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yeah, ******* pigs. and yet, two "******* pigs" came here and offered you solid information and advice. you ever think that the "******* pigs", having seen the aftermath of cycle accidents, then having to go notify families of their loved one's death, might wear on them? sheesh.
If you are taking this to court to prove your innocence, it will either be submitted as evidence as proof you were in fact being chased or that you did fly by a cop, OR if it's not submitted by the city/state maybe that tells you something

I would like to know what really is going on I had no idea I was being "chased" I mean if it was me and I'm guilty then I'm guilty can't do much about it.

I also have to congratulate myself for wisely not saying anything when being lectured on risking my life, taking corners too fast, and speeding. I'm sure it would not have helped anything if I had told him that it was just me driving the way I normally drive my buell. Between my occupation and other hobbies driving a motorcycle around at 75 miles an hour is pretty low on things thats going to kill me.
No update. Ebeo1 must be in Jail. Who is with me in breaking him out?

Awesome he's not in jail lol. Hope everything works out for ya man.

lol ya my gf came and busted me out of course she was so moody she kind of made me wish I had just stayed in jail.
well ya done good by not saying anything about anything. most people's mouths start to running, and that is never good. if they are going to arrest you, they have their minds made up and nothing you say is going to help anything. so good on you for that. get an attorney, and go from there.
My lawyer got back to me and I wasn’t too happy about his report the good news is he can have everything reduced to a non-point violation but the fines are stiff. I asked him what kind of evidence they sent and he told me they only sent over copies of the tickets so I’m going to talk to him again in a few days and see what if things can be reduced further.
ok first off. is the da prosecuting you. or is it just a ticket? if the da is prosecuting you. by law they have to give you or your lawyer a copy of the evidence ageist you, ie videos/witness statements/full police report.i'm not sure what state your in but i believe it's the same in all states. just a ticket doesn't mean sh-t. that is just a vehicle infraction and i would call your lawyer on it.

This is the deal the da presented to my lawyer and yes my lawyer was supposed to collect all the evidence against me which in this case was copies of my three tickets.
I don’t think they have a very strong case against me but my lawyer also warned if we go to court it’s the police’s word against mine and the judge will usually side with the police.
Economics are also a concern my lawyer is going to charge me for representation in court (win or lose) which could come out to the same price as just paying the tickets.
guys remeber though alot of small town or even some poor counties still dont have dash cams.
i know most small towns around here dont have them , the county sheriffs do and highway patrol and the big city cops do .

another thing you need to do for yourself (it may help save you some money too) is to look up your state & county & city laws and statutes , pretty most every state has them online on there state's website or governers website look for a online law libary within those sites or in the links for the Judicial Branch or Legislative branch.

and some states (like here) the police person giving (writing the ticket) the ticket has to be the very same law enforcement officer that witnessed the vehicle infraction (speeding etc..).

(that above is a easy way out of a ticket if clock by aircraft(in those states), but they will relay the vehicle info to the cop in the car and he/she will just be hiding and get you on radar before you have a clue.

but it sounds like the one that pulled you over may have got you speeding. but did he witness the other infractions or did you get seperate tickets from each of the two police officers??

oes your lawyer speciallize in this or something else or is he lawyer that does everything, make sure to get a lawyer that specializes something like this..
so again here is my question is what state are you the da prosecuting you? because this dose not make any sense, did you get one ticket with three infractions on it? or three different paper tickets?

I'm in Missouri I was arrested on a road southwest of St. Louis and yes I was issued three different paper tickets with one violatoin per ticket. Now as far as the DA prosecuting me I’m not sure I know my lawyer has been in contact with the DA so I assume I’m being prosecuted by him. My lawyer also isn’t a specific traffic lawyer he represented me before in a traffic case and I was happy with his abilities as a lawyer.

I know it wasn't a state cop but I'm not sure the level of jurisdiction so it would seem to me if my lawyer didn't get any video evidence there probably isn’t a dash mounted camera.
I'm in iowa and I don't know any cop, even small town cops that don't have dash cams
lunaticfringe its not as simple as that even if he wins them stupid mother fuckers are not going to reimburse the money he is out for having to get a lawyer and miss work. Those ass ***** should know better then to let the past corrupt the present and distort judgment, or create prejudiced against motorcycles. If there is a chance the cop could have been mistaken, he should have not been arrested. One person out runs them so the next week they **** with anyone they want just to make them selves feel better, like a sick form of therapy. Not all cops are logical and tempered. So i disagree with you that there had to be a good reason for what happened. ******* insecure overblown ego's needed to be fed. Now this one stupid avoidable situation brought on by the cop is going to change the way our biker friend looks at life and riding for the rest of his life. He is always going to be looking over his shoulder distracted by the thought of it happening again. Its that simple. Doesn't sound simple to me.

Im starting to realize i truly have some deep seeded hatred for bad cops. Even the ones who are just little bad.
I got another update for those interested

Talked to my lawyer again he feels the plea bargain presented earlier the three tickets would be reduced to no point violations I would have to do a year of probation and take a defensive driving course was the best deal there is.
I pointed out the fact that they sent no evidence and I was innocent but my lawyer told me taking it to court creates the problem that it will be my word against the cops and regardless of evidence who will the judge believe? I called a second lawyer that handles traffic cases only and he told me it would cost $1400 to get started and if we went to court he would charge me by the hour.
In conclusion it just makes financial sense to pay the tickets, if I went with the second lawyer and he kept me out of the court room and got everything reduced to nothing I would still be out more money than what I’m currently looking at.

After this experience I don’t believe we have a judicial system it’s a racket law enforcement can go around giving tickets then the courts levy fines less than the amount that representation cost. Time and finical restraints will keep me from pursuing my innocents and the local government gets paid.
[mad] It is quite infuriating
you have finally awaken.

a little off the topic of your thread this pretty much sums it up.if this was not an officer the person would be forced to register as a sex offender

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) He's in uniform and apparently on duty. But state police say the officer caught on camera having sex on the hood of his patrol car did not commit a crime.

A video of the encounter at the county-owned Canyon Ranch surfaced about two weeks ago.

State police spokesman Tim Johnson tells KQRE-TV an internal investigation has been conducted and "at this point we do not believe any criminal activity occurred." He also said the officer will not be cited for lewd behavior.

Johnson declined to release the names of the officer or the woman. But KQRE says he is an 8-year veteran of the department and was State Police Officer of the Year for the Santa Fe district in 2010.
In what you'll pay in increased insurance down the road, a better attorney is worth it.