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Hey snrusnak, thanks for pointing out the that the difference in bulb shape could change to light output pattern, you are right, I hadn't considered that issue, thinking it was more a question of the location of the bulb relative to the foci of the reflector.
Hey snrusnak, thanks for pointing out the that the difference in bulb shape could change to light output pattern, you are right, I hadn't considered that issue, thinking it was more a question of the location of the bulb relative to the foci of the reflector.

No problem, I'm certainly not an expert, but have done some research. A filament bulb(halogen) I believe is cylindrical shaped, and a HID I believe is arc shaped. Not only are the shapes different, but the points where they are brightest and dimmest are different. Matching them with the wrong type reflectors creates problems, that's the bottom line. There's a ton of good info on the web, I did my research using google, then found some friends that had "retro" kits in their cars with HID's, using stock reflectors, and when you really look at the light path down the road, not at the lens, you can see how bad it really is. Also, looking at the light from far away shows you how scattered the light pattern gets.
The high beam works but when you live in any normal town that has street lights there is no point in having it 2 low beams is a way better option for where i live. I laugh when people take out the spoon because they can see better doing that, it is just as bad as running hids.

My lights are way less blinding angled correctly and both having the spoon.

A reflector housing is way different than a projector.

That is true, but still, the stock projector housing is designed for the halogen bulb and halogen shape. I'm sure it would give similarly poor results putting an HID in without altering the reflector housing inside the projector. Again, no expert here so I don't know, never dealt much with the projectors. And this is me assuming the stock bulbs are halogens.
Im no expert either lol ive read about all the problems with hids in halogen housings on the interwebz.

I always have both lights on no matter the time of day, I would be flashed by other drivers all the time and I would laugh and never turn off the high beam.

I found that on my Firebolt using the low beam spoon in both housings has drastically reduced the amount of people flashing their highbeams at me and has increased the amount of light on the road in front of me not the stars in the sky.
lol, I don't even know what you guys are talking about by "spoon" lol

I usually don't have the high beam on during the day, unless visibility is low. I really don't think it helps much, lights are so hard to see during the day anyway. Never once while riding have I been able to see the lights (low or high) of bikes behind me, without REALLY looking for them. I barely use my high beam as I rarely ride at night. I do turn it on in mornings and if raining, or at dusk, but it doesn't make much difference at those times from where I'm sitting, just to help others see me. I rode at night recently and flicked the high beam on and was blown away with how much light it gives. I used to have a suzuki bandit with standard one bulb that housed low/high beam in a reflector housing, and it sucked. low beam was too low, high beam was too high, you couldn't adjust to a happy medium because it was all one bulb, and it wasn't very bright. Ended up adjusting for high beam and left it on, and that was probably not even as bright as the buells low beam.
Oh and sorry for dragging this off topic...I do that sometimes...just was trying to put out some info on the HID's to help keep some people safer.
I have this in my high beam housing.

Here is how it works in Upstate NY.
The scenario is that you are 10-15 over the limit. Johnny law pulls you over and writes you a ticket so that you abliged to go to traffic court for a disposition. Before you go before the judge you are asked to talk to corporate council where they offer you a deal that eliminates the points and has you owning up to parking on the pavement or some other non moving violation. The reason for this is that if the original ticket for speeding is enforced then you have to pay a state surcharge and almost all the fine goes to the state. If its pled down to a non moving violation then the local jurisdiction claims all the fine money and there is no state surcharge. Both state and local municipalities are broke so they are writing tickets like tomorrow will never come. The courts are choked right now primarily because the police are looking at things they would normally ignore.

Imagine if the politicians actually ran everything like their ***** were on the line then they would not overspend on stupid **** and themselves and the cops would be less likely to yank you around for the money.
