big rattling noise from bike !!!??? =(

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hey guys i talked to one of my dad's friends who owns quite a few harleys and he told me that it was my primary even though i tightened it and it seemed fine. i did what he said and rubbed my fingers inside around where the chain runs and it had all kinds of knicks and dings in it. He said i need to replace the chain, what do you guys think.
thats a great fix. but find out why its slippin. i.e; broken teeth, worn out links, hub nut loose or tight,,,;)
well i talked to a few harley guys and they said they think it is the retainer that is connected to the primary chain adjusting bolt. That sound about right?
given that ur bike only made the noise @ decel, it could be the retainer is loose with no pressure against it. The faster the chain spins the more pressure it slaps on the shoe. The slower it spins the less pressure on it,,,
well i busted the whole side off and the retainer looks fine. i had a guy look at it and he said there is a lot of play in the primary chain and that over time they get stretched out. so my next step is to replace the primary chain and check from there. But my question is can those metal chains get strecthed out? it is like six bands across and seems pretty strong
the chain will fail quicker if; primary fluid breaksdown faster than normal; improper free-play; excessive rpm's; excessive speeds,,,look at the chain guide,is it worn down more on 1 side or bent, maybe not even worn in,,,
i figured that a chain stretching out would be a gradual noise that got louder as the chain got more stretched out. But it just started making a noise really loudly, all of a sudden, and while i was cruising at like forty-five miles per hour.

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