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IMO cr's are fugly anyways, love my xb! If I got a lemon I would be ranting on here also.
mates i love my Buell , however i don't see an issue with the guy moving brands because of issues that are not resolved. I really wanted to buy a white 1125R. I would keep my 12ss. But even though i an infatuated with a white 1125R I now would not purchase one as they don't have any backup virtually at all. HD don't wanna know us especially the 1125 crew so where does a guy go when his stator fails ? EBR nope from what i heard they don't do them now either , so where does the guy go? Obviously to another manufacturer that will support their product. I am not out for an arguement and i am as passionate a Buell fanatic as many of you and i aggree that because of that i ignore many issues and embrace their character. As many say Buells are not for everyone and as i cannot buy a new Uly i am off to soon get a Vstrom as an all rounder. C'mon Erik and produce a bike we can afford .
No issue with his change up. More with his title "Buell Sucks"...oh, and the whole Busa bandwagon thing. Kinda like buying a canary yellow Hummer with 28' chrome spinners.
I know this for sure - I respect the 'busa as a bike. I don't *have* to respect the typical rider. Just as I respect the GSXR as a bike, almost every Ducati, etc etc etc. The bikes aren't the problem. There are even a few stupid Buell riders out there.

Buell IS a unique bike and it DOES have a learning curve and common issues. Any bike does. Most of us are willing to trade those issues for the absolutely insane handling, deep wells of torque, and a sound that makes the peasants drop to their knees and beg for mercy.
The issues do sometimes seem overwhelming when you read about them, but the exhiliration of riding it is second to none. I bought mine because it was original, exotic, unique, and limited. Never have been much for being part of the flock. Good luck to you and your endeavors. I'll stick with my American made monster, and deal with the issues. Nothing worthwhile come easy.
I hate my CityX as well after the last 2 years hut my girlfriend already after 2 month. On the girl I gave up but never on my bike. Some day she will be done and run like a gaps... And then I will give her up as I did on my gf
Yeah, but the 'Busa will get the babes.

I joke when I post the crazy pic as anrkizm posted, anyone can jack up any bike. I could absolutely care less what anyone on here rides. It makes zero difference to me.

There's just a better way to go about that transition than the title used above.

But either way, good luck and enjoy the new bike!
Hermaphrodites ride Hayabusas!!! There I said it....
See that's the kind of crap that belongs on those other forums. Buell, Kawi, Suzuki, HD who gives a **** as long as they ride. Bashing this bike or that bike just brings the forum to "That" level. Buell riders should be above this since they get enough ridicule from a lot of sources yet we still ride them.
I suggest if you dont like a bunch of guys jokin around about a particular bike, then don't read what they are posting. Being high and mighty like some kind of moral compass that nobody asked you to be isnt gonna get you far. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.
I could absolutely care less what anyone on here rides.

ive had tons of bikes they were all great in different ways i love the way my buell handles and stands out i also loved cruising at 200 mph on a nice long road and turnning a 7 sec 1/4 mile.
/\for sure. I prefer my buell bcuz it is quick @ lower speeds. Japanese bikes (especially busas) are too easy to do "super death speeds" without noticing ur going that fast, so the sake of my health and driver's liscense i choose something a lil slower:D
i have love for most things 2 wheeled.......

just not all the people that get on them...
the pic above is just disturbing.
/\ Yeah cat puke is pretty disturbing but damn that chick on that busa is HOTT
