lmao.. ha ha ha......i put a shaft drive on mine and the motor is stock but i moved the rev limit up to eleven and a half and it really puts out it does 274 on the gps this one time i was doing a wheelie cruising at 160 and this guy on a hiyabusa was gonna come on by me and i was like hellz to the no and had to put her down and i just sat up in the wind like i was chillin that hiyabusa could only do 205 and then i turned around backwards on my tank and did a wheelie off in to the sunset...
The good thing is he dosen't care what everybody thinks but he's quick to insult anyone that doubts his "SUPER BUELL ". it seems to me he does care but just can't prove his B.S ! it sucks to be called out.He made a bunch of stupid **** up, isn't mechanically inclined or understands physics enough to understand the physics behind it (any Monkey can turn a wrench), got called out (wow, did he think we were all idiots??)
Just get another ID and start over dude. And don't be such a douche this time.
now squidbuellie, your giving him more credit then he deserveswhen most simple people with a little brains
WALLS [up]it sucks to be called out.