, but just something I thought about.

When I used to log my xb, I would lock the afvs and such to allow logging. Would a feature to set the ecm into a logging "mode" be possible?

Probably is a mute point by now, but just thinking out loud.
Annnndddddd...... I'm back. No, I'm not dead. Yes I still ride a Buell, and, I have a working prototype. The biggest issue I've run into with this is moving data from the bike to the computer in an easy way for the masses. Wireless link is pretty much out of the question due to complexity of interfacing with the computer and also price. I have managed to get data logged to an SD card and mashed into a format that works with MegaLog for map tuning. It's still a ways off from being usable by anyone other than a Linux user (read as nerd). The good news is, now that I have a proof of concept, I have all winter to refine the idea into a nice slick product. Hopefully I'll be checking back in a bit sooner this time.