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That same chopper chased me around my back yard last night........I killed it with a hotdog and 2 smores. im in the process of adding the parts from it to my blast12rGsxrfordchevy hybrid. Im also installing a on board bowll for the salsa....It will be molded into the rear pilion cover so I car chow down while pulling off my recliner moves.
You better make the seat a toilet because with all that bad-ass power you'll be shitting yourself
Thats what depends are for......I couldnt bear the thought of **** stains on this bad ass peice of work.
Chill with the blinker fluid cracks..........that stuff is great for polishing the kunuter valve.
Yea but if you had the on-board ******* you could have methane assist, I'm sure that would give 3 to 4 hundred more horse
Good thinking....... I will move the bowl to the airbox cover and use the rear seat as the *******. I will used 70"s style outboard shocks so I can open up the under seat area for my methane holding tank.
you may wanna equip your custom bike with a small blender or food processor if you are going to use salsa, unless you want it to run and get plugged up with the chunks.. creating spastic performance.
lmao fletcher !! sexy bike to and ill be coming up real fast on post counts lol and for anyone confused eric is erik yeah ill typ your a dick like your a dick or your a dik or your a dikk it dont matter want his phone number to ..... thats right yall cant figure out the number things
Ive cotracted out the airbox cover to rubbermaid......They are good at keeping spills to a minimum and at keeping things fresh.
hahaha omgsh! i was expecting a video, with all the added pages to this forum since this morning, but instead i just get to read about the worlds best sounding motorcycle!

Hell if you add in a pillow someplace you would never have to leave the bike! you can eat, ****, and sleep on it!

but yea its monday.....no current pictures or videos....o well, freaks bike sounds more interesting anyway!!!
I now leave the world in suspense with my not so secret project thats set to release sometime in the distant future. My methane holding tank needs a reworking.......turns out corn and peanuts are damaging to the system. Im thinking of adding a screen to the opening.
I am wanting to make one of these to run off corn, peanut, and other veg- oils (Diesel) probably a 1.5 or 1.6 vw. There is one that is getting like 250 mpgs it the X3 kit but it looks sort of lame, I going with something like this or the atom design which would be lower insurance having 4 wheels but less mpg.

will you have any for sale or is this just a 1 of 1 cause salsa on a bike while riding with Apache parts and goodies like that i would buy one and totally but a flushable toilet that drains into your muffler tip so when i rev it up and dump it ***** on vehicle i race !!
This thing is so badd asss I will only be making one.
I have decided to go back to stock though......

Custom bikes are just so hard to keep running....I will just stick to what Erik made us.....seems to be doing good so far.