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It DOES bother me that the first response to rrh481's post of going 160+ was "you're speedometer is broken then". Loki didn't even ask him if he had done any modifications whatsoever. Hell, in reality the bike could barely even really be a Buell.
It DOES bother me that the first response to rrh481's post of going 160+ was "you're speedometer is broken then". Loki didn't even ask him if he had done any modifications whatsoever. Hell, in reality the bike could barely even really be a Buell.
Understandable, but then put it into my "bar" scenario and if he said that sitting next to RR. RR would say something like "No I did XYZ to it" and Loki might say "Oh, OK I get it" "Cheers" ! :)
Ya ik, even though everything is brand new on my bike. And then everyone states that the other bikes I was with must have bad speedos too. But it's all good.

Idk if this is different then yours but I have a 65 tooth rear sprocket Not sure what my front is but then I have a 128 tooth belt
i hope you prove everyone wrong and share the info but gearing is how your going to get that speed and if you have done all these mods to your bike i would think you would know wich front sprocket you have how many teeth and what the final drive with the custom sprocket is.
no mention of gearing on any of your previous threads just checked maybe you could give me a link to it
umm i believe it was great way to start off the season. 46 tooth rear 21 front chain drive. my belt set up is stock gearing.
you said you got to 160 with all stock 08 parts and never mentioned chain drive until a member pointed out that was the only way possible.[confused]
ok this is easy we can end this now.take a pic of your chain kit up load and post if you have it it will only take 5 mins.you lead everyone to think you did 160 with the belt you can end this all right now and prove your point with a pic of you chain set up laying next to your bike.
I just rode 260 on my buell that I converted to run on vegtable oil. Its not a chain drive or belt.. I wove pull and peel into a indestructible band.
Like I said in my other thread my bike and parts are at my shop and I'll be going their tomorrow so I can take a pic then. But y'all still probably won't believe me
it would be nice to put this argument to bed.for all involved posting on both since this has spread
All you had to do was say chain and it would have been done with. UGH what a waste of time. A stock 08 engine with a chain at 46/21 will do 152. Well within the speedo error range to show you around 160.
I know its not, just saying in general that a stock 08+ with a chain can do around 150 at 7,100rpm redline. Really nothing new there. I still would like to see your bike, just not going to be as interesting now.
Sorry to put a damper to your day. But here's when I finished putting it together to take it for a quick beat run.

travis your dumb the kid asked to see a pic of my bike. and i clearly explained that was when i finished putting the motor in and i clearly stated that ill take a pic when im off work tomorrow since my bike and parts are at work. idk why your being such a douche lately.
okay this kid obviously took the picture a while ago seeing its night and its sunny in the picture and you all are haters ! every post he has yall shut him down ....actually saw his chain kit and my bike was right next to him my gps said 156 on mine so yall can suck dezzzz nutz