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In what you'll pay in increased insurance down the road, a better attorney is worth it.

The one I have now has already gotten it reduced to no point violation so its probally not worth paying more trying to get it reduced further.
Me and the lawyer talked again he had told the prosecuting attorney that I wasn't thrilled about the plea bargain they had worked out for me. This apparently displeased the prosecuting attorney because and I quote "I was given a fantastic deal" so I may have blown my chance at the no point plea bargain I'll just wait and see if they can offer something better or go to trial.
Here is the final outcome of this saga, I had the failure to yield to an emergency vehicle, and careless and imprudent driving dropped and plead guilty to a speeding ticket took 2 points on the license, and paid a fine.

After this episode I'm almost baffled how the judicial system works my lawyer and I talked with the prosecuting attorney and that position had the authority to drop or reissue tickets. I took a deal were I plead guilty to a lesser charge so that I didn't have to show up in court and pay less on legal fees. I'm guessing they try to solve all cases this way so they can expect to make money. Going to court runs the risk of them not getting paid and I run the risk of going to jail.
I definitely feel for you, I had to fight a wreckless ticket for 40 over and I was and had been sitting still with my bike off watching a medivac chopper airlift someone. I had been sitting still for nearly 30 minutes. it all got thrown out in court luckily.
That sucks but some cops really are pieces of $hit. I know we have a lot of decent cops and some here in the forum who are OK but some are not.

I am in Cancun this week and got pulled over the other day. The cop offered to let me off for $50. I was speeding, I own that but he's still a corrupt pig, that he will have to own.
Don't speed and you wont attract attention to yourself. Law Enforcement today is different than the old days, technology has helped provide evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and better than the officer's word alone. When these guys put HID bulbs in their halogen reflector housings, hack up their exhaust to wake the dead, bend and distort their license plates and mounts, and stunt on the street along with speeds 30-50 mph over the limit, and then they bitch when they get cited or hooked up.

Please dont compare a mexican cop or law enforcement in any other country to US LEO's. Nowhere near the same standards.

So, you payed $50 with no paperwork for speeding which you admit you were guilty of, versus a paper citation that may have been added to your driving history or an arrest as they can don't have to cite and release as we do here. Big whoop, you should be happy.
I still want to know how fast you were going. If you got a speeding ticket they must have clocked you.
jriffe108 [up], though I think the HID headlight is a safety issue on a bike where most accidents are caused by car drivers not seeing a bike. I've almost been pinned to curbs by cars that decided they were going to turn right at the last minute from the left lane or, oncoming, turned in front of me as though they hadn't seen me. If an HID headlamp helps them see me so much the better! If it is properly adjusted it shouldn't be a major issue at night, certainly no worse than the headlights in many modern cars which come with HID lamps.

I still want to know how fast you were going. If you got a speeding ticket they must have clocked you.

I don't know how fast I was going when he clocked me I know I was driving between 60-70 on a back road posted at 55 (thats my normal speed). The cop claims to have clocked me in speeds in excess of 90 but "gave me a brake" and wrote the ticket for 80. I got the careless and imprudent driving for taking a corner at 70 when the corner was suggested for 40.

I'm pretty sure he clocked a different motorcycle and only caught up to me because I wasn't aware that I was being chased. Its either that or he has such low integrity and bias towards motorcycles hes willing to lie which I hope isn't the case but possible.

At the end of all this I had to pay a speeding ticket the other tickets were dropped since I was actually speeding I am guilty of it.

My lawyer mentioned to me all recent clients he has taken care of in the past year had more than one ticket issued for traffic violations and its becoming uncommon for people to get off with only one ticket much less just a warning. His theory is the local governments budgets are running low and there making up income with traffic violations.
Don't speed and you wont attract attention to yourself. Law Enforcement today is different than the old days, technology has helped provide evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and better than the officer's word alone. When these guys put HID bulbs in their halogen reflector housings, hack up their exhaust to wake the dead, bend and distort their license plates and mounts, and stunt on the street along with speeds 30-50 mph over the limit, and then they bitch when they get cited or hooked up.

I can agree but does you average buell owner do 55 on a paved back road with really nice twist ????
thanks for the update and sounds like a decant deal. wish the courts where more on our side set dates by our schdules not the officers.

I advocate the use of HID lighting on motorcycles as visibility is a plus for us. However, if your gonna do it, do it right, and legal. I have HID's on my lightning, but I modified the original housing with HID specific projectors with shutters to utilize the high beams. I can be seen for a mile out, but without the glare. As a motorcyclist, we all know that cagers either don't see us or don't care. It is a chance we take and we must ride defensively. It sucks that a few clowns give all of us a bad rap and lead some drivers to treat us like crap on the road.

We must share the road the same as them. I have seen a lot
of Motorcyclists cut off cars and squeeze through very tight areas with no respect for
others, granted, the car will always win in a collision. I have ridden in a safe manner for many years and have been cut off a couple of times and had many people turn in front of me. It sucks, but, I haven't gone down... Yet.

I have been behind the wheel when bikes have overtaken me and cut me off numerous times. Ride with respect and you may get some.

As far as spirited rides, I understand how fun it is, there are places to do this safely and legally. Same as drag racing with cars. The public roadway is not the place for it. Wildlife, other vehicles, bicycles, debris, and poor road conditions.

The posted speed limit on most twisties is sufficient. Most cars have to slow to the advised or suggested cautionary speed to negotiate the road safely, while we can maintain the high limit with ease. Want more, find a track. It's not worth getting killed because you high side on a dip on a poorly maintained road or low sided on gravel and then get run over by a car or truck. These are dangers not usually found on a track.

Also risk losing your bike, license, or freedom. Ride responsibly.
jriffe108 , though I think the HID headlight is a safety issue on a bike where most accidents are caused by car drivers not seeing a bike.  I've almost been pinned to curbs by cars that decided they were going to turn right at the last minute from the left lane or, oncoming,  turned in front  of me as though they hadn't seen me.  If an HID headlamp helps them see me so much the better!  If it is properly adjusted it shouldn't be a major issue at night, certainly no worse than the headlights in many modern cars which come with HID lamps.

He's not saying HID's are bad, he's saying putting HID bulbs in a HALOGEN REFLECTOR type housing is bad:

When these guys put HID bulbs in their halogen reflector housings

Most people don't understand this, and you don't either, no offense to you...just trying to give some info here. Halogen bulbs and HID bulbs have a different light shape/pattern and they need different reflectors to match. Putting an HID bulb in a reflector housing is a big no no, it scatters the light, and is dangerous for both you and oncoming traffic. There's a reason it's illegal to do this. It may appear brighter at the lens, but it actually gives less light down the road, and blinds oncoming traffic to the side. Another problem is that since it is brighter at the lens it makes your eyes lazier and more used to the brightness, which makes it even more difficult to see down the road where you've now made it even darker. If you want HID's you need to do it the proper way.
I guarantee my hids puts more light down the road, I have switched back to stock before and the difference is huge. Hid wins.

I understand that it isnt the right housing for a hid setup btw.

I put a low beam spoon in my high beam so the light cutoff is perfect, and way better than the useless high beam shining up in the trees. A good cutoff that can be angled up for high beam use is way better than stock imo.
I guarantee my hids puts more light down the road, I have switched back to stock before and the difference is huge. Hid wins.

No doubt they emit more light, but the problem like I tried to explain is that they don't focus it to the correct spot, as the reflectors in the housing do not match the shape of the bulb.

Personally, I find the stock high beam to be extremely bright, I assume it's a halogen? I know it's a projector, and it does a great job, better than any other bike or even car/truck I've owned. It really focuses the light well down the path, without being excessively bright and glaring at the source. Like they are supposed to be/designed to be.