Blown Fuel Pump Fuse

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I am about to buy an 06 9s, this is my first Buell. I have had several Honda CBRa, and a 98 sportster when I was younger. Ya!ll have been a great source of information. Aside from the faulty fuel pump & fuel pump fuse, leaky head gasket,..... Is there anything else I should know going into buying this bike. It's rad as he'll & I already know I am going to love it. Still I work on my own bikes so it would be great to get a heads up on what to pay attention to....... Thanks
An update on my pump issue.Spoke to my dealer and they said they would take a look for me.After a few days i had a reply saying that they could not fault the bike and would wait for a harley rep due later that week.The tech rode the bike luckily in the same conditions and what do you know it stopped after 10kms.He replaced the fuse and 3 kms later "pop" again. The rep arrived later that week took one look at my bike and allowed the tech to pull the fuel pump. The dealer was pretty receptive to all my information that i had gathered regarding it being an issue so they went ahead. The tech could not find anything wrong with the pump and said it was clean as a whistle.They had faxes going back and forth to harley tech in the states with harley tech telling my dealer to replace the "fuel pump sender unit" (considerably less than a pump assy). I waited for the part to arrive ( 2 weeks) and they assembled the bike and rode it without fail. I only have had a few hundred kms on it and so far its not stopped again. i am off for a ride tomorrow and i really hope everything goes smoothly. I asked if they could definately find a fault with the old part and my dealer couldn't but at least they went to bat for me and covered it under warranty.
no lemon law in my state. goodluck with that friend. all buell parts stay on back order it seems lol. there are a few great links on this site that you can get used or rebuilt parts for cheap. at this point i have stocked myself up with double orders for the future when no parts are available. i waited 3 months for a ecm one time. so i got 2 of them adn i couldnt stop myself whenever i had extra cash i just got me **** left and right. you mentioned your fuel fuses are 10 amp mine are 15 amp.
Yes kelly mine are 10amp as per original fit and handbook. Kelly i have also been grabbing the odd part mainly new flyscreen and airbox cover in cherry bomb along with some consumables.I would like a set of rims but have found them a little scarce or trashed.I went for a ride on the weekend using a tank of juice and in very hot weather.The bike performed wonderfully (better than i did ) so i am gaining confidence that my issue has been delt with.**** i love this bike ....its a keeper for sure.
maybe it just had a bad streak and relearned its fuel mapping/tps or however you wanna say it, either way im glad your diggin the bike bro we buellies gotta stick together. im about to try and sell my chopper so i have more room for me buell and my parts(rims are hard to find in good shape without paying a mint). is a pain to play with her in the shed and have to pull one bike out adn put it back in lol, i dont even bother riding that ole triumph anymore so its time for it to have a new home. peace okey my friend
I have an 2009 XB12SCG. I had the same exact problem with it shutting off for no reason whatsoever. The moment I replaced the fuel pump fuse (10A), no issues for a few miles, then the same shut off again. After much reading and research regarding this problem, I discovered that it was a common issue tied to a faulty fuel pump. I called HD Corp prior to taking it in the dealership for repair so that they could properly document the issue and also to get a reference number. I took it in to the dealership, gave them the reference number, explained the issue once again, told them to check the wiring and to update the fuel pump to the 2010 model pump. I got my bike back 9 days later, new fuel pump, and have been riding almost 500 miles thus far with no issues. I hope it remains this way. The important thing is that it has been documented so if it ever happens again even after the warranty expires they will fix it. I hope this helps....
Happened to me for the first time yesterday. 08' XB12Scg. Fuse blown while riding on the highway. After reading this thread it seems like it's the fuelpump's fault. Has anyone here replaced the fuelpump themselves?? Is it difficult??
My fuel pump fuse began blowing after I put a Jardine Exhaust and EBR ECM. I had to replace it twice in 2000 miles. At the time I was running HD non-synthetic V-twin oil. Since I started using Amsoil 20w 50 it hasn't burned out for the past 3000 miles. I bought a replacement fuel pump just in case though ;)
I dont think it's an oil issue. "Kelly" are you sure your bike is using a 15a fuse for the fuelpump? Anyone tried using a 15a instead of a 10a?? Needless to say my bike died three times yesterday. Blown fuelpump fuse everytime, 10a. Was about 27 degrees celsius, about 80 fahrenheit and heavy traffic. Seems like the fuse blowns when the engine gets hot.. Crap. ;) Fuelpump replacement here i come!
Mine died for the first time yesteday. At first I forgot about the fuse issue. After an hour of screwing around trying to get my truck ready to pick it up a little light went off in my head. A quick search on the site and I was up and running. It was about 25 Degrees Celcius here yesterday but I was on a highway doing 100KPH when it shut down. Replaced the fuse and no issues since. Gonna talk to my dealer in the next few days. I have the extended warrantee so I should be good. 0912Ss with 18000km.
I took it in to the dealership, gave them the reference number, explained the issue once again, told them to check the wiring and to update the fuel pump to the 2010 model pump.
I called my local dealership, they said the 2010 pump was completely different from the one on my 2008. Anyone know if this is true?? I don't trust the stealership.
From what I can gather, I'm sure the pumps are different. But I'm pretty sure they would still fit into 08-09 models. Correct me if I'm wrong, anyone.
I just wanted to update on this topic. I noticed my fuel pump fuse began burning again on an extremely hot day when my gas tank had low fuel. I have been very diligent about keeping ample fuel in my tank and the problem is not persisting.

I always keep 2 spare fuses under my seat. I still have a replacement fuel pump chilling on my garage shelf just in case. I have already outline a replacement job if it is necessary in the future. But so far so good.
I had this issue when low on fuel with my 09 Euro spec XB9SX. bike 3 years old (next week) and this has happened three times. After the first time I carry spare 10amp fuses (3) in my bike jacket.

Re; earlier posts; mine has fuse ratings and positioning diagram moulded into lid of fuse box, also there is a spare 10A and ? other fuse within. Maybe this is only on euro spec models?
Ha, go figure. Can't believe this is so common. I just bought a 2009 xb12s with 200 miles on it. Had this issue the first time yesterday. Can't wait to buy a new pump.....already. [down] Regardless of this issue though, this bike is great:D
Ha, go figure. Can't believe this is so common. I just bought a 2009 xb12s with 200 miles on it. Had this issue the first time yesterday. Can't wait to buy a new pump.....already. Regardless of this issue though, this bike is great

I was burning fuel pump fuses but no longer. Basically:

- Try to keep the gasoline topped off as frequently as possible
- Keep spare fuses with you

The fuses tend to burn on warmer days when the fuel is low because the pump needs to be bathed in gasoline to work properly.

Anything you can do to keep the bike cooler helps. I'm running Amsoil full synthetic oil 20W50, my bike LOVES that stuff. I also installed a RSS which funnels cool air over my engine while I am riding which significantly lowers operating temperature.

I haven't burned a fuse for over a year now. I purchased a spare fuel pump thinking I would need to do a replacement, but I haven't needed it, so its been sitting in my garage for over 2 years now.
I was burning fuel pump fuses but no longer.  Basically:

- Try to keep the gasoline topped off as frequently as possible
- Keep spare fuses with you

The fuses tend to burn on warmer days when the fuel is low because the pump needs to be bathed in gasoline to work properly.

Anything you can do to keep the bike cooler helps.  I'm running Amsoil full synthetic oil 20W50, my bike LOVES that stuff.  I also installed a RSS which funnels cool air over my engine while I am riding which significantly lowers operating temperature. 

I haven't burned a fuse for over a year now.  I purchased a spare fuel pump thinking I would need to do a replacement, but I haven't needed it, so its been sitting in my garage for over 2 years now.

Thanks for this response. Good call on the fuel, I'll definitely keep that in mind going forward. Now, I'm for sure buying a RSS asap. I went to the HD dealer today just to get an idea of the fuel pump replacement cost. Yea....hope I don't have to do that.:D
Blowing Fuel Pump Fuses

This is an old post, but you guys have a lot of good information in here, so I'm gonna resurrect it :)

Seems I am now also a victim of the fuel pump fuse blowing.

My 2010 XB12 Scg (10K Miles) is not hot (sitting in the garage) and has a full tank of gas. So neither of the above apply to my situation. The problem just started. Not after a ride or having done any maintenance. I turn on the key (with a new fuse 10A or 15A), bike fires up and within seconds, I can see the fuse blow (the seat is off). Put in a new fuse, turn key and pump primes, then in a few seconds it blows. I've done these tests three times now - i'm done testing.

Since I have a 2010, I'm assuming I have the new version of the fuel pump that is not susceptible to the wire chafing issues.

I'm gonna pull the pump and do a visual inspection to see if there is anything obvious with the pump or wires. I would think that a voltmeter measurement across the various pins would indicate if there was a short, but don't know what to measure for.

The only thing I can think of is that there is a chaffed wire. The 09+ fuel pumps are supposed to be better, but that does not mean it can't happen.
This is an old post, but you guys have a lot of good information in here, so I'm gonna resurrect it :)

Seems I am now also a victim of the fuel pump fuse blowing.

My 2010 XB12 Scg (10K Miles) is not hot (sitting in the garage) and has a full tank of gas. So neither of the above apply to my situation. The problem just started. Not after a ride or having done any maintenance. I turn on the key (with a new fuse 10A or 15A), bike fires up and within seconds, I can see the fuse blow (the seat is off). Put in a new fuse, turn key and pump primes, then in a few seconds it blows. I've done these tests three times now - i'm done testing.

Since I have a 2010, I'm assuming I have the new version of the fuel pump that is not susceptible to the wire chafing issues.

I'm gonna pull the pump and do a visual inspection to see if there is anything obvious with the pump or wires. I would think that a voltmeter measurement across the various pins would indicate if there was a short, but don't know what to measure for.


Greg, Just to double check unplug the fuel pump and turn on the key see if the fuse blows, have you done any thing else with the wiring just recently? Sorry but I gotta ask.
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