Buellxb Forum

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My buell sux so bad that I ride it every day with no problems and people get the **** outta my way when I fly up on their ass. I hate it when people want to come up and ask if that's the new Ducati. It really bugs the **** out of me when I get pulled over for doing 98 in a 45mph zone and then spend 45 minutes talking about bikes. Oh well at least it's not an ugly as **** busa.
Its a shame he couldnt get it together, but im sure he and his busa will fit in just fine at the gay bar.
Funny. I was upset when I saw the heading. When I started reading I just began to think of how everyone hates everyone because they don't ride this type bike. If you ride a motorcycle that's cool in my book. But don't come on a buell forum that has helped you out in the past and basically say all of your bikes suck... Not cool[down] maybe that's not what he meant, but I know some took it a certain way. Good luck and don't wear shorts while riding in your chrome helmet :D Cause that's just stupid! :p
Hey you with the busa guess what I'll still beat your ass to 80mph lol did it once and I'll do it again and again. O and have fun when it comes to your first tuen hopefully you remember the push pull technique
Might as well put training wheels on a busa and just drive a straight line
We should just delete the thread..don't need people hating on a dying breed, if it's not for you it's not for you
Delete the thread? No....It'd be like deleting Jersey Shore, everyone needs something to make them feel better about themselves...
If I were to get a Suzuki it would not be a busa,they are ugly to me and my Buell has a better overall look,it has not given me anything but minor troubles,no problem on major stuff,my first bike was a Yamaha and all I had to do was look at it and something fell off but a buddy of mine had the same model and nothing ever tore up on it and he ragged his bike all over the place,sometimes it is the luck of the draw,:D
Funny. I was upset when I saw the heading. When I started reading I just began to think of how everyone hates everyone because they don't ride this type bike. If you ride a motorcycle that's cool in my book. But don't come on a buell forum that has helped you out in the past and basically say all of your bikes suck... Not cool maybe that's not what he meant, but I know some took it a certain wa

Yep that's kind of how I took it! At first I thought it was a joke. Then I read it thinking what a dick, but then I realized he wasn't hating on us, BUT in a strange twist whether he meant to or to, that's exactly what he was doing. Then I read he bought a busa, and it took me full circle to me realizing it was definitely a joke.

I found a picture of his new sweeeeet busa!
Lol, I don't think I've ever seen so many responses to a thread in such a short time. Keep the momo a-go-go!

We should just delete the thread..don't need people hating on a dying breed

No way. I see 1 hater and 20+ dedicated, die-hard fanatics.
Hey you with the busa guess what I'll still beat your ass to 80mph lol did it once and I'll do it again and again.
Hate to say it bro, but if you beat a guy on a busa to 80, he was a lame ass rider. I raced a lot of my Buell friends on my 07 and none, I mean none could ever keep up even from launch. As much as people hate on the looks of a Buse they ****** rip ass!
Can i take his place? I can't wait to get a Buell. If it's half as addicting as this site then i'm in trouble.
The green bike is the result of motorcycle peer pressure from a weak-willed individual with more money than sense. The white 1125Cr is a drag bike. Both kill the point of a Buell which is handling. I personally think 'Busas are compensation for smaller.....parts. I have a couple of roads I'd love to take my 'Busa riding friends on but they're too scared because while I'm dragging my knee on the first curve, they're dodging trees and picking sticks out of their visor. The difference between the two bike is apples and oranges!
Apples to oranges... I love my Ninja but I really LOVE my Buell! No, they are not for everyone and that difference is one of the thinks that drew me to my Firebolt. Seduction some might say. Other bikes might be more refined and have less issues in the long run, but none of them have the character or soul of a Buell. Strange that it was mentioned in one of these posts about Buells "finding" their owners. I kinda felt that way when I got mine. The more I read about them and read the posts on this forum, the more I wanted one - to the point where I couldn't stop myself.... Of course, I might just need medication, but damn, this bike is fun!
I wouldn't take any thing for my Buell (XB12R), and I wouldn't take anything for my Hayabusa ('01).

Some pet lovers have both a dog and a cat.