Bluetooth Adapter Group Buy - $51

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That sucks for all you guys that payed and never received anything. I was suppose to get one, but I am not out any money because i won his give away he had. Hopefully karma is a big nasty bitch to him!
I don't recall what websites I used to find this information, it was a year ago or more. It was all public info, though. I never verified it, I just kept it in a safe place.

Kyle L Dewald
(256) 275-3958
1550 Helton Dr, Apt H7
Florence, AL 35630-2424
[email protected]
The unfortunate thing is that he has offspring now.

I wonder if we could get help from paypal. It has been over 45 days but he screwed a lot of people. Maybe they make an exception?
I just emailed paypal customer service with a link to this thread, asking if they could make some kind of exception.
Yep, he even asked my address so he could send it out to me and thats all I heard of it. I hate to see all u guys getting screwed over like this. It sucks we cant trust some fellow buellers.
Neil I will send your tracking via pm. I never meant for this to get out of hand as it has. fish expect yours soon and for the bluetooths that are done bu haven't been mailed I will send them out. If you want a refund please pm me with your actual name and I will start issuing these. I have made mistakes in my life and I have learned from them, and yes karma is a bitch but I want everyone to understand that I never wanted this to happen and I don't want to take money from anyone. Depending on the number of refund requests it may take a couple of weeks to send them all. You can get either a refund or the bluetooth. Just let me know and please leave it at that.
Hello , Hope Dewald here. I would first like to apologize to everyone on here. But I would like for you to all know that this is not a scam and I can promise you will get your Bluetooth or money back. I would like to come out and say that none of this is my husbands fault and I fully take the blame for all of this. This all started out as a hobby for him as he would make stuff for his bike. I'm not sure if he started selling them on this forum or eBay first but it started out slow. As time went on he found more products he could build and sell. With our full time jobs and daughter it was becoming hard for me when he would come home and go straight to his office to work on these products. Most nights I wouldn't see him again until it was time for bed and as time went on I just quit waiting on him. I finally put my foot down and told him he had to find time for that and us too. As that went on he was slowly falling behind on his products and shipping times. He truly enjoys making these and didn't want to just give it up. We purchased a house towards the beginning of 2014 with the intentions of remodeling as time goes on. Not long after that we discovered that I was pregnant witch put us in a situation of focussing on that before the baby arrived. He was still building these products during this time and never had the time to get things done on our house that needed be finalized before contractors arrived. This is where I put my foot down once again. He had to pack up his entire office and put it in storage for about 2 months while we lived with my parents as the house was being remodeled. I believe he tried to work on a few things for people during this time but not having all the things he needed it was hard for him. Then I was diagnosed with PPROM witch is preterm premature rupture of membranes and they told us that we would be having our baby at 26 weeks. I was hospitalized for quite awhile during this time while they tried to keep me from going into labor and providing me with steroids to help the baby's lungs develope. Once again kyle was forced to put his building on hold. We were very fortunate that I was able to carry our daughter to full term an yes she was born October 28th. Between the baby and our soon to be 5 year old daughter who is in Pre K and is enrolled in several after school activities such as dance and gymnastics we have demanded a lot of his attention and help. It is definitely not his intention to upset any of you nor screw anybody over. Yes he took on a big roll with this post and the amount of orders he has taken on and I trully think he never expected to get as many people signed up as he did. Between that and his nagging wife that I'll admitt to be he has been very overwhelmed. I know he messed up with the D1 incident but he has done some work for a very kind man and is currently working on paying off that debt. He truly is a great guy , I know it wouldn't seem that way but he has been caught in the middle of all of this. Trying to stay true to y'all and his family. I can absaloutly promise that you will receive your product or your money back. As far as my information I don't understand where it plays a role in any of this. Yes I am divorced and the information that y'all recieved on that is very one sided and untrue. I'm divorced from a very abusive man. I also did not take his daughter from him as he stated on the forum , he lost all custody of her from abuse and abandonment. I married him very very young and I was very immature and nieve and I will admitt to that. As far as the aspiring actress profile...? I was not aware of this profile and did not create it. My ex husbands girlfriend has been very crafty at creating fake profiles of me and I imagine this is a source from that. If not then somebody has taken a photo from me. I would obviously make a terrible actress and will not be presuuing that career. I really don't know what my husband posts on here or says but he really is trying to do right by everyone and has just completely overwhelmed himself with all of this. And I honestly think he is scared. Would he ever admitt to that , I doubt it. But he was afraid of everyone finding out who he was because they would assume this was all a scam. And sure enough as soon as something was mentioned about him everything escalated and he was afraid everyone would give up on him. I'm sorry for such a long post , as of right now he is out shipping a Bluetooth to a Neil Lowman. I apologize Neil for not adding you on facebook by the way. I wasn't aware of who you were and I'm very careful with who I add due to my ex creating fake profiles and trying to make contact with me. We are snowed in for the weekend and I promise to let him work on bluetooths so he can get more out Monday. I believe he mentioned having 7 that are close to being finished. Please contact me with any questions I will absaloutlly respond and do everything I can to resolve any problems. Once again I sincerly apologize for all the inconvenience I have caused yall. - Hope Dewald.
I defended this, i feel Like a sucker, just send me my Module Cause i doubt you can afford the refund.

So in fact, you are Kyle.
And sure enough as soon as something was mentioned about him everything escalated and he was afraid everyone would give up on him.
No. I blew the whistle yet it still took 2 months for anyone else to actually join me. He had ample time from my bringing up the association to make it right; don't forget the 2 months before I said anything.

I have a 14 month old and a Type 1 diabetic teenager, I understand not having time to build things yet I still could've found time to get 38 of these made in a 4-month timeframe, especially if cash was in hand.

Now, shame on you for knowing that he had people's money (almost $2k) making it an obligation for him to get product out, yet forcing him to go-back on his word to his clients because you wanted cuddle time.

All the information about you that was posted today, I could've posted back in December, but didn't; I knew the two accounts were one-in-the same since '12. I figured that by pointing out the association, it would push him to try to get the modules out quicker and maybe turn around his image after the D1 debacle. However that wasn't the case. I do feel kinda bad that it had to come to this, but at the same time, you both brought this on yourselves.
oh9bolt , absaloutlly! Please tell me your shirt size and wether you would like white or black. I apologize if I'm not tagging anyone right.