Buell Top Speed :-)

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I once lied about ******* all of the female Victoria's Secret models, got called out, after trying to face the hoard of naysayers, I had to admit I only ****** 2 of them. Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima. I felt like a total loser, but everyone forgave me and life went on.

Let me smell your fingers ! That way I can see if your lying .:D
i once ate 160 wings on my motorcycle, does that count for anything?
fyi, i have a belt drive which makes it unpossible
i'm gonna go ahead and man-up, i lied

i only ate 149 wings.....and my belt is broken
ok, ok....the wings were pretty good.

but really there were only 50 of them.......and i don't have a video to confirm it
Dude, dont back to back post like that this much. To much man, to much.

^^^^^ yea it was too much , but it was subliminal ! I read it earlier and ended up going out and getting an order of 20 freakin ( nuclear ) chicken wings ! They were goooooood , but it's gonna hurt in the morning ! FIRE IN DA HOLE !
Dude, dont back to back post like that this much. To much man, to much.

^^^^^ yea it was too much , but it was subliminal ! I read it earlier and ended up going out and getting an order of 20 freakin ( nuclear ) chicken wings ! They were goooooood , but it's gonna hurt in the morning ! FIRE IN DA HOLE !
I would GLADLY take a nice little trip! Pick a Thursday evening leaving Newport News/Williamsburg Int'l airport and a trip back to the same place Sunday evening!

Sounds a bit expensive and a lot more effort then to just take a picture though [confused]. Ohh ya, that's right, your still waiting on the parts to arrive [smirk]

Here's why this stinks......

I'm not going back through all the different threads and comments, so these aren't direct quotes, but close enough to prove a point.

I installed ALL STOCK XB12 ENGINE PARTS and internals.

I have STOCK belt and rear sprocket.

Then, THE XB12 HAS A DIFFERENT CRANK (implying that was a secret to being able to get to those speeds which was a grasp at saving your self after you discovered we aren't fools and this is also an incorrect assumption that that would increase your top speed).

Then..... I spent over $6 in engine work (implying you've got none stock souped up internals), really??? what happened to all stock?? and..... if your making 300 hp and didn't change your primary, tranny, rev limit, or final drive ratio's, your top speed will STILL BE THE SAME, you'd just get there much quicker).

Your scapegoat would have been a custom primary set up. I questioned what you did and purposely left that option for you to "say" was the secret. Go back and read... it's there.... You missed it though apparently, or maybe I'm giving you too much credit in your engineering or mathematical abilities in knowing how mechanical things actually function?

Then...... you said no one had a GPS and why in the world would you need it with 6 guys all "cruising" 160 and having the same speedo readings. BUT YOUR "BUDDY" (read: Alto Ego) ****** THAT UP and said he used a GPS when you fools made the 160 cruise. D'oh!!!

Then, all of a sudden it hit you.... WOW, these guys know what they are talking about. I didn't realize these bikes' top speed was gear limited and NOT POWER limited. I feel like a fool, how can I still pull this off?? So.... you back peddled and went with the "I have a chain drive" and went with that as being your big secret. But you made another mistake.... you asked how to set up a proper tension pulley system. So you've had this "chain conversion" already and did 160 on it without a tensioning system???

And that is why your being called out. Much like how the picture of all your buddies bike being claimed as yours was called out.

Save face and admit the BS, finish your chain conversion, use a GPS and make a vid, make everyone happy and not look like a total fool, because right now you do.

We were all young and told "Big Fish" stories before, you've just got caught because you've made several mistakes and admittances and forgot you said these things. Unfortunately if this was an oral argument the other party or parties couldn't have your actual WRITTEN TEXT to disprove your claims.

Still want to do battle of the wits deny truth/lies?

squidBuellie, HA! very true.

I didn't want to get into this, but no one on the argument side pointed out the inconsistencies and just how many there were.

Enough time has past and I'm guessing more time will still pass for him to order a chain and sprocket set, set it up correctly and get to that claimed high speed.

If anything, hey... he learned what it takes to get to that speed from this forum via this thread no?

Maybe he is an evil genius and knows some black magic and is still hiding a secret? I'll be the first to praise him if that gets out.
