Buell Top Speed :-)

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Not yet, I probably won't have a vid until sun. The weather is gonna be ****** all week and my bike is hopefully going to be at ebr so they can put a second o2 señor in my bike. But I'll take a pic of my chain drive
nope its so classified that everytime I even think about posting a pic or vid the Gov. shuts down my computer........so far this is the only pic I have been able to get posted


and I cant seem to figure out why the bike looks so small in the pic.
my bike is hopefully going to be at ebr so they can put a second o2 señor in my bike.

You know, for someone who claims to fix a ton of bikes every year, it's kind of silly that you need to take your bike to EBR for a second O2 sensor.

I think some dudes are still waiting for the pics of your chain drive setup.

I'm still giving you the benefit of the doubt. I hope you're able to furnish proof to back up all this talk. It would be exciting to see someone able to reach that sort of speed milestone on an XB.
Nothing is so fatiguIng as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task . Why all the procrastination of proving your "Super Buells " feat ?
wow I read about this topic on iman's facebook so I had too look and I must say there is a lot of talk and I see no proof on here. I call BS on this. No video, no talk about what was done for this bike to do this speed. Don't get me wrong I do believe it is possible to get a xb to go this speed but clearly from the pictures that are posted that bike does not have it done. On top of that if it was geared to do 160 (which it is clearly not according to the pictures on here) it would take a while for it to get to this claimed 160 so much so that those il4 bikes that he claims to be cruising at 160 with would have been there way before he was and he would not have been cruising along side them. I might have belived all of this if there was A. a XBrr engine and a buell race swingarm on the bike but there isn't so once again I call BS.
I don't have a welder or sand blaster sorry. And their installing it where it needs to me, and putting it on the dyno.
I didnt understand what "installing it where it needs to me" means, or did you mean "be".. sorry. Im under the influence of herbs.
alot of pushing and no farting going on here huh !!!

I was pushing pretty hard and it started as a small fart here and there but soon turned into full fledged turd fest. Damn gas station buritos........
   Damn gas station buritos........
Ever have an Allsups buritto ? Try it with a Dr.pepper and some Mentos and you'll be blowing turbo charged toots for hours !!!
I was out doin 160 around some curves the other day and got this great pic. Hope you guys enjoy. I also wore my cycling cap for added head protection! Check out how close my knee is to that can.. 160 ALL DAY FTW!!!!!
