Bluetooth Adapter Group Buy - $51

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jetlee , one thing my husband is terrible at is communication. It wasn't brought to my attention until today that anyone had a problem with what was going on. I also wouldn't call it cuddle time. It was more of sit and eat dinner with your family. Let's go somewhere. Let's leave for the weekend. Work on this work on that. I truly am very sorry for all the fuss I created. If I was aware such things were going on I would have acted on it. This is where the communication problem comes in. I imagine Kyle either did not want to worry me with the problem upset me or he just has pride in handling things on his own I'm not sure. But now that I am in on the action I will do everything in my power to make things right wether we are forgiven or not.
Hope and Kyle, send mine last. I'm in Michigan and not riding. Spend some time with the family before you make mine. I know all too well that life can kick you in the nuts repeatedly and a few more times after you fell down. I only hope for the best for your family.

I sent an PM a week ago and an email this past Tuesday asking for a refund. I have not gotten a response on either.
Thank you for all the responses guys!! yellowcarbon I will definitely have him send you that refund today! I apologize for the delay! Everyone else , as of right now he has 7 that are close to being finished that he will complete this weekend and send out Monday. I will post a list of people that these are going out to , and once they are shipped I will send everyone their confirmation and tracking! Thank you everyone for giving us the opportunity to make this all right!! Also I believe after these 7 modules are finished that he has to place an order for more parts to finish the others. I will update on that as soon as I find out all the facts from him , and I will make sure that order is placed this weekend so we can get all these out ASAP. Thanks guys!
I would like my module rather than a refund.
I also would like to say I think it very sad and disrespectful for people to drag the guys wife and family's personal information into all this. Has nothing to do with the issue at hand. Reminds me of a child having a tantrum and throwing anything you can find around to attract attention. Yes it has been handled poorly and I feel something needed to happen, but I wonder about the motives of some of the people posting here...
Kyle DeWald has scammed this forum out of considerable sums of money, and also withheld funds from a late member's family. The fact that any of you are even willing to consider doing business with this thief is unbelievable.

I don't speak out often anymore, but allow me to delineate the series of events that have now occurred. Kyle DeWald offered to do a run of t-shirts to benefit the late Delta One's family. Many users purchased those shirts in order to support Delta's family in a time of crisis. Kyle DeWald delivered very few (or zero?) shirts, and disappeared with the cash, leaving both BuellXB members and Delta's family in the lurch. Kyle DeWald then created a new account on BuellXB pretending to be someone else, and started selling items. BuellXB members again purchased a large quantity of these items. Kyle DeWald, again, has failed to produce anything in exchange for these funds, and has repeatedly offered up empty and contradictory excuses for why he has neither delivered product or provided refunds. I know exactly what PPROM is, and I'm sure Kyle DeWald's wife Hope is a fine person, but I can't believe you guys are buying this ****.

Every single member who has been involved in this purchase should immediately contact the local PD in Kyle DeWald's town and file a complaint of theft. Every single member should also contact PayPal and file a similar complaint, in the hope that a large number of complaints might, at the very least, permanently block Kyle DeWald or any of his family members from being able to operate PayPal accounts. Finally, every single member should always use Kyle DeWald's full name in every post in order to permanently tie him to his irresponsible and immoral actions by Google search, so that any time an employer, investor, customer, or family member Googles his name they can see exactly who he is.
I agree and if I had known it was Kyle DeWald I, like many others, would not have bought in.
Pay attention to how each sentence ends ... !!!!!! each time someone responds with the names above, there is at least 2 different people replying with one different name.
Did anyone else notice it.
I agree it may have gone too far, and I didnt know who this person was, but thanks to the people that spoke up, So we know to watch out for, for bad business.
And I hope they do make it right for all
theoctopus, I can fully understand your concern on both matters and your anger is fully expected! I can assure you that people have gotten shirts and anyone who hasn't I would like for them to contact me with their size and colors and I will send them their way immediately. I actually shipped out 2 shirts this morning that a gentleman reached out to me and said he never recieved. Modules have been sent out and 5 are completed to be sent out first thing Monday. I was under the impression that we had 7 but one was sent out to Neil Lowman and another was a replacement for a gentleman on eBay. We also issued out a refund for yellowcarbon today as his request. I will absaloutlly send out any refund anyone requests from us. And everyone who wishes to stick with receiving their module will receive one. I will do anything it takes to make up for this and to make things right. As far as the things that have happened in our life I would gladly post pictures of everything I have to back our story up including my medical history if it can give any reassurance to anyone during this time! I know a few people have reached out and mentioned that they would like to stay with receiving the product but please anyone who would like a refund please let me know! And if there is anything I can do to help this situation I would love to hear it! Thank you everyone!
ztied , I'm sorry for all of the "!!" This is usually what I do when I'm texting and I keep catching myself applying that to this. But this user name is one I created yesterday so I could address the issues and be the communicator. buellxb9rs << excuse me if I don't have his user name right , but that is my husband Kyle's user name. I'm not sure if he has been on here talking to anyone since I have joined but if so it would not be under my name.
matter , have you recieved a module? If not are you still interested in receiving one or would you like a refund? We can also discuss this in private message if you would prefer that. However I'm trying to keep as much public as I possibly can so everyone can stay updated and also see that things are being handled and hopefully give a little reassurance to everyone.
matter , I apologize I did not realize that you were a poster above that mentioned that you would still like your module.
UPDATE : Kyle has 5 bluetooths completed and ready for shipment first thing Monday. We take lunch at 11:30 and will go to the post office at that time to drop these off. We print our shipping labels at home and I will provide each person their tracking info tonight once Kyle has printed them off. Below is the 5 people who will be receiving these.


I know a few of you mentioned you would like to wait to receive your bluetooths but y'all are the only ones who have spoken out about still wanting the product.

With that being said , as I mentioned before Kyle has to place an order out for parts to complete the rest of the orders. After speaking with my husband about the the concerns of some users I have decided that the best way for him to handle this situation is to issue a refund to everyone that has not yet recieved a module yet. Unless you contact me and request to stay on the list to receive a Bluetooth we will automatically refund your money. Please know if you do decide to stick with this product he will have to place an order to be able to complete your Bluetooth. I truly don't want anyone to think of us as criminals and scammers witch brought me to this decision. I just want to do right by everyone and help ease all of your concerns.

Also , anyone regarding the D1 shirts please please contact me and let me know the order that you did not receive and I will get these out to you immediately!! Also I don't know the full details of the D1 situation but I do know that some money has been sent their way from us and we will continue to do so until that debt is paid off plus more!!

Kyle would like for me to list everyone that HAS recieved their Bluetooth , that list includes..


Here is a list of everyone who placed a purchase.

1 Restlessrustler
2 evilrx
3 9lbhammer
4 oh9bolt
5 bottlefedbuell
6 5-0dro
7 s0dhi
8 XB12Rog
9 Sirius815
10 theycallmecrash
11 neilrl79
12 mrlogix
13 heagachongoose
14 Phlegm42
15 yellowcarbon
16 matter
17 JDT1127
18 jDiZzMaNiZz
19 SpeedyG
20 TACPBuell
21 motopickle
22 pagrivat
23 Jonny5saliv
24 WhiskeyNick
25 Ericz
26 correafj
27 Tork
28 Handb94
29 Nu Image Audio
30 jstav
31 monkeywrench
32 ztied
33 08herobolt

Here is a list of the people we have already refunded.


We will be refunding 4 people tonight. 4 people next week. And 6 people the week after that. And then 2 people the week after that. This is how the refunds will go unless we are able to pay on more one week.

The 4 people we will be refunding tonight include:


Here is the list of refunds for the following weekend.


Here is the list of refunds for that following weekend.

Nu Image Audio

Here is the list for that following week.


This is all in the order that that everything was purchased.

Once again I would like to thank everyone who has cooperated with us and for allowing us to make this right. I sincerly apologize to everyone for what has happened , and I do hope that what we are doing everything to fix this for everybody. Please contact me with any questions and I will keep everyone updated on all the refunds! To the 5 that we are shipping products to I will be sending you a message with all your tracking info in just a few moments once I get them printed. Thanks guys!