Before & After!!! Gotta C!

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Thanks guys! Fine Arts Major here, and Tattoo artist. I actually got the inspiration off a set of wings I done for a guys back.

I used Krylon Fusion Ultra Flat, it takes about 3 cans to do the whole bike after it has been "primed" I primed with same Krylon but green. Make sure to clean before u spray, I used denatured alcohol followed by tack cloth.

I have found that a little buffing with some 2000 grit avoids most of the scratches and for the oil's???? I gues just clean off and spray again??? Thats the beauty, it matches every time no matter how you spray.
that looks awsome!!!

(still wish i would have PM'ed you earlier so we could have traded plastics first :) haha i've always wanted yellow)
that would have been even better for me too, but I had the plastic all scuffed about 3 weeks before I knew this forum existed[smirk] and I had 2 holes in the tail about the diameter of ur index finger, I welded them up along with a few other misc- pieces. U would have been disapointed for sure......
check out "BuckDaniels" I think he has yellow and is going to the dark side, check above or PM him. I forgot that u already asked me lol....
check out "BuckDaniels" I think he has yellow and is going to the dark side, check above or PM him. I forgot that u already asked me lol...

great minds think alike, i just finished pm'ing him haha but thanks for the idea none the less! :)
Well spraying everytime there's finger prints or road grime smeared on it might get old and will keep building up where you mask off the art work. All I've ever heard from painters is that flat black is the worst color to paint a vehicle due to the open pores it has compared to a cleared paint job.
You can get the flat black look with out all the fuss. Go with a base coat clear coat in satin or flat. It will hold up much better and is pretty easy to wash.
whats the difference between flat paint and base??? I tried the Fusion flat black and it looked just as glossy as anything. im not too worried about things at all, for a $20.oo paint job all things are good... although if this becomes problematic i will deff- take ur advice tune. Thanks.
Well the base is not protected and is not designed to withstand exposure with out a clear on top. Many will skip the clear but that is when the issues Baja talked about become problems. Ya it will be a bit more than $20 so that has to be concisered too. You could also just try a flat or satin clear out of a can over the flat fusion. May last a little long that way too.
Should have cleared the whole thing or went for a satin look
You can get the flat black look with out all the fuss. Go with a base coat clear coat in satin or flat.

YES I agree 110%. You need a clear coat! Im doing satin as we speak. With out the clear coat you will get scratches and the yellow will show through the first day you ride it. I would do 3 coats of clear satin. Wet sand with 1000grit. Then poly 3 more coats. Spray even or it will run. Be sure to overlap you spray half way each stroke. The results will be a stunning! Also spray right over that kick ass home made decal art. Will blend it nice and be very smooth like it grew there. ;)
Ok but what if you start out with black plastic? I am in the process of sanding as we speak. Can I just sand down to a real fine grit and just go with the flat look that I end up with? Should I still go with a flat or satin clear? The cool thing with starting with black is I don't need any paint[up]
This is my rear seat cover and my nose can see the difference
It just has a flat black look. Not sure if I should satin black or satin clear it. Any ideas?
I dont know???? I thought my paint would hold up fine but others with "flat" experience seem to doubt.... although I have the same paint on my Rhino and it holds great through brush, thorns, trees ect.....

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