Lol, if only it were that easy, I was stopping at random sight seeing spots to get pics of the bike, then I took off from this one like a bat out of hell, 3rd gear came up then it sounded like my rear tire blew, I started slowing down without using brakes then the rear end started swerving back and forth, finally stopped in the road, cars behind me and all. I looked down at my tire, and saw my bag was jammed in my rear tire in between my swingarm, so I manage to rip it out, then got the bike off the road so cars could pass, they all asked if I was ok, I was fine, my pride was bruised but I was ok, traffic passes, and I look back too see the other half of my bag and some clothes in the middle of the street... So I managed to get my stuff in my tank bag and in my jacket, bike was ok after it ran for about 50 miles, little bit of bumping cause of when I skid to a stop doing 40. Let this be a lesson to all, like Tad said, a smart man learns from his mistakes, a smarter man learns from others mistakes :/