Kyle DeWald has scammed this forum out of considerable sums of money, and also withheld funds from a late member's family. The fact that any of you are even willing to consider doing business with this thief is unbelievable.
I don't speak out often anymore, but allow me to delineate the series of events that have now occurred. Kyle DeWald offered to do a run of t-shirts to benefit the late Delta One's family. Many users purchased those shirts in order to support Delta's family in a time of crisis. Kyle DeWald delivered very few (or zero?) shirts, and disappeared with the cash, leaving both BuellXB members and Delta's family in the lurch. Kyle DeWald then created a new account on BuellXB pretending to be someone else, and started selling items. BuellXB members again purchased a large quantity of these items. Kyle DeWald, again, has failed to produce anything in exchange for these funds, and has repeatedly offered up empty and contradictory excuses for why he has neither delivered product or provided refunds. I know exactly what PPROM is, and I'm sure Kyle DeWald's wife Hope is a fine person, but I can't believe you guys are buying this ****.
Every single member who has been involved in this purchase should immediately contact the local PD in Kyle DeWald's town and file a complaint of theft. Every single member should also contact PayPal and file a similar complaint, in the hope that a large number of complaints might, at the very least, permanently block Kyle DeWald or any of his family members from being able to operate PayPal accounts. Finally, every single member should always use Kyle DeWald's full name in every post in order to permanently tie him to his irresponsible and immoral actions by Google search, so that any time an employer, investor, customer, or family member Googles his name they can see exactly who he is.