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OP is a troll. Hayabusas are the ugliest pieces of ****. I'd rather buy a 1125CR and spend teh cash to replace the stator than hop on one of those big bugs.
I think I'm gonna go over to the busa forums and tell them how buells are more awesome than they are lol. I'll post a link so you guys can tune in and get some good laughs. Its gonna be a total Charlie foxtrot.
^^ I wanna see that [up]
I guarantee they will not be able to come up with a Buell picture anything like that girl (?) on the purple 'busa :D
Any of you guys ever actually ride a Hayabusa? No? I didn't think so.

If you got a taste of that kind of power reserve.....it's VERY addictive.
I don,t think I have ever had a bike that has NOT given me headaches at so time or another.Not being able to get your bike fixed is madding, I lost most of riding season two years ago waiting for a fuel pump then lost the rest do to a crash.HD owend Buell and I blame them for a lot of the problems not Buell. if you want power go ZX14.If I didn,t have the Lightning I,am not sure what I would get maybe a 848 streetfighter or KTM maybe Buell,s fat ugly cousin Xr1200.Sorry about the long post have fun with whatever you ride BE SAFE
Any of you guys ever actually ride a Hayabusa? No? I didn't think so.

If you got a taste of that kind of power reserve.....it's VERY addictive.

Yes I have rode plenty. They are powerful, but i will not own one. I just cant get with the Hype!

Hate to admit it, but I love all that makes the Buell unique. When people ask about it, I freely admit that the motor is the week link, but then tell them about how HD tied Erik's hands with it. But then they are amazed at all the other innovations. I wish HD gave him half the R&D money that the V-roid got! Hahaha! Rant out!
Well said. I have also owned a hayabusa and even then I thought the bike was butt ugly. The thing is, these two bikes are really two different breeds. BuellXb's just weren't made to do 200 mph. You have to know that before buying. I mean come on the engines are Harley platforms. It's like comparing a jeep to a corvette. Still, ride what you wanna ride and it's cool. Come on to a Buell forum and post a topic as "Buell Sucks" or whatever and your just the village idiot. :)
You should have looked at getting A new EBR.Unless you just like going in a straight line and are a little bit scared of turns in the road.
I love all that makes the Buell unique
Jr. and I went to bike night last week,Rode the ZX-10 til my 1125 gets fixed there was about 75 ricers ,100 Hogs and (1) BUELL.People stop all night and talk about his bike and Mr.Buell it was pretty Kool![cool]
Amen to that! I was getting fuel today and a homeless guy actually crossed the street to compliment my CR. That sort of thing doesn't happen with my GSXR...

People dig Buells. Even non-biker people.